
Weekly Horoscope: March 22 - 28

There's a full moon in Libra this week.
Robin Eisenberg

Mars harmonizes with Saturn on Sunday, March 21, at 9:34 PM: Mars has been clashing with Saturn for almost 8 months, since July 2020, creating a sense of stalling and frustration, like we weren’t getting anywhere. Now Mars, the planet of action, makes a more helpful connection with Saturn, the planet of rules, helping us make incremental progress.

On Tuesday, March 23, the planet of communication, Mercury, clashes with aggressive Mars at 10:26 PM. This has been happening every month since the year began. Look out for arguments or simply a separation of ideas. People will need to find ways to agree to disagree.


Venus meets with the sun at 1:57 AM on Friday, March 26: When these two planets work together, we get more clarity around our desires. Truth in relationships and values are revealed. Trust is garnered. There is a respect for individuality and purpose. This completes a cycle that began on June 3, 2020.

More truths about relationships arrive with the full moon in Libra on Sunday, March 28, at 1:22 AM: This lunation requires us to balance the relationships that we cater to and our independence. People will be longing as the full moon faces off with Venus, and feeling like their responsibilities are isolating them as it harmonizes with Saturn. Commitment is needed.

All times ET.


There have been many delays in your life since last summer—not only with your larger goals, but how they are being funded or supported. Now you’re coming up with ideas to make things happen—even if it’s something small or incremental—as your planetary ruler Mars harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of longevity. There are messages coming up from dark corners as messenger Mercury clashes with Mars, asking you to make adjustments to make yourself less vulnerable. You’re fully aware of what you want as Venus, the planet of desires, meets with the sun. The full moon reveals something important about your relationships (not just the romantic ones), and asks for some balance.


You’re putting in a concerted effort to invest in your career goals as action planet Mars harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of longevity. While you were experiencing frustrations and feeling like you were hitting a wall, you’re now primed to make a step toward progress, even if it’s small. You have a better understanding of things that were not immediately apparent to you as the sun meets with your planetary ruler, Venus, giving you a new perspective on your deepest desires. The full moon brings work projects to completion, so you can sit back and reward yourself for all of the effort you’ve put in.



There’s finally a sense of resolution as action planet Mars harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of rules and restrictions. After many road blocks, you’re able to put in a stronger effort to chisel away at bureaucratic issues. There is a lot of excitement with your career as your planetary ruler, Mercury, clashes with Mars. You’re asking questions about your role and how it does, or doesn’t, fit with what you do. A change is taking place. The full moon in fellow air sign Libra brings you more fulfillment in your sexual, social, and creative life. This is a time to be grateful for your lovers and friends, and to see your creative projects finally realized.


Aries season finds you performing your very best as the sun lights up your chart’s sector of fame and visibility. You are being recognized, and ready to perform. With the planet of beauty and love, Venus, meeting with the sun, you’re able to attract better opportunities and positive attention. This is a good time to spruce up your resume or to reorganize your social media accounts. The full moon brings important things at home to culmination. This could bring about a need to move, or you may see how your home life and familial relationships are worthy of more of your attention right now.


You’ve been hitting walls when it comes to collaborative projects and your bigger goals for a while. Staying committed to your partners, respecting their personal boundaries and rules, created conflicts, but now there is some progress. Chasing your dreams is compatible with the long-term commitments you have with your partners. You’re finding a way to improve these commitments, or able to finally call it quits. You’re excited to express something that you haven’t had the courage to with the full moon in Libra. You’re able to put your best face forward, and have a nice spin on some challenging thoughts as the sun meets with Venus. You’re looking at your commitments with honesty and grace, and ready to let go of some ideas.



Over the past eight months or so, you’ve been frustrated with paperwork and scheduling—things have been moving slowly or not at all. Finally there is some forward motion or resolution as action planet Mars harmonizes with slow moving Saturn. You’re finding a solution to the time constraints or scheduling technicalities. You might need to come up with another idea, or change your plans, as Mercury clashes with Mars. You’re figuring out how to agree to disagree. The thing that matters most to you as the full moon illuminates your house of personal resources, is financial security, and how your relationships (professional or otherwise) can provide this for you.


The beginning of spring, Aries season, is all about relationships for you. You’re seeing how you are actually unified with other people, and the honest truth about your committed partnerships. These partnerships aren’t always romantic; in fact, rivalries and familial relationships are also on the table right now. As your planetary ruler Venus meets with the sun, you’re getting a very plain, honest look about your values in relationships, and if your ego is getting what it wants from your current commitments. The full moon in your sign is a time to reckon with what you want from the situation. It’s not always clear what you want, but now it’s going to be easier to be honest with yourself.


Things are finally moving forward after some long periods of scheduling delays and waiting on other people to get it together. Now that your planetary ruler Mars is in harmony with Saturn, the planet of longevity and commitments, things are starting to churn out, however privately. There are some impactful conversations taking place in your social and creative life as messenger Mercury clashes with Mars. This can lead to a passionate new idea, or just an argument that wants you to change dynamics in relationships. The full moon brings your attention to things lurking in the corners as you’re able to see what was previously hidden. This is a good opportunity to spend some time alone.



Your partners are finally able to act like they are committed as action planet Mars harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of responsibilities. They are answering to your terms and standards, and might even be challenging them, asking that you make some adjustments. Arguments can arise as Mercury clashes with Mars, aggravating memories that you’ve had from the past. Try your best to separate them from the present—it’s possible that these are different people that you’re dealing with, and not everyone is alike. The full moon in Libra is filled with drama and asks you to get clear on a rumor, or to lay down the law. You’re excited to share your concerns and get to know other peoples’ as well.


There’s some forward progress with your work and income as action planet Mars harmonizes with your planetary ruler, Saturn, the planet of the long-term. You put in an honest effort every day, and now it’s going to pay off. Or maybe you don’t, and you’ll see the consequences! You are radiating good vibes as sweet Venus meets with sun. You have something nice for the world to see. This is a good time to update your social media accounts or simply appreciate your accomplishments. The full moon echoes this sentiment as it lights up your house of fame and reputation: Reflect on your relationship to “success,” and release certain ideas that don’t suit you anymore.


Things that have been taking forever finally get some forward motion as action planet Mars harmonizes with your perfectionist planetary ruler, Saturn. Your friends, lovers, children, creative collaborators, all want to motivate you to finally make some improvements. The only thing stopping you is yourself. You’re resistant, but only because you know that good things take time. The full moon in fellow air sign Libra will ask that you release some of your writing, either through publishing or your school. It’s also going to find you reaching a culmination point in terms of your beliefs and ideas. This can be a time when a conversation reaches a climax and you’re generally realizing things.


Personal issues with your family, your mental health, and other topics that the public tends to not know much about, are progressing with improvements as action planet Mars harmonizes with Saturn. There are finally some resolutions to things that have been stuck in the mud. Now you are figuring out what you want to do, and what feels most comfortable. You’re excited to make some changes around your home or to speak up for yourself as communication planet Mercury (currently in your sign) squares off with Mars.  The full moon illuminates your chart’s financial axis, finding you comfortable asking for what you need. You’ll be able to see what other people have to offer, and know that you deserve it!

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