women's health

  • These Texas Women Want to Fund Your Abortion

    The West Fund in El Paso, Texas helps women who cannot afford an abortion pay for one. That will become much more difficult when the closest clinic is 550 miles away.

  • Living as a Woman with HIV

    Though we know that HIV can affect anyone, the face of the HIV crisis has often been that of a white, gay man. To show the wider range of individuals dealing with HIV, we sat down with three women who are living their lives HIV positive.

  • I Froze My Eggs, Ended Up in the ER, and Almost Lost an Ovary

    Three days after I took charge of my reproductive future, I woke in a cold sweat, dry-heaving in pain. Less than .025% of women who freeze their eggs end up with ovarian torsions: Lucky me.

  • I Steam-Cleaned My Vagina

    I hovered over a pot of hot water filled with special herbs for almost half an hour, because sometimes your vagina needs to get pampered.