This story is over 5 years old.


Dennis Rodman Tweets Photo of Kim Jong-un Wearing a Trump Hat

Yes. This is a thing that happened today. It's not a dream, this is the world we live in.

The world has gone irreparably, irreparably mad.

We've passed through the funhouse mirror and into a land of melting clocks so many times that our reality has become a kaleidoscopic jumble of things we knew to be separate and unholy. The easiest example, sure, is that the concept that Donald Trump would be our president—a dystopia set out by The Simpsons in 2000. This is enough of a mind-bender.

But to imagine that one day—namely, today—the lip-pierced, tattooed, and dyed 437-ways-til-Sunday former NBA star Dennis Rodman would be trying to broker peace and play diplomat by way of photoshopped images of North Korea's leader wearing a hat that propagandizes President (yes, President) Donald Trump's racism… well, that is a real mind fuck.


Rodman has visited North Korea several times over the years, and has even met with Jong-un on several occasions. Rodman also appeared on President Trump's reality TV show The Apprentice, supported him during his campaign, and asked him to send him back to North Korea to try to broker peace. If you thought all that "irreparably, irreparably mad" business up there was hyperbole, go ahead and read those last two sentences over again and really digest it all. And then take one last look at that embedded tweet, why don't you?

Good? Good.

Now, for the love of God, and in the name of all things holy, just try to anchor a limb to something that still abides by the laws of gravity—before you're promptly sucked into the abyss.

This article originally appeared on VICE Sports.