The Girls Issue

  • Huggy Snake

    Are you into girls who play bass with butcher knives, deep-throat microphones, scream their brains out, and name their albums Make Like a Fetus and Abort? Me too! That's why I'm psyched about 16 Bitch Pile Up. When they started out about four years ago

  • Go With The Flow

    Right now, New York bands come in two flavours. There's the Brooklyn groups that all have Neanderthal beards, plaid shirts and want to sound like Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. Then there's the angel-faced Manhattan pixies that want to sound like The...

  • Don't Tell A Soul

    As some poet guy has surely said at some point, "All women are big piles of secrets on two legs." Or as the dwarf in Twin Peaks told Agent Dale Cooper in reference to Laura Palmer, "She's full of secrets." What that little dwarf meant is that every...

  • Tidbits

    Muddy face masks are a pain to wash off and they make the whole sink messy. When you can peel it off in one big piece it’s clean, satisfying, and fun (because you can do this thing where you pretend you’re peeling off a fake identity like in spy movies).

  • Mystery Blonde

    Sometimes you just can't do without shimmery synths, plastic drums and easy melodies that snuggle up in your ear and just won't let go. That's right, the world needs Italo, and everything that comes with it, ie. neon dancefloors, dry ice, puffy sleeves...

  • Condoms

    If you're a pussy and feel more at ease wrapping your dick up in a cute little latex blankie then I suppose you should at least be informed of your options.

  • Lingerie Party

    You'd imagine those parties where "adult lifestyle" company reps come over to your house to flog frilly knickers and sex toys to be a prudish affair involving frumpy, middle-aged women mortified by the thought of coming into contact with any type of...

  • No Girls Allowed

    After being rap's number-one media darlings for about three years and releasing two impeccable mixtapes, Clipse put out Hell Hath No Fury, arguably the best album of 2006. So why does it seem like you need a penis to enjoy what they do? Back in high...

  • Norse Goddess Of Destruction

    Anyone backwards enough to still claim that girl vocals have no place in metal never heard Runnhild Gammelsæter. Way back in 1995, at the tender age of 16, she provided ruinous voice to groups like Thorr's Hammer, of which Sunn0)))'s Greg Anderson was...
