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Daily Horoscope: June 5, 2017

The Moon enters Water sign Scorpio today.

The Moon, in Libra, opposes Venus at 4:57 AM, stirring up sensitivities, and the Moon enters Scorpio at 6:46 AM, so definitely watch out for intense emotions early on today. The Moon connects with Mars at 7:51 AM, putting people in a productive mood.

All times EST.


The Moon enters Scorpio this morning, encouraging you to check in with your self-care routine. Have you gossiped enough lately? We all know gossip is key to a Gemini's health. Just kidding—take a walk and be sure to get enough sleep.


The Moon enters fellow Water sign Scorpio today. The atmosphere is sexy; it's a great day to flirt with your crush or make art.


The Moon enters mysterious Water sign Scorpio today, putting you in a private and spiritual state of mind. You're in the mood to share secrets and reconnect with the past.


The Moon enters psychic Water sign Scorpio today, illuminating the communication sector of your chart. It's time to look beneath the surface and get real about what's actually going on.


The Moon leaves your sign today, and enters Water sign Scorpio, encouraging you to reflect on self-worth, the value of your talents, and mundane things like finances. Ask to be spoiled today.


The Moon enters your sign today, encouraging you to connect with your emotional needs. You're great at pretending you don't have feelings, but we know the truth, little scorpion: You're emotional as hell!


The Moon enters sensitive Water sign Scorpio today, activating a very private sector of your chart. Catch up on rest and time alone today, Sagittarius—you need it.


The Moon enters Scorpio today, lighting up the friendship sector of your chart and putting you in the mood to connect with people. Only deep conversations will appeal to you today.


The Moon enters Water sign Scorpio today, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules career and popularity. You act like you don't care what other people think of you—but, really, Aquarius, how do you want to be seen by the world?


The Moon enters fellow Water sign Scorpio today, encouraging you to be brave and try something new. You're in a philosophical mood—call a friend you can get deep with.


The Moon enters Scorpio today, illuminating a very sexy, intimate sector of your chart. You're in the mood to get closer to someone.


Today the Moon enters sexy Scorpio, the sign opposite from you on the zodiac wheel. Expect your focus to be on relationships!

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