women only

  • Sometimes You Lose Your First Jiu-Jitsu Match of the Day

    Ayanthi Gunawardana is Sri Lankan by way of New Jersey, with a degree in sociology from Emory and an eye to grad school. She's also competing at the Pro Jiu-Jitsu Trials in Flushing, looking for a free trip to grapple in front of a sheik in Abu Dhabi.

  • Women: Take Pleasure in Obeying Your Husbands

    According to the Muslim Brotherhood, women are emotional creatures who can't make decisions, should only do work that doesn't take away from their roles at home, and should find pleasure in obeying in their husbands.

  • Let Them Build a Women-Only City in Saudi Arabia

    If Saudi businesswomen think this will help with the 78 percent unemployment rate of their female graduates, then who are we to say it won’t work? If the goal is positive then why are we all so negative?
