Cancer, December 2017


This story is over 5 years old.


Cancer, December 2017

The winter solstice is nearly here.
illustrated by Nicole Ginelli

Sagittarius season is here, Cancer, which means it’s time for you to get organized, tackle your chores, and refocus on physical and emotional wellness and self-care. Love, beauty, and money planet Venus enters Sagittarius on December 1, making this a fantastic time to hit up a spa while also creating good vibes at your workplace—charming Venus is easy to get along with!

You do need to watch out for irritable vibes and confrontations on December 1, however, when warrior planet Mars opposes Uranus, bringing an unexpected shake-up. Fortunately, lucky planet Jupiter makes a harmonious connection with dreamy Neptune on December 2, smoothing things over and helping you see the bigger picture beyond minor things that were really stressing you out. Shocking changes are taking place at home and work early this month, but new opportunities (and some flirty vibes) will come, too!


Mercury retrograde begins in Sagittarius on December 2, or December 3 if you’re on the East Coast, finding you reworking all sorts of projects and conversations you’ve had throughout November. It’s time to kick some bad habits! If you’ve been disorganized, this Mercury retrograde will really be brutal, but that’s OK—it will also afford you time to rethink your relationships with everyone, thanks to everyone running late, due to traffic and delays.

Truly, Mercury retrograde isn’t good for nothing: This is a good time to get a second opinion on a concern that’s been weighing on your mind. Avoid making important decisions or signing contracts, traveling, or buying important equipment until Mercury retrograde ends on December 22. A fresh start around all these themes will arrive during the new moon in Sagittarius on December 18, which is an especially wonderful occasion to embrace a new healthy habit, or to cast a spell to help you find more work.

A full moon in Gemini arrives on December 3. Don’t expect to get much sleep—too much talk will be going down. Full moons are especially sensitive and emotional times for you, Cancer, since you are ruled by the Moon, and you will feel the need to retreat and catch up on alone time. Creating quiet space for yourself to relax is crucial—you’re processing and releasing so much emotional stuff at this time, and Sagittarius has had you focused on so much mundane yet important work, you need to let your brain rest. Your already strong psychic abilities will be boosted, so definitely work with your dream journal at this time. Secrets are likely to be revealed, too!


It’s time to kick some bad habits! If you’ve been disorganized, this month's Mercury retrograde will really be brutal.

Action planet Mars enters fellow Water sign Scorpio on December 9, igniting the romance and creativity sector of your chart. Exciting! Hot sex is on the way—and if you’re not looking to get laid, Mars in this creative sign will find you ultra-inspired to make art. You’re in the mood to celebrate, a welcome shift after having to focus so much on work and getting organized during Sagittarius season.

Saturn enters Capricorn on December 19, and this is certainly one of the most important days of the month, Cancer, since this is the beginning of a new two-and-a-half-year journey for you around partnership and commitment—things are getting serious! Saturn is the planet of fear and restriction, so you will be facing your fears around partnering with others, whether that’s on a romantic level or professionally. You’re not great during a confrontation, but Saturn in Capricorn is going to whip you into shape, helping you face difficult meetings with poise and maturity.

The winter solstice arrives with the Sun entering Capricorn on December 21. The Sun will also meet Saturn on this day, creating a very serious tone at the end of the month. The mood is no-bullshit. Love and money planet Venus enters Capricorn on December 25, also meeting with Saturn, so don’t expect the vibe to be cute and charming, as Venus usually is. Saturn will find you focusing on important matters—again, like commitment!

The month wraps up with Mars connecting with Neptune on December 28, helping things click into place at the end of this long and trying year. Mars is a proactive, fiery energy, while Neptune, the planet of fantasy, is dreamy. It’s a wonderful time for romance, adventure and fun. Good luck this month, Cancer, and see you in 2018!