postpartum depression

  • My Depression Made Me a Better Parent

    I'm not hiding who I am from my kids, and I'm teaching them not to hide who they are from anyone.

  • The Lonely Fight Against Postpartum Depression

    While celebrities like Hayden Panettiere have recently begun opening up about their struggles with the condition, a lack of education and resources means the majority of mothers with postpartum depression are left to battle the illness on their own.

  • The Woman Standing Up for Mothers Who Kill Their Children

    When Carol Coronado murdered her three daughters in 2014, it's likely she was suffering from postpartum psychosis. But the huge lack of mental healthcare for new mothers in the US meant she was left with few advocates—and a life sentence.

  • Girl Eats Placenta

    When my very pregnant friend called recently to tell me that she had arranged for her placenta to be encapsulated and invited me to come watch the whole process, it was a dream come true. I had been dropping subtle hints to her for months.