
Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn, November 2023

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Capricorn!

It might be easy to get carried away with celebration as the sun faces off with Jupiter on November 3. There’s tension between what you think you should be doing and what you actually need to do. What you believe about creativity, romantic relationships, or perhaps child rearing, shifts as Venus faces off with Neptune, the planet of beliefs, on November 3. November begins with the delicate balance of being practical and idealistic. As much as a Saturnian sign like Capricorn wants to fall in line, your own reality speaks louder than what’s trendy or popular.


Your planetary ruler Saturn ends its retrograde on November 4, bringing more regular structure and discipline into your life. Papers that were lost in the shuffle of bureaucracy are coming in order, but not without some drama. Also on November 4, messenger Mercury faces off with Uranus, the planet of disruption. Surprise messages or information require you to choose your words wisely. Before you react—or post—consider your employers or employees. 

You may be gaining someone’s trust as love planet Venus harmonizes with magnetic Pluto on  November 6, deepening intimacy. This is a powerful date for love and romance. Empathetic, sentimental conversation flows as Mercury harmonizes with Neptune that same day and it’s easy to talk about the future and dream about changing the world with the power of love and imagination.

Venus moves to the highest place in your chart, bringing harmony to your career and reputation, on November 8. Your relationship to the public is something to consider this month: How do you reach those you want to contact? Is it possible for headhunters or fans to find you? Your power of determination shines as Mercury connects with Pluto that same day, giving your words extra weight and force. Remember to be gentle.

You can connect to your unconscious mind as messenger Mercury moves into a secluded, cloistered, spiritual sector of your chart on November 10. Keep track of where your thoughts wander when you’re asleep and when you immediately wake up. Dream symbols and interpretation can provide insights to your deeper emotional state. Your unique perspective comes into use as Mercury squares off with Saturn, also on November 10. There’s a heavy mental atmosphere that your vantage point can lighten.


You might be feeling a little overwhelmed by your social sphere as Mars faces off with Uranus on November 11. It’s a perfect recipe for burnout, or needing to manage strong emotional reactions. Take care to keep things simple. Consider learning some deescalation tactics, or when to see yourself out of tumultuous social situations.

There’s an emboldened and audacious vibe as the sun faces off with Uranus on November 13, putting you in the mood to try new approaches to your life goals. The new moon falls in your chart’s house of hopes and dreams, which is a good time to consider your plan and your backup plan. The new moon meets Mars and faces off with Uranus, which might stir up emotional reactivity. There may be a moment of silence to feel loss or even peace. Wishes that you thought were impossible can come true in ways that you didn’t expect!

Connect with your feelings concerning your goals as Mercury meets Venus on November 15. This can put you in touch with teammates, friends, or people in your network who open up new avenues to accomplish your mission. Wishes and visions emerge and come into view as Mars and the sun harmonize with Neptune on November 17. Going with the flow and improvising are our strengths now.

A new cycle of ambition and motivation begins as the sun meets action planet Mars in your chart’s house of hopes and dreams on November 18. Family, colleagues, and community members can come together to help you push the rock up the hill! Your powers of magnetism and leadership shine as the sun connects with Pluto on November 20. You’re willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals as Mars connects with Pluto on November 21.

After a period of early-Autumn hustle, the sun enters a quiet and restful sector of your chart from November 22. Where do you see yourself next year, both spiritually and physically? This is a period for tying up loose ends and catching up with yourself. It’s a time to examine your conscience and reflect on the past year and decide how you want to move forward with the next one.

Conversations about privacy come up as the sun clashes with your planetary ruler Saturn on November 23. You may feel compelled to clear the air or address some taboo topics. Mars is in your chart’s house of public service beginning November 24, signifying a time to do some good in the world. You may open up your home or space to people in your community. Surrendering your space and time to trustworthy people is a good deed, plus you’ll know how to put a cap on it! Mars clashes with Saturn, the planet of boundaries, on November 25, so you can be assertive about your capacity. This aspect signifies a sustained effort, which can be tiresome or invigorating, like a long distance marathon. Energy is limited, so don’t be shy about your ability.

At the end of the month it’s difficult to get clarity, but we’re grasping for it anyway! As Mercury clashes with Neptune on November 27, confusion drives us to finding laughter and funny ways of looking at things. The full moon in Gemini also falls on November 27, illuminating your chart’s house of health and routine. This can bring work projects to completion, or give you more information about your own wellness. Lively political discussions unfold as the full moon faces off with passionate Mars. Have patience with others as we try to figure things out.

Good luck Capricorn, and see you in December!