
Monthly Horoscope: Taurus, November 2023

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Taurus!

Whatever’s going on in other people’s lives is affecting you more directly as the sun transits your chart’s house of relationships on October 23.

Personal freedom is a theme with transcendental Jupiter and rebellious Uranus both in Taurus. As the sun faces off with Jupiter on November 3, tension in relationships can reveal something fantastic. The tension between a need for clarity and definition in relationships can reveal something honest and hopeful about yourself. You might be seeing yourself through the looking glass since your planetary ruler Venus faces off with Neptune, the planet of illusions, on that same day. You’re not immune to being influenced, so start the month by surrounding yourself with people who inspire you.


More discipline returns as Saturn, the planet of limitations, ends its retrograde on November 4 in your chart’s house of hopes and dreams. Your vision for the future is pluralistic: You’re happy with it going many different ways, but you can still find a way to work with rolling deadlines and set aside tasks that aren’t part of your dream world. Conversations can escalate to unexpected places as Mercury faces off with Uranus: This can show up as a silly manner of speaking or unusual ideas, or someone blurting out something they wouldn’t admit under normal circumstances. Surprise!

Your planetary ruler, Venus, is in your chart’s house of leisure and pleasure from October 8 to November 8. Sensuality and connecting with the material world are intensified as Venus harmonizes with Pluto on November 6. Passion flows! This can deepen intimacy and transform relationships. Emotional conversations with partners or other relations open up as Mercury harmonizes with Neptune that same day. Nonverbal communication and abstract, poetic, or artistic expression are favored under this aspect. 

Venus changes signs on November 8, entering your chart’s house of lifestyle and routine, inviting pleasure and harmony to your day-to-day life. Relationships with coworkers, employees, and your own feelings about your job, are renewed. You’re looking for deeper meaning and reading deeply into people’s words as Mercury connects with Pluto that same day. Be careful what questions you ask—some things are better left taboo!


Mercury, the planet of trade and commerce, enters your chart’s house of shared resources from November 10. This can begin a period of applying for grants and scholarships, or organizing your tax documents. You can take on difficult tasks that require a lot of focus as Mercury clashes with serious Saturn that same day. Mercury in Sagittarius asks you to find your target, name it, and, as it clashes with Saturn, toil away at it!

Look out for peer pressure as Mars faces off with Uranus on November 11. With Mars in your chart’s house of relationships, partners or relations can be more assertive, which might be grounds for a surprise reaction. Consider how to protect your nervous system and brace your adrenals.

Your relationships show you who you are in all of your special glory, and bring you a unique perspective as the sun faces off with Uranus on November 13. A trustworthy person can encourage you to be yourself. Purity and authenticity in relationships is a theme of the new moon in Scorpio on November 13, which falls in your chart’s relationships sector. A fresh perspective on relationships, those that already exist or new ones coming into your life, can occur now. Strong emotional reactions or feelings of detachment and self-protection can tell you what you need and who you are.


Conversations run smoothly as Mercury connects with Venus on November 15. This could be a favorable time to ask about a raise or find funding for the work you do. This is also a creative aspect that benefits collaboration and more mundane parts of relationships like laundry and taxes. Your vision is being recognized as Mars and the sun harmonize with Neptune on November 17. Flexibility and improvisation are strengths. This is also a time when you can make your goals appeal to others by adding a little PR spin!

Whether you are single or married, a new cycle begins in your relationships as the sun meets with action planet Mars on November 18. Something important in a significant other’s life can transform where you live or how you see yourself. Deeper trust and intimacy can be built as the sun connects with power planet Pluto on November 20, strengthening your interpersonal bonds. Look out for tireless relationship dynamics as Mars also connects with Pluto on November 21—some things are not worth obsessing over.

Start thinking about your New Year's resolutions as the sun moves through a transformative sector of your chart from November 22. It's’ a time of joy, festivities, gifts, and sharing, but you could also do a little reflection to consider what you’d rather leave in 2023. What are you trying to shed and sacrifice? What would you like to change? Set your intentions, but don’t be so hard on yourself. A harsh reality check hits as the sun clashes with sobering Saturn on November 23. This awareness of limitations and standards could help form your resolutions. 

Collaborative efforts are favored as action planet Mars enters spirited Sagittarius from November 24. In order to move forward or make progress, ask for assistance from someone who has what you need! A strong, collaborative effort to address a longstanding issue is necessary to push through as Mars clashes with Saturn on November 25. These struggles are not for you to manage alone, and you can go much further together.

Look out for silly misunderstandings as Mercury clashes with Neptune on November 27. This can cause confusion, or it can be a good day to pull a clever prank. November 27 is the same day as a trickster full moon in Gemini, which illuminates your chart’s house of personal resources. Practical jokes are on the menu. Or you might be taking a closer look at your bank statement, making sure that you didn’t misunderstand or miss certain transactions. If you find that you have to cancel a random subscription, look out for incisive debates as the full moon faces off with passionate Mars. Feelings of jealousy or FOMO are best defeated with gratitude and friendship. Have patience as we all try to figure things out.

Good luck Taurus, and see you in December!