This story is over 5 years old.


I can write like Tim Key (less successful though)

We always bang on about Tim Key because he's one of the few not-dead comedians who can actually make anyone laugh. Alison at VBS thinks he's Jesus, so we got her to interview him about his new book, Instructions, Guidelines, Tutelage, Suggestions, Other Suggestions and Examples.

Vice: Hello Tim Key. I see they're letting you on TV more these days. How about that, eh? Not as much as your mate Tom Basden though, he's in Star Stories on Channel 4 and getting to show off his character acting every week.
Tim Key: The thing you have to know about Basden is that he is talented. He can do voices and faces that make him seem like another person. I cannot do that. So in a way I’m lucky to be on television at all.


You've done another book though, so let's talk about that. It's not so much a book as a collection of thoughts, the same as your debut, 25 Poems 12 Recipes and 32 Other Suggestions.
I’d probably want to try to argue that it is a book. I hope that isn’t being immodest. But yes, I did, at times, have to include some of my thoughts. I think a lot of it is very relevant (these days). On the first page, you've written in the top left "For Mother" and then on the second page, top left, "For Nina". This continues for a few pages. How do you feel about this disgusting waste of paper?
The way I was looking at it is that paper’s very thin so it doesn’t matter so much. I think if I was writing on leather or children’s skin, I would feel incredibly guilty. There’s so much paper flying about these days I may as well take my time with it a bit.

You have a two-page "spread" filled with the word START. Do you feel this is a bit gimmicky?
Again, necessary. It’s important they know it’s the start. It’s a disorienting book, so occasionally I have to shout (at them).

Is there space for another book that is similar?
I don’t think there is, no.

I am going to have a go at writing something in your style, because I'm not sure it takes that much talent. But, perhaps because it was your idea, you're a genius. How about this for a go:

How to make an apple crumble:

Apples/ cooking apples/ Bramley apples (all pref. green)
Crumbly bits (definitely not stones)


How do you feel about that?
I found that very evocative. You had me at "How". I’ve always been a fan of recipe books. I think you need to work a little bit on the method. But it’s good.

I'm not being rude, perhaps I'm just angling to ghostwrite your next book (or autobiography), seeing as I've tried to master your style (of putting things in brackets). I can't speak Russian though.
I’m loathe to have you ghostwrite it. I liked your stuff on apples. It was quite refreshing, but I think I’d like to be in control of my next book. I think it’s cleaner that way. Also, I think you might find being a ghostwriter a little unfulfilling. You seem to have your own ideas.

You're going to be busy now, seeing as you were nominated for a BAFTA and won the Perrier. Well done. What's next?
Well, the book. And then I’ve got a TV show coming out (with Mark Watson and Alex Horne) called We Need Answers (BBC4), which is a gameshow. Then a Christmas special of my radio show (All Bar Luke). And then I perform my show in Australia and then in London (in February). Also, I want to see The Road when it comes out. I loved the book.

Can you actually write me into the TV show? I can only do old ladies and I can't quite master the voice.
Obviously I’d have to look at the project as a whole and see if it was going to be improved by having a sassy journalist playing someone three times her age. It might change the tone too much. But I wouldn’t say it’s a straight "no".

Tell me how the book makes you feel in some words.
Well, I think it makes me feel like I’ve splurged out some of the crap that I have to put up with in my head. Now other people can deal with it too. It’s just what I was thinking at the time. It’s probably more useful for me than the public. But I like it. I think it’s fucking excellent.

Instructions, Guidelines, Tutelage, Suggestions, Other Suggestions and Examples is published by The Invisible Dot Ltd, and is out nowish.

Tim also has a website of sorts.