Sagittarius, October 2016


This story is over 5 years old.


Sagittarius, October 2016

October is a super social month, Sagittarius, but be sure to make time for yourself!

October opens with the Sun in lovely Libra, a charming and social Air sign that symbolizes balance and fairness. You're all about fairness, Sagittarius, but balance is something you're not so good at. You take everything to extremes—you party hard, love hard, and work hard. So how can you find balance? It's helpful for you to have friends or to be in communities that encourage you to chill out and stay on the right track. Building this sort of circle around yourself is a great way to use the Sun in Libra's energy!


Mark October 5 in your calendar as a day you should watch out for being over-the-top. This is thanks to Jupiter (your ruling planet!) being squared by Mars. Warrior Mars heats things up, while jolly Jupiter expands and exaggerates—and a square means tension! This is an explosive day for sure, and it will likely bring a big turning point in your friendships. In addition, issues around cash, worthiness, and even self-esteem or fitting in may come up for you today.

Feeling the need to "talk it out"? Go for it: On October 7, the planet of information and communication, Mercury, enters Libra, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules friendship. This is also the part of your chart that contains your hopes and dreams for the future, so Mercury in Libra will be wonderfully supportive for you as you plot and plan how to get ahead and meet your goals.

Watch out for big news on October 11, when Mercury meets Jupiter in Libra. Everything is big when it comes to Jupiter, so prepared to have your world rocked. But also prepare for some exaggerations or for an overly optimistic vibe. Can you believe everything you hear today? No, but you can believe in the people who are interacting with you—everyone's doing their best and trying to be cooperative.

You're all about fairness, Sagittarius, but balance is something you're not so good at.

October 16 brings the full moon in fellow Fire sign Aries! Full moons bring drama, and this one is no exception. This full moon is lighting up the sector of your chart that rules romance and dating, so expect things to get heated on that front. You'll see your relationships in a new light, and if tension has been building up between you and someone you like, this full moon will bring things to a climax. This is an exciting full moon to party under, but if you're not in the mood to go out, definitely break out your art supplies. If you haven't picked up your camera or your guitar in a while, now is an amazing time to get back into the habit of creating art. The full moon in Aries will send buckets of inspiration your way.


On October 18, sexy Venus enters your sign! Seductive Venus's entrance into your sign will make you feel attractive and flirty. People won't be able to resist you, and whether you are flirting with someone or trying to land a promotion, your charm will be undeniable.

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22 and Mercury enters Scorpio on October 24, lighting up the part of your chart that rules rest and solitude. The first part of the month is busy as hell in your social sphere, so taking some time alone to unwind will feel really good. Scorpio is a sensitive, emotional Water sign, and you, too, will be feeling weepy if you don't catch up on alone time and sleep! In addition, Scorpio is one of the most mysterious signs in the zodiac; this energy will rub off on you, so expect to feel a little more private than usual.

On October 25, Venus (in your sign!) will challenge hazy Neptune in Pisces, which will bring some confusion to your life. Venus rules all the good stuff: love, money, beauty, and peace. So, when it clashes with Neptune, all of these wonderful things tend to elude us—or worse, we end up naively believing in fantasies we've made up about love, our worth, or money.

If tension has been building up between you and someone you like, the October 16 full moon will bring things to a climax.

If there's a physical feature of yours you've been fixating on, Venus and Neptune could make you feel like it's a way bigger deal than it actually is. A crush could frustrate you through mixed messages today, and you may jump to conclusions as a result: that they're in love with you or that they can't stand you. This also isn't a great day to go shopping—I know you really believe you need that random kitchen appliance, but you probably don't.

Stay grounded, Sagittarius, and remember that if something feels too good to be true, then it probably isn't. Be careful about whom you let close to you—you're so generous, but not everyone deserves to be treated like family. There's no reason to be paranoid or fearful at this time. Just be savvy, and don't place any bets.

The next day, October 26, brings easier energy around these Venus-ruled issues, thanks to Venus connecting with Jupiter in Libra. Spend time with friends who get you today; they'll be able to lift you up. "Fake it till you make it" is a motto that will also work for you at this time!

The month wraps up with a new moon in Scorpio on October 30! Magical, mysterious Scorpio occupies a very psychic, sensitive sector of your chart. This is a wonderful new moon for doing magic or strengthening your intuitive abilities. Your dreams will be very powerful at this time, so be sure to keep a journal by your bed and record them in the morning—they'll contain important messages. Hidden secrets could also surface, and this is a beautiful time to let go of the past and process old emotions.

Also, definitely catch up on rest, Sagittarius! The next new moon, after this one in Scorpio, will be on November 29 and in your sign—you'll need all the energy you can muster! See you next month, Sag!