This story is over 5 years old.


Unity Floors Think You Should Give Women’s Golf a Chance

Half the band is missing but they’re not letting it get to them.

This month Unity Floors are playing our first Noisey presents show of 2014 in Sydney. We knew they’d just got back from New Zealand so it seemed like an opportune time to make some small talk and see what the guys have been up to. Turns out drummer Henry is still MIA after their tour, so assuming the best, it’s safe to say the guys have had a good start to the year. Hopefully they find him before our party, but for now we just called guitarist Gus.


Noisey: So you’ve just returned from New Zealand today?

Gus: I got back yesterday, Henry is still missing in action. I’m not too sure where he is.

Is he still in New Zealand?

I think so. I lost my phone the first day we were there, so I’ve been out of the loop.

That’s kind of worrying you’re not clear on the country he’s in.

I know that he booked a return flight so I know he’s coming back at some stage.

I see, well that’s okay. Is he partying?

Yeah, everyone’s partying over there. It’s party central in Wellington

Any good stories?

Ummm, it rained a lot.

That doesn’t sound like the party central you described.

No, we played at Camp a Low Hum which is a festival over there which was really good.

How long have you guys been kicking around together?

Yeah, we’ve been friends i think 10 years now.

Is Henry the party guy?

Well he works the hardest, and also parties the hardest.

Well that’s fair enough. Who’s the best traveller?

Henry is. This exact same thing happened last time. We went overseas last year and I ended up snapping and coming home early and he ended up staying there much similar to this situation.

Sounds like a good dude to have around, I always wonder if band mates get sick of each other.

No, no. We’re lifers. Friends for life.

That’s cute.

I hope so.

How did you meet?

We met when we were 17. We didn’t go to school together but hang at the same places after school.

Sorry, I keep asking questions about your relationship.


Well it’s Valentines Day.

That’s true. What are you both doing for valentine’s day?

My girlfriend’s band No Art are having their last ever show, so we’re going to go to that and hopefully maintain our emotions.

Hopefully Henry turns up.

Yeah I hope so.

I like your album name, Exotic Goldfish Blues. Is there a story behind it?

Yeah there is, it’s a bit of a weird story. We didn’t know what to call it. We were hanging out with some friends in England and we got a message from our friend Charles, who’s we didn’t know that well. He sent us this really funny email that said, “Hey I had this dream about you guys last and the three of us ran this pet store together and these guys came in and they robbed us so we chased after them”. It became a running joke for the tour and so we named our album Exotic Goldfish Blues to commemorate Charles weird dream.

It kind of works with the good energy and vibe of the music. I like it.

Yeah I think it makes about as much sense as the 7” we put out called Women’s Golf.

What’s the story there?

I was looking for a name and watching TV one morning and was like, “you know what, Women’s Golf. That’s the name”.

You like watching women’s golf?

It needs more coverage. The sport needs more support.

You’re a fan?

I’m a big fan.

We’re pretty confident Henry with turn up, in which case come check them out at our Noisey presents show at Goodgod Small Club on 26 February.