Illustration of a woman in pajamas laying on a bed filled with zodiac themed items
Illustration by Amanda Lanzone


This story is over 5 years old.


Daily Horoscopes: May 5, 2019

The moon enters Gemini today.

Can't get enough of your Broadly horoscopes? Join us for Cosmic Nights, a monthly dance party celebrating the sign of the season—think themed food, drinks, music, and magical surprises. Next up? A whimsical Gemini event in Brooklyn on April 27!

The moon in Taurus connects with Neptune at 2:03 AM and Saturn at 6:22 AM, inspiring a dreamy yet supportive energy, and we stand in a powerful place as the moon connects with Pluto at 11:10 AM, which bodes well for transformation. Mars opposes Jupiter at 5:57 PM—this is a juicy time to play truth or dare, especially as the moon enters Gemini, a curious and social air sign, at 11:40 PM.


All times EST.


Taurus (April 19 - May 20)

The moon enters Gemini, bringing your focus to finances—plus, Mars opposes Jupiter, which brings a dash of luck and excitement around money. A big boost in self-confidence arrives!


Gemini (May 20 - June 21)

Action planet Mars opposes Jupiter today, creating a competitive energy in your relationships—but it’ll likely be lots of fun! The moon enters your sign tonight, encouraging you to get in touch with your feelings.


Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Action planet Mars opposes Jupiter, creating a busy mood—but give yourself a break, if you feel like you need it! Don’t push yourself too hard, especially if you’re just trying to show off. The moon enters Gemini, boosting your intuitive abilities.


Leo (July 22 - August 23)

Mars opposes lucky planet Jupiter, bringing thrills our way! It’s an exciting time to connect with friends and lovers, and to have fun and dream big for the future. The moon enters Gemini, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules friendship.


Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

It’s an exciting day as Mars opposes Jupiter—you’re energized to make important changes, but don’t pressure yourself to take too much on. The moon enters Gemini, bringing rewards and recognition your way.


Libra (September 22 - October 23)

Fantastic movement is made towards getting the answers you need and expressing yourself, thanks to Mars’s opposition with Jupiter. The moon enters fellow air sign Gemini, inspiring you to try something new.


Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)

It’s a powerful day in your finances as Mars opposes Jupiter. A dash of luck comes your way—but don’t brag about it! Be humble. The moon enters Gemini, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules sex, death, and taxes.


Sagittarius (November 21 - December 21)

Action planet Mars opposes your ruling planet Jupiter, bringing an exciting energy to your relationships. Healthy competition is fun, but watch out for big egos! The moon enters Gemini, lighting up the relationship sector of your chart.


Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

You’re getting so much done with so little effort, Capricorn! A big boost in your intuitive abilities arrives—just don’t over-commit. The moon enters Gemini, encouraging you to get organized.


Aquarius (January 19 - February 18)

An uplifting, thrilling energy flows! It’s a sassy time in your love life. You’re networking with exciting people—just watch out for your competitive streak. The moon enters fellow air sign Gemini, bringing flirtatious vibes your way.


Pisces (February 18 - March 20)

You’re an especially energetic mood, ready to tackle all of your goals! Just try not to be too bossy at this time. The moon enters Gemini, illuminating the home and family sector of your chart.


Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Your ruling planet Mars opposes lucky Jupiter, bringing exciting conversations and opportunities your way. Just look before you leap! The moon enters Gemini, finding you in a chatty mood.

What's in the stars for you in April? Read your monthly horoscope here.

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