Watch Hamilton Morris travel the world and explore the world of drugs, from DMT to sensory deprivation tanks to psychedelic toads.
  • Meet the Kiwi Steampunk Rocker Who Gave the World Synthetic Drugs

    Join Hamilton Morris as he travels to New Zealand to meet musician and activist Matt Bowden, who's been fighting for drug reform in the country.

  • Høj på HIV-medicin

    Hamilton Morris drager til Sydafrika for at snakke med folk, der bruger og sælger HIV-medicinen efavirenz for at undersøge hvordan det livreddende medicin blev en del af den farlige, hallucinogene cocktail, der kaldes "nyaope".

  • Getting High on HIV Medication

    Hamilton Morris travels to South Africa to interview efavirenz abusers and study how the life-saving medicine became part of a dangerous cocktail.

  • Getting High on HIV Medication

    In 1998, the antiretroviral drug efavirenz was approved for treatment of HIV infection, and patients soon began to report hallucinations.

  • Getting High on HIV Medication

    Hamilton Morris travels to South Africa to study how the medicine became part of a drug cocktail called "nyaope."

  • Getting High on HIV Medication - Trailer

    In 1998, the antiretroviral drug efavirenz was approved for treatment of HIV infection. Hamilton Morris travels to South Africa to interview efavirenz abusers and dealers and study how the medicine became part of a dangerous cocktail called "nyaope."

  • Swazi Gold

    Hamilton Morris travels to Swaziland hoping to chemically analyze the cannabinoids present in some of the local strains.

  • Swazi Gold

    Hamilton Morris travels to Swaziland hoping to chemically analyze the cannabinoids present in some of the local strains. Instead, he finds a country steeped in political corruption and economic turmoil.

  • Swazi Gold: Minilandet Swaziland er Afrikas største hashstat

    Hamilton Morris besøger den legendariske cannabis-sort Swazi Gold's hjemland, men i stedet for at finde et hashparadis finder han et land, der er gennemsyret af uro og korruption.