
Monthly Horoscope: Sagittarius, December 2023

Happy solar return, dear Sagittarius!

As the sun moves through your sign, Sagittarius, beginning November 22, you’re in the driver's seat! Your autonomy and vision shine even brighter.

The planet of trade and translation, Mercury, enters your chart’s house of personal resources on December 1. Make sure you’re keeping your receipts organized, since the upcoming Mercury retrograde can be about refunds and returns. Negotiation and bartering is a process that requires patience. You’ll have three chances to perfect any long-term investments of your time or money as Mercury connects with serious Saturn on December 2. This aspect will take place again on December 21, and one more time in January.


Feelings are revealed as Venus clashes with Pluto, the planet of secrets, on December 3, challenging power dynamics in social circles—this could include online relationships! Your role in your community and your relationship to your social network are highlighted.

Deeper feelings are explored as Venus enters purifying Scorpio on December 4, probing your unconscious mind and hidden desires! It’s psychological and brave. Connect, tenderly, with your deepest fears and shadiest secrets as Venus harmonizes with Saturn on December 5. Psychological and emotional stability flows.

Look out for confusion or a little embarrassment, even, as Neptune, the planet of illusions, ends its retrograde on December 6. This can remind you of different phases you’ve gone through in your life, and it could also bring magical vibes, since Neptune is a mystical planet! Your knowledge and skills are able to support your work as Mercury harmonizes with your planetary ruler Jupiter on December 7. Consider what skills could make your work more meaningful and increase your satisfaction with your job, and move forward with your education! This aspect will happen again on December 18.


Your dedication and loyalty feed into your relationships as Venus faces off with Jupiter on December 9. This can provide some relief from sticky or heavy feelings. Themes of self-esteem and fitting in come up as Venus connects with Mercury on December 11. You’re able to talk about self-worth and what you value. This can also be a financial aspect as you evaluate your worth within the context of a market.

The annual new moon in your sign, Sagittarius, falls on December 12, starting and ending a cycle in your personal life. Themes of your own identity, and how you relate to others, are changing. Welcome this new chapter in your life! Mercury retrograde begins on December 13 in earth sign Capricorn. Look out for delays in payments, shipments, or  miscommunications about budget. Try to be very clear about what you have and what you need in order to support yourself, and don’t fret if you have to repeat yourself.

The sun clashes with Neptune on December 16, which can symbolize a wake-up call for ways that you have been misguided or confused. This could even represent a change in your beliefs and vision of who you are and how you fit into your family and your family’s beliefs. Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter on December 18 for the second time (think back to December 7) and education is a process of trial and error. This aspect can help you refine your plans and reroute your chores.


You might have to figure out new ways of bringing harmony to your relationships in the face of detours or inconvenience as Venus faces off with Uranus on December 21. It might not be the most comfortable thing to talk about, but with some compassion and logic, you can overcome rockiness. Serious conversations from December 2 repeat themselves as Mercury connects with Saturn again on December 21. You’re thinking about the long-term. All of this falls on the same day as the winter solstice, so a vibe shift is unfolding and final changes are initiated. Being self-sufficient is highlighted on December 21.

You can invent and uncover new ways to support and sustain yourself as Mercury meets with the sun on December 22, igniting a promethean spark in your chart’s financial sector. You can figure out new avenues for cash flow or general resourcefulness. Mercury retrogrades back into your sign on December 23, so you’re better equipped to share your ideas, reiterate your stance, and crack some jokes.

You’re making peace with the end of the year as the sun connects with Saturn on December 24, making it easy to accept endings. You’re able to gently handle rejections, failures, or shortcomings, and use those experiences as sources of wisdom. There’s some magic in the air on December 25 as Venus and Neptune harmonize. This is helpful for forgiving grudges and moving forward into the new year. You can pick up on emotional undertones that other people can’t, as you’re more empathetic now.


Emo vibes arrive with the full moon in Cancer on December 27, which falls in a sector of your chart dealing with endings. You can find comfort in your trust for other people and their support. Also on December 27, Mercury clashes with Neptune, rehashing confusing topics and misunderstandings that were discussed around November 27. Also on December 27, the sun harmonizes with Jupiter, encouraging you to feel optimistic about your work and the way that your daily habits support you. Your mind is like a weapon as Mercury meets with Mars, also on this day. You can lead an army, but be careful with aggressive language—people are feeling sensitive and easily embarrassed under this full moon.

Your ability to think on your toes and stay flexible will help you find workarounds as Mars clashes with Neptune on December 28. Improvisational activities can bring beautiful and otherworldly forms into being!

Love planet Venus connects with power planet Pluto, intensifying relationships on December 29. Venus enters your sign on December 29, blessing you with more sparkle, flair, and beauty! Your own relationship with yourself improves under this transit.

Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, ends its retrograde on December 30, bringing a moment where you can pause and think about your lifestyle, your work, and your health. How you materially support yourself on a day-to-day basis is emphasized as this planet appears to stand still in the sky, which can inform your new year's resolution.

Good luck, Sagittarius, and see you next month!