
Monthly Horoscope: Virgo, November 2023

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Virgo!

Scorpio season connects you to your inner voice as the sun transits your chart’s house of communication. Your skills and ideas are highlighted!

You may feel ready to branch out or share your perspective as the sun faces off with Jupiter, the planet of philosophy, on November 3, revealing a worldview and outlook. Also on that day, you may be dealing with misunderstandings or confusion in your relationships as Venus faces off with Neptune. Fantasies or romantic ideations are realized.


The planet of boundaries and maturity, Saturn, ends its retrograde in your chart’s relationships sector on November 4, emphasizing themes of interpersonal responsibilities and healthy boundaries. Silence or alone time may be in order. You might feel pushed to communicate in a way you normally wouldn’t as your planetary ruler, Mercury, faces off with Uranus, the planet of surprises, also on November 4. In the face of chaos or unusual circumstances, you may be called to say or think in a way that feels out of step with your typical thought pattern.

Your desires intensify as love planet Venus harmonizes with power planet Pluto on November 6. Intimacy and trust in your romantic and platonic relationships grow deeper, perhaps by working through feelings of jealousy, possessiveness, or manipulation. Expressing your feelings, even nonverbally or artistically, flows as Mercury harmonizes with sensitive Neptune that same day. This is a time to have a heart-to-heart and connect on an emotional level, though little details may get lost in the ether.


On November 8, Venus, the planet of love and harmony, enters your chart’s house of personal resources, improving your relationship to the material world and the social connections that put money in your wallet. Secrets and affairs are explored as Mercury connects with Pluto, the planet of taboo, also on November 8. Words can be like deadly weapons, so choose them wisely.

Mercury changes signs, entering your chart’s house of home and family, on November 10. From a private, quiet place, you can consider the bigger picture. You might be interested in studying or digging through archives during this period. Confrontation takes place as Mercury clashes with serious Saturn on November 10, pushing you to address the elephant in the room. You may deal with rejection or failure that requires you to change your approach.

Challenging astrology on November 11 occurs as Mars and Uranus face off across your chart’s axis of communication. Conversations and correspondences can put you under pressure, needing to react. To avoid burnout, find a way to take breaks, stall, or de-escalate. You might be acting out as the sun faces off with Uranus on November 13, encouraging rebelliousness, experimentation, or esoteric and weird ideas. Find some time to quiet your mind, listen to yourself, or dump your ideas onto a page as the new moon in Scorpio also falls on November 13. You can take time to figure out the best response, instead of jumping to a dramatic reaction as the new moon meets with Mars and faces off with Uranus.


Consider how to invest in your happiness as Mercury connects with Venus on November 15. You can make plans to set aside time or money to support your wellbeing, self-esteem, and resting space. Decorating your home or body can help you feel like a sweeter version of yourself. You can convince others of your vision as Mars and the sun harmonize with Neptune on November 17, bringing a dazzling, magical vibe that works in your favor. You can get people on board with your ideas and missions, and improvisation and intuition are working favorably!

A new contract, written or unspoken, begins as the sun meets action planet Mars on November 18. This can bring a new undertaking, or perhaps new mysteries and hypotheses to probe and understand. Your scientific mind is reinvigorated! Look out for conspiratorial thinking or paranoia as the sun connects with power planet Pluto on November 20. This can reveal secrets or make you even more skeptical than usual. You might be more determined or hard-headed as Mars also connects with Pluto on November 21. If you think you’re being too harsh, you can always ask someone for a fact check or second opinion.

The sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, illuminating your chart’s house of home and family. This is an ultimate cozy, curled up next to the fireplace with a book vibe. This place in the chart is also associated with endings, so consider what you want to wrap up this year! What is ending, and what is being initiated? As the sun clashes with Saturn on November 23, a light is shined on things that need to end, bringing a reality check.

Your energy changes as action planet Mars enters spirited Sagittarius on November 24. Multitasking is a quality of Virgo, but Sagittarius, the sign of the archer, asks that you locate a target, and head in its general direction. As long as your efforts share a common thread and a sprinkle of happy thoughts, you’ll make it! Having multiple plans and being happy with plural outcomes can help you stay flexible as Mars clashes with Saturn on November 25, requiring a sustained effort that only the brave can provide. These targets are slippery, and hard to pin down. Multiple attempts will be necessary, and a lot will be learned in the process.

As Mercury clashes with dreamy Neptune on November 27, clarifications are made. Please repeat yourself, and repeat back what you hear, to be sure you’re getting it right. This is also good astrological weather for comedy. The full moon in Gemini also lands on November 27, and key information is revealed. This illuminates your chart’s house of legacy and public reputation; something important and highly visible is coming into existence now. Look out for emotional reactivity and hot arguments as the full moon faces off with passionate Mars—patience is necessary!

Good luck Virgo, and see you in December!