
Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn, April 2023

Welcome to Aries season, dear Capricorn!

The sun in Aries illuminates the home and family sector of your chart, finding you eager to get cozy at home, cuddle up with loved ones, and reminisce about the past. Or perhaps you’re moving, planning renovations, or addressing concerns with family or housemates. You might be engaged in your spiritual practice, too. This is a fantastic time of year for Capricorns to donate items they no longer need and energetically cleanse their homes. 


Messenger planet Mercury enters fellow earth sign Taurus on April 3, activating the sector of your chart that rules romance, creativity, and fun! A love letter or invitation to an exciting celebration may arrive. A boost in communication takes place in your love life and creative pursuits. Mercury also squares off with Pluto in Aquarius on April 3, which could find you having a juicy discussion about money! Some power struggles might also take place, and if you feel like someone is being manipulative or dishonest, you may need to call them out. A much more solid energy helps communication as Mercury connects with your ruling planet Saturn in Pisces on April 5: A strong sense of focus, maturity, and responsibility is in the air. This could be a great time for making plans with romantic partners and creative collaborators. 

The full moon in Libra takes place on April 6, bringing your attention to your career. Aries season is about home and family for you, but Libra lights up the sector of your chart that rules fame and fortune, shifting your focus to your life in the public eye during the full moon. Full moons are all about creating balance, especially in the sign of the scales, Libra. Creating a healthier work-life balance is a big theme for you at this time. Full moons are also all about release and change! You may be achieving something big, making an important announcement, ending a project, or embarking on a new goal. 


Venus in Taurus connects with Neptune in Pisces on April 7, inspiring a hugely romantic and whimsical atmosphere! An inspiring message or love note may come your way. You and a crush could fall in love! If you’re already in love with someone, a sparkling reconnection could take place. This is a powerful time to explore shared fantasies. Creative breakthroughs could also arise. A party, celebration, or festival can find you feeling totally transported! Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow on this day, which means that some of the plans and discussions that take place between now and April 21 may be revisited and reworked once the retrograde begins.

Mercury connects with Mars in Cancer on April 8, stirring up excitement in your relationships! Discussions could be moving along quickly. Venus enters Gemini on April 11, perhaps finding you inspired to update your beauty routine or wardrobe. Beauty and charm appear in the most mundane, unexpected places at this time. Things flow easily at work and in your schedule. Finding helpers could also be especially easy. A big financial win could also take place as Venus mingles with Pluto on this day! Valuable gifts are shared. The sun meets Jupiter in Aries on April 11, inspiring an easygoing, optimistic atmosphere. The energy at home feels open and abundant! Venus squares off with Saturn on April 14, finding you setting important boundaries around communication and availability.


The solar eclipse in Aries takes place on April 20, which may find you making radical changes at home and in your personal life. You might be moving or rearranging your space. You may be reconnecting with family or setting better boundaries between your personal and public lives. Themes like security, comfort, and privacy ar on your mind in a big way. Things feel as if they’re happening suddenly, but the changes that take place feel necessary, like you’re being put on the right path. The sun also enters Tauru and squares off with Pluto: The sun in Taurus bodes well for your love life and creative endeavors, and its square to Pluto can find you making some important changes to where you invest your time, energy, and money. You may find yourself navigating power struggles with people who have big egos. People who have a hard time letting go of the past may find this to be a difficult period of the month! However, being open to change can inspire brilliant transformations.

Mercury retrograde begins in Taurus on April 21, which could find you revisiting something—or someone—you really love. An art project that had been put on the back burner may resurface. You could be reconnecting with a crush. If you’re in a partnership, you and your lover may be reconnecting and making more time for fun. Mercury retrograde is famous for miscommunications and delays, but it's a wonderful opportunity to simply slow down! Mercury retrograde will end on May 14, at which point communication speeds up and straightens out, and it clears its post-shadow period on June 1, when your attention turns to other things!

Mercury retrograde connects with Mars on April 23, which could find you revisiting discussions that took place around April 8. There may be an exciting reconnection with someone from your past! The sun mingles with Saturn on April 25, and despite Mercury retrograde, some solid communication occurs as the mood is productive and hardworking. Action planet Mars connects with wildcard Uranus in Taurus on April 29, perhaps finding you connecting with someone unexpected and energizing! Your partners might be surprising you, and their willingness to experiment can be inspiring at this time. 

Good luck this month, Capricorn, and see you in May!