
Monthly Horoscope: Gemini, December 2023

Whose dream are you living in?

The relationship sector of your chart is activated during Sagittarius season. Your planetary ruler Mercury enters your chart’s house of shared resources on December 1, where it will retrograde later this month. A re-evaluation of your debts, taxes, or other contributions is in order. This area of your chart, which will be busy through the end of January, also relates to grants and scholarships.


You can make self-restraint and patience look easy Mercury connects with serious Saturn on December 2 and December 21, with one final pass in January. Connecting with an authority or seasoned mentor could give you stability. Learn from those who failed before you.

Love planet Venus clashes with Pluto on December 3, activating  themes of trust and intimacy in relationships. This may also bring up intense emotions around your romantic and social life.

Venus enters purifying Scorpio on December 4, connecting you with your health and routines. What you value in your relationships during this transit is more about lifestyle compatibility and honesty rather than grandeur. Stability and longevity in relationships are especially prioritized at the beginning of December as Venus harmonizes with Saturn on December 5. Your day-to-day relationships progress toward their end goal.

Neptune, the planet of illusions, ends its retrograde on December 6, stirring confusion about what you’re meant to be doing in this lifetime. Maybe forcing your dream is spiritually exhausting. You’re more attuned to myths and trends that you’ve been duped into.


Learning and teaching flow as Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter on December 7 and December 18, with one final pass in January, making it easy for you to have faith in the process. It’s in another person’s hands, but your participation is key to success. There can be satisfaction with your work and lifestyle as Venus faces off with Jupiter on December 9, bringing a sense of hope that your labor is not done in vain.

The positive vibes continue as Venus connects with Mercury on December 11. Ask for what makes your job more rewarding. You play a critical role, so you should make a case for what you want. Don’t sell yourself short—you are a key player and deserve to be compensated as such!

The Sagittarius new moon falls in your chart’s partnership sector on December 12, starting and ending a cycle in your relationships. This can mean a new connection is made, or maybe a current relationship is starting to evolve.

Mercury retrograde begins on December 13 in earth sign Capricorn, affecting your chart’s house of shared resources. Mercury retrograde is a time of delays and miscommunication, which gives grace for corrections and minds to change. There can be a re-evaluation of worth and value at this time.


The sun clashes with Neptune on December 16 and relationships are behaving in an idealistic way. You and another person share a vision, and take a step toward it. Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter on December 18 for the second time (the first on December 7), giving you another chance to participate—or consider your participation—in a shared effort to serve a greater purpose.

Venus faces off with Uranus, shaking up relationships on December 21. This can correspond with rockiness in your day-to-day or work relationships. One person has to be stable while confronting an accident or strange circumstance. Patience is tested, but you are equipped to be mature about things as your planetary ruler Mercury once again connects with Saturn on December 21. A strong awareness of circumstances and responsibilities might find you holding back or slowing your pace.

Final changes are initiated as Capricorn season begins on December 21. This gives you an honest look at endings, taboos, and intimacy as the sun begins its transit through a spooky but regenerative sector of your chart. A new cycle in knowledge begins as Mercury meets with the sun on December 22. The seeds for a reset or personal reinvention are planted.

Conversations about interpersonal dynamics come back around as Mercury retrogrades into Sagittarius on December 23. Look out for enthusiastic language and broad, moralizing generalizations. You see your responsibilities through the eyes of another as the sun connects with Saturn on December 24. This self-awareness can allow you to recognize how you might have missed the mark, giving you emotional intelligence and higher standards.


Healing, forgiving vibes are in the air as Venus harmonizes with Neptune on December 25. This can give you a moment to relax or enjoy the way life is flowing. Chores can feel peaceful, pleasant.

The full moon in Cancer lands on December 27, illuminating your chart’s house of personal resources. Regardless of what you have on your plate or in your wallet, you can feel like there is something to be grateful for. Make sure you are taking what is actually yours, or not accidentally stepping on someone’s toes, on December 27 as Mercury clashes with Neptune, rehashing confusing topics that were also discussed around November 27. It might be hard to reach a clear agreement or understanding, since there are conflicting perspectives.

Even if you can’t completely see eye-to-eye, goodwill flows on December 27 as the sun harmonizes with Jupiter, making it easy for you to have faith that things will work out. People are blunt and assertive as Mercury meets with Mars, also on December 27. A partner can call you into duty, and mobilize you to reach your goals.

Improvisation and flexibility are strengths as Mars clashes with Neptune on December 28. Your role takes on an inspired form based on direction from your relations. Who you feel you’re supposed to be is shaped by a combination of your relationships, their motivations, and the cultural zeitgeist.

Love planet Venus connects with power planet Pluto, intensifying relationships on December 29. The practical and mundane aspects of relationships function smoothly to create a sense of trust and intimacy.  Also on December 29, Venus changes signs, starting a new chapter in your relationships. This transit helps to align your partnerships with what you most value in relationships.

Morals and politics are emphasized as Jupiter retrograde ends on December 30—a day when the planet stands still in the sky. This emphasizes themes of your own spirituality and relationship to the collective unconscious or the unknown.

Good luck, Gemini, see you in December!