
Monthly Horoscope: Libra, May 2023

Welcome to Taurus season, dear Libra! 

Taurus season can be a financially productive time as you and your partners work out issues regarding money and other shared resources. You could be setting debts, organizing your bills, or preparing for the year ahead in terms of taxes. But if financial issues freak you out, it’s possible that Taurus season can be a slog! So it’s a good time to work on your relationship with money if you need to. Taurus season can also be a powerful opportunity to connect with your partners in deep and intimate ways. Themes like trust and support are on your mind.


Pluto retrograde begins in fellow air sign Aquarius on May 1, which can find you experiencing big shifts in your love life and creative pursuits. Fears of change could be confronted in those arenas and intense feelings about a crush or lover could surface. This is a powerful moment to bond with a partner. In your artistic practice, you may feel like you want to rip up your work and start over again. Something about the act of destroying your past creative projects could be cathartic, but before you put your poems in the paper shredder, make some copies so you can revisit your work later! In general, the creative process can feel transformative for you at this time.

Mercury retrograde meets the sun in Taurus also on May 1, bringing an important realization about money, relationships, and shared resources. Your ruling planet Venus, now in Gemini, squares off with Neptune in Pisces on May 4, finding people feeling especially sensitive! Romance can grow, but so could disappointment, especially if scheduling difficulties have been getting in the way of enjoying your time with someone special. If someone hasn’t made enough effort to spend time with you, you might find yourself feeling especially disappointed now.


Remember that Mercury is retrograde, which is a time that astrologers describe as rife with misunderstandings and scheduling difficulties, and though that isn’t an excuse for flakey behavior, it’s possible that in some circumstances, scheduling disappointments aren’t a long-term issue and only frustrating for now. Emotions may be high, so take some time before jumping to conclusions or saying something you’re not fully committed to.

May 5 finds Venus aligning with Jupiter in Aries, plus there’s a lunar eclipse in Scorpio! Venus and Jupiter’s alignment bodes well for your relationships; you could connect with someone attractive and charming, or you and an established partner can enjoy a fresh start or reconnection. The lunar eclipse in Scorpio brings a shift to the way you deal with money; you could sell something of great value or rework your budget. Or maybe your emotional relationship with money will change. Whatever happens at this time, it’s likely to feel fated in some way, and it could be the end of your old way of dealing with finances. 

Your ruling planet Venus enters Cancer on May 7, activating the sector of your chart that rules your career, finding you feeling popular and perhaps winning exciting rewards! In your love life, you may find yourself in the spotlight with your partner, or reconsidering whether you’ve chosen the right partner to share the spotlight. Success and security are important themes to you in your love life at this time.


The Astrology of Corecore

The sun meets Uranus in Taurus on May 9, finding you in a risk taking mood—but it would be wise to think things through if they affect your finances, or impact your debt or shared money! Mercury retrograde connects with Saturn in Pisces and Venus on May 12, finding you reworking project plans and reconnecting with past colleagues. Venus aligns with Saturn on May 13, creating a productive atmosphere for your work and responsibilities. Great strides can be made toward completing the projects you’re working on.

Mercury retrograde ends on May 14, and its post-shadow period ends on June 1: During this time, you can find that miscommunications and delays are finally clearing up. Mars in Cancer connects with Neptune on May 15, inspiring creativity and helping you take care of business swiftly and easily. Venus and Saturn’s alignment bodes well for completing projects, as does Mars and Neptune’s; this is a powerful opportunity to meet your goals.

Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, which could find you gaining access to a deep well of resources! Many things can be offered to you over the next year or so, but it would be wise to be careful about the gifts and help you accept. Be sure there aren’t strings attached! Jupiter squares off with Pluto in Aquarius on May 17, finding you seriously thinking over what’s actually important and meaningful to you. A big change could take place in your intimate relationships; a vulnerable conversation may be explored, and deep discussions about desire and the meaning of life are had. This is an intense period of bonding, though it could also be a time when excess is reigned in, which might be an adjustment if you’re used to free-for-alls in your finances or parties.


The sun connects with Neptune on May 18, inspiring creativity, and Mercury connects with Saturn on May 19, finding you thinking back to plans and projects that were discussed around May 12. You may be ready to move forward with an idea as details come together in a solid way. May 19 also brings the new moon in Taurus, marking a fresh start in your life regarding money, especially themes like debts, taxes, inheritances, or resources you share with other people. This also marks a new beginning in your relationships as you connect with partners in a deep and meaningful way! 

Mars enters Leo and opposes Pluto on May 20, which may find you contending with drama in your social life! Power struggles within your communities and groups could become apparent, and an issue may come to a head. In general, Mars in Leo bodes well for teamwork; you and a group of people could accomplish a lot together—but the opposition to Pluto means some important changes need to take place first. These necessary changes can be helped along by the sun entering Gemini on May 21. On this day, the sun makes a harmonious connection with Pluto, healing bruised egos and inspiring real change! 

The sun connects with Mars on May 22, which could bring exciting news your way! A travel opportunity may be explored. Tempers might be short as Mars squares off with Jupiter on May 23, but the mood is also productive. Your ruling planet Venus connects with Uranus on May 26, which may bring some unexpected help or resources. The sun squares off with Saturn on May 28, finding you rethinking your approach to your responsibilities, and setting new boundaries.

Good luck this month, Libra, and see you in June!