A Taurus sketchbook
Illustrations by Amanda Lanzone


This story is over 5 years old.


Weekly Horoscope: April 29 - May 5

Taurus season may be slow, but there's electricity in the air.

Although we broke through the fog of Mercury retrograde weeks ago, April closes with another retrograde. Saturn, the planet of rules and commitment, joins the retrograde ranks of Pluto and Jupiter on Monday at 8:55 PM. Taurus is a notoriously slow sign, but this week, Taurus season slows down even more. As Saturn literally slows down, responsibilities take a hard stop. Saturn retrograde is like a pop quiz that makes sure you’ve learned your lessons and are ready to reap the benefits of self-discipline. Chances are, you can answer the questions to this “pop quiz” in your sleep. Old lessons pop back in to remind you how much more mature you are now. With strict Saturn, obsessive Pluto, and philosophical Jupiter all retrograde, the rules become more bendable, which fits perfectly with the warm weather.


Midweek is primetime for content creation. Cerebral Mercury gently harmonizes with action planet Mars on Wednesday at 2:38 AM, presenting the opportunity to execute creative thinking. Mercury also clashes with Saturn a few hours later at 4:50 AM, giving these creative processes a critical edge.

This critical thinking leads to an uncovering of secrets through pointed, intentional study. Messenger Mercury goes on to square off with Pluto, the planet of the underworld, on Thursday at 5:49 PM, pulling the cat out of the bag. Talking about the first thing that comes to mind can expose the shadow side of things. Mercury then harmonizes with expansive Jupiter at 11:59 PM, putting things into perspective as we grow to understand our individual role within the bigger picture.

Movement towards a practical application of this newfound understanding is supported this weekend by a new moon in Taurus on Saturday at 6:46 PM. Use Taurus season to understand that the most meaningful results don’t pop up overnight, and you don’t have to overexert yourself to get them. Slow and steady (mind you, steady) win the race. Baby steps.

Although Taurus is slower than molasses, there is electricity in the air. This weekend is exciting. When Mars faces off with Jupiter on Sunday at 5:57 PM, it’s a riveting tête-à-tête. The vibe is playful, but hyper-competitive people should be sure to stay cool—if you don’t check yourself, then hubris will do its job.


All times EST


Taurus (April 19 - May 20)

There’s a new moon in your sign this weekend—are you ready, Taurus? Prepare to put your best foot forward as you take your first steps towards an emotionally fulfilling goal. Intention is the most important thing that matters for the new beginning offered around Saturday evening’s new moon. Trust yourself. Believe that you know what you need to be comfortable, materially stable, and spiritually fulfilled. Use this time to realign your philosophical values and beliefs with your life in a practical way. Figure out what you think is the best, most efficient way to apply your knowledge and share your ideas with the world—then you’ll be prepared to plant the first seed of whatever you want to see manifesting in your immediate environment.


Gemini (May 20 - June 21)

Although the energy is quieter during this weekend’s new moon in Taurus—which finds you making space to catch up on rest and relaxation—you’ll still get intellectual engagement this week. Around Thursday, you’re really into your community and larger friend circle, and encounter overwhelming expressions of their presence in your life. Thursday is a wonderful day for you to connect with your group. The ambitious ideas of others inspire you to go on a wild goose chase on or near Sunday. Others seem more competitive while you enjoy just gassing them up and watching them go. It’s a creative and playful week for you, Gemini. Have fun when you’re not too preoccupied with getting important beauty sleep.


Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You start the week off reviewing your commitments to others in a way that makes them sustainable in the long term. Tough love is still love. There are important conversations that take place to initiate an interpersonal regime shift midweek, as messenger Mercury squares off with both the planet of time, Saturn, and the planet of power, Pluto. Pick your words intentionally as you speak with brave authority on topics that affect your relationships—the structures of which are changing on a material level over the next year. These are daunting and serious topics to address, but there is a sense of optimism as Mercury harmonizes with lucky Jupiter. Your community comes through to support you during the new moon this weekend.


Leo (July 22 - August 23)

There are exciting developments in your work life this weekend, Leo. Even if you can’t see it yet, you can rest assured that you’re taking steps towards something authentic as the moon shines dark. There is a new moon on Saturday in your house of career and reputation, which supports your motion towards a position that prioritizes material stability through daily dedication. Hard work pays off, Leo, and you have what it takes to be recognized for it. Make time this weekend to go on dates with your lovers or friends. There are fun times to be had and playful, juicy drama to keep you entertained as action planet Mars faces off with bubbly Jupiter on Sunday.


Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

You are discovering new approaches to dating and friendship. Over the course of the next year, leading up to the exact Pluto/Saturn conjunction of 2020, how you find pleasure is being restructured. This week, you take steps towards accepting and discovering what actually makes you happy on a material level. Seeing the world through the eyes of another person can enrich your understanding of what truly makes you happy, as your flexible planetary ruler Mercury squares off with the sobering planet of commitments, Saturn. Find comfort in flux. The new moon this weekend invites you to align with your most authentic philosophy. Let’s be real, this is also your most profitable philosophy. It’s not a crime to seek higher ground.


Libra (September 22 - October 23)

Saturn retrograde begins Monday, calling your attention to your domestic commitments. Use the Saturn retrograde to check in on topics ranging from your parents to your rental contract. Your home life is being restructured as the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of 2020 draws nearer. This week brings you some more information about how other people play a part in your decision making. Your relationships inspire the ways you decide to conceptualize this material reinvention as communication planet Mercury squares off with Saturn and Pluto midweek, pushing you to make up your mind. Saturday’s new moon in Taurus asks whether you feel supported by your most personal and intimate relationships. There is great potential to substantially deepen an interpersonal connection.


Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)

This weekend begins a new chapter in your love life, Scorpio. Saturday’s new moon in Taurus is in your house of partnerships, inviting you to consider your standards, and opening up space for a thoughtful reevaluation and execution. Use the weekend to assess how other people in your life support your vision in a real, palpable way. Potential is only helpful as a creative fuel when the end goal is something you’re committed to. On Sunday, you’re more energized to share yourself with others as your planetary ruler Mars faces off with generous Jupiter. This sets the stage for an exciting game of give-and-take, like when someone gets a round of drinks or snacks, and then you up the ante.


Sagittarius (November 21 - December 21)

There’s a lot of positivity you can share with the world this week simply by expressing your most intuitive and fun ideas. When Mercury, the planet of the mind, creates a strong harmony with your optimistic planetary ruler Jupiter, you’re able to share whatever’s on your mind with ease. There’s nothing stopping you from seeing all sides of the picture and still knowing right from wrong. Even with your optimistic mindset, you’re able to keep reality in check. The new moon in Taurus this weekend supports a sturdy approach to your work and finances as you branch out into a new lifestyle. There’s an enticing friendly competition offered Sunday as Jupiter faces off with warrior Mars, triggering your inner philosopher.


Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Your planetary ruler Saturn, the planet of time and structure, turns retrograde this Monday. You work incredibly hard, generally, but have been going extra hard since Saturn came home to your sign in December 2017. Around the time when taskmaster Saturn’s retrograde begins, you reap the benefits of your self-discipline. This period when Saturn takes the bench, from now until August, can (thankfully) find you taking it easier on yourself. Loosen up your tie and give yourself more than 30 minutes for your lunch break, especially during Taurus season. This weekend’s new moon in Taurus gives you an opportunity to improve your perspective on what makes you happy, and what supports your happiness. How can you make time for joy?


Aquarius (January 19 - February 18)

Your classical planetary ruler Saturn begins its retrograde on Monday, giving you the space to reflect on the structures of your inner world. From now until August, there will be more flexibility as you take the liberty to address your mental health, in whatever ways you choose. Trust that you know what makes you feel supported and engaged. Near Monday, pay extra close attention to your inner voice and what you feel pulled towards intuitively. Wherever this leads you can help you to feel more supported and grounded. This weekend’s new moon in Taurus helps you take the initiative to feel more grounded either by energetically cleansing your home or getting in touch with your family. Your body is a temple, Aquarius.


Pisces (February 18 - March 20)

There are a lot of optimistic ideas about financing your dreams midweek as Mercury, the planet of the mind, harmonizes with your lucky planetary ruler Jupiter. Money flows out of your pockets as you invest in something to make yourself a more successful candidate in pursuing your most impossible ambitions. This weekend’s new moon in Taurus gives you a dose of reality as you ground your perspective in something more objective—seek the support of your community. Money makes the world go ‘round, so material stability is on the brain. On Sunday, your competitive side comes out as warrior Mars faces off with Jupiter. You have the upper hand in this situation, but you can avoid provoking aggression.


Aries (March 20 - April 19)

It’s time to loosen up your tie and reap the fruits of your labor, Aries. Taskmaster Saturn begins its retrograde on Monday. Since December 2017, Saturn has been in your house of career and reputation, finding you toiling your ass off as you put in the hard work to earn reputability and responsibility. What goes around comes around, and all of your self-discipline and hard work will speak for itself during this Saturn retrograde period, which lasts through August. This weekend’s Taurus new moon asks how you materially support yourself. You can come up with brilliant ideas on how to be more organized and efficient this week, through reading and written correspondence, on Wednesday and Sunday.

What's in the stars for you in April? Read your monthly horoscope here.

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