
  • Life Tips from an Ayatollah

    Ayatollah Rohani, the youngest Shia to every legally independently think about Sharia Law, is like all child stars. His priorities seem to have been ever-so-slightly warped. Rohani has banned wanking and chess, but given the Holy thumbs up to...

  • The Shit TV Guide

    I know my way around the televisual backwaters. None of that skanky TV Guide shit for me: I’m talking real people with real budgets, and no production values whatsoever.

  • The BNP Are Back

    It may look like this Unite Against Fascism protester is telling the old BNP fellow to fuck off and die, but in reality he was asking where to get one of those awesome pin badges.

  • Dear VICE - I'm a Real Photographer

    This reader sent in a photo of their Goddaughter showing how to pose with a Winchester .44.

  • Highlights From the Greatest Letter Ever Written

    This post is the best parts of a 40 page letter a woman wrote to the Missouri School Board after a teacher slapped her son. 'm also aware of how fake this whole thing seems but after exhaustive investigation, or four minutes of Googling, I'm totally...

  • The "Is Patrick O'Dell Gay?" Fanart Contest

    VICE New York office, Epicly Later'd's Patrick O'Dell would spend the better part of his mornings cleaning up libelous edits to his wikipedia page, mostly concerning his sexuality. Now that his wiki page is gone we're asking you to send in your thought...