
  • Motherboard TV: We Talked To Steve Jobs Through A Psychic Medium

    It's been exactly a year since California Governor Jerry Brown declared "October 16 to be Steve Jobs Day": It apparently was a one year-only holiday, but it still stands as a...

  • This Guy Bends Hard Rods with His Mind 

    Shit. I’ve been determinedly rubbing this metal skewer for more than 25 minutes and it still doesn’t want to bend. I’m doing everything my metal-bending teacher, Jean-Pierre Girard, has instructed me to: I’m wearing green, stroking the rod tenderly...

  • Sorry, World: Silvio Berlusconi's Fortune Teller Has Bad News

    When he was just another millionaire businessman, Silvio Berlusconi consulted with Teodora Stefanova, an alien-communicating psychic, who told him he would become prime minister. Her reward for being right: fame, fortune and the chance to tell millions...
