Wide World of Balls

  • Thank You NFL for Saving Our Sundays

    Football has started, and football football football. Also, Chipper Jones gets a gift, some Duke basketball guy is in court for having too much awesome jewelry, and there might not be hockey this season.

  • Saturday Night, No Cover

    The NFL finally gets underway on Wednesday, college football is back in earnest, the Red Sox have had a rough 162 games, no more hockey, and other ball business.

  • Lance Angeles

    What happened last week in sports? A lot of stuff, but the real question is whether Lance Armstrong still shaves his legs, or if they were smooth to begin with.

  • Kicking and Screening

    Soccer is back, football is boring, hockey is staring a labor dispute in the eye, and some baseball player who was busted for testosterone made a fake website so everyone would think that the banned substance he took was some sort of supplement he...

  • Fortune Favors the Bolt

    Women's soccer overtakes the Olympics and almost gets ruined by referee-beef, terrible preseason football ruins Twitter, Stephen Strasburg's innings ruins mid-Atlantic baseball, and more from this past week in sports. Plus, Dwight Howard is traded and...

  • Wide World of Balls - Five Golden Rings

    The Olympics are underway and weird, baseball players with goatees are being traded, and football has (kind of) started.
