Aries, January 2018
Nicole Ginelli


This story is over 5 years old.


Aries, January 2018

You're making big moves this month, Aries, and you can expect tons of drama in your social life.

Not even a full day into 2018, and we’re already faced with big drama: A full moon—and it will be a super moon, too—arrives in Cancer on January 1, illuminating a very sensitive, private sector of your chart. It’s Capricorn season, which means that there’s a huge amount of focus on your professional goals and your public life; this full moon, conversely, will ask you to reconnect with your home, your family, and your roots.


Full moons are all about release, and this one is in a Water sign, so you can bet there will be some tears—but that’s OK. You’ll be letting go of some emotional issues from your deep past, so let yourself feel your feelings instead of trying to distract yourself with work or your goals. On a mundane level, if you’re looking to move, work something out with your roommates or landlord, or trying to address something with your parents, this full moon will bring a climax around these issues.

Exciting ideas will flow on January 6, when communication planet Mercury makes an easy connection with electric Uranus, the planet of innovation. Some forward motion around a trip or project you’ve been working toward could finally start. Your ruling planet Mars also meets Jupiter on this day, creating a hugely passionate vibe—definitely watch for what happens in your intimate relationships today! Big moves around a complicated financial situation are also likely.

Mid-month is busy: The Sun and Venus will both make easy connections to lucky planet Jupiter on January 8, which will be fab for your career and for networking, and your ruling planet Mars will connect with Pluto, boosting your energy and providing you with access to elusive resources and powerful people.

This good fortune will continue on January 9 when the Sun meets Venus, and then both of these planets meet Pluto. Expect to tap into a major source of power! Venus will connect with Mars, too, which is a good omen that people will be friendly as you conduct business. With so many planets clustered in hardworking Earth sign Capricorn, you’re sure to make some exciting moves this month—and, even better, to enjoy some rewards for all the hard work you’ve already put in.


You can expect some major theatrics thanks to the eclipse in Leo, which will bring big drama to your love life, your social life, and any creative projects with which you’ve been involved.

Even if you don’t have any major professional goals on the horizon, this will still be an exciting time for your public image and boosting your popularity. Helpful energy will continue to flow on January 10 when the Sun connects with Mars. If someone owes you a favor, now’s a great time to reach out!

As you’re doing all this exciting stuff professionally and finding yourself in the public eye, try to keep your tendency toward impulsive behavior in check. This will be especially true on January 14, when the Sun clashes with rebel planet Uranus, and on January 28, when Mercury also clashes with Uranus. Be careful about what you say to whom! Unexpected news is also on the way.

If you’re not careful, you may find yourself acting hastily and not thinking things through. Find ways to ground yourself—sit and meditate by an open fire (your element!) or get some physical activity in. If you’re able to stay grounded, Uranus’s electric energy will help you act on some of the weird ideas you have been dreaming up. Your fantasies may finally take form!

Communication planet Mercury enters Capricorn on January 11, and there’s a new moon in Capricorn on January 16. New moons symbolize new beginnings, and this one is big for your career and your public image (such a strong theme for you this month, ram!). Mercury in Capricorn will help facilitate communication around these themes—keeping things moving along, helping you sort through paperwork, and bringing you the information you need to make important decisions. The new moon in Capricorn is a fantastic occasion to cast a spell for worldly success or, more simply, to meet with a mentor to discuss your plans for the future.

Venus enters Aquarius on January 17, and the Sun follows on January 19, ushering in Aquarius season and illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your friendships and your community. After being so professional with the Sun in Capricorn, you’re going to need to let loose with your friends. Now that Venus and the Sun are both in Aquarius, this is a brilliant time to meet new people and share ideas.

Your ruling planet Mars enters Sagittarius on January 26, bringing exciting opportunities your way—especially for travel, or perhaps concerning school. You’re going to be very motivated to explore new places and ideas; you’re feeling untethered after an intense few weeks of Mars in mysteries Water sign Scorpio.

The month ends as dramatically as it opened: with a lunar eclipse (and another super moon) in Fire sign Leo, plus Mercury entering Aquarius, on January 31. Mercury’s entry into Aquarius will find you busy socializing, as per usual for Aquarius season. However, you can expect some major theatrics thanks to the eclipse in Leo, which will bring big drama to your love life, your social life, and any creative projects with which you’ve been involved.

Something that used to be fun may not be so light and easy anymore— eclipses are heavy, exhausting, and emotional. Again, full moons are times for letting go, so you may find yourself closing the door on something (or someone) who used to make your heart sing. If it’s no longer meant to be, it’s no longer meant to be. Eclipses free us from whatever’s holding us back from the destiny we’re meant to fulfill, so don’t cling on to the past, little ram. Good luck this month, and see you in February!