This story is over 5 years old.


Current Laments: Jerry Sandusky and Call Me Maybe

The zombie-apocalypse-mashup equivalent of newscaster blather, sensationalized soundbites, and sleazebags who should know better.

Behold the "pilot" episode of VICE's new series Current Laments, the zombie-apocalypse-mashup equivalent of newscaster blather, sensationalized soundbites, and sleazebags who should know better. In more laymanish terms, Current Laments is the hammer that VICE is dropping on the whack-a-mole existence of the po-faced peddlers and pundits of the 24-hour news cycle. It is the mutant brainchild of one Nick denBoer, an animator, artist, and slightly deranged but still all-around good guy who is also responsible for NewsHit and the website-cum-night-terror known as Smearballs.