Monthly Horoscope: Libra, August 2018


This story is over 5 years old.


Monthly Horoscope: Libra, August 2018

Welcome to Leo season!
illustrated by Nicole Ginelli

You’re usually the master of smoothing things over, Libra, but there’s little to no sugarcoating or quelling the drama that’s been stirred up this summer due to all the eclipses and retrograde. We’re currently in a Mercury retrograde in Leo, which is finding you running into friends from your past—plus Mars is retrograde in fellow air sign Aquarius, bringing tension to your love life and creative endeavors. Watch out for August 1—Uranus, the wildcard of the solar system, will square off with Mars retrograde, which means you can expect plenty of surprises to pop up in your love life and around your artistic pursuits. Impulsive actions are taking place!


Venus, your ruling planet, enters your sign on August 6, which will find you less shy and quiet than you've been lately, and back to your usual charming, flirtatious self! You’re feeling cute and valued. Uranus begins its retrograde on August 7, which stirs things up in your intimate relationships. But Venus will also make a harmonious connection with Mars to create an easygoing energy around connecting with crushes, letting creativity flow and helping you get what you want. Things won’t be so easy on August 9, however, when Venus squares off with Saturn—people will be in a shitty mood, so don’t ask for favors! Plan a cute date for another time.

The solar eclipse in Leo arrives on August 11, bringing plenty of drama to your social life—it’s unlike you to leave a party early because you’re tired or mopey, but that’s just how you might feel during this time. Eclipses are hugely emotional times… but who knows, maybe this means you’ll go on a daylong rager! Either way, this will be a critical time around a turning point for the cliques, groups, and associations you belong to.

On an emotional level, this eclipse is pushing you to realize what your hopes and dreams are—and if you've fallen off the path you're supposed to take, the eclipse will put you back on it—even if that means having to make some uncomfortable decisions. Libra is a sign that’s concerned with justice, and activism will be a strong theme for you for this eclipse: Are you spending time with people who want to fight for the same causes you believe in?


Lots of talk will take place during this eclipse, thanks to communication planet Mercury squaring off with the planet of abundance, Jupiter… but this isn’t the first time you’re having these conversations, or even the last. (These themes will come back up for you to discuss on August 28, when Mercury and Jupiter square off again after Mercury has ended its retrograde.) Speaking of Mercury—make note of August 18 on your calendar, since that’s when it will connect with your ruling planet Venus, creating a cute and easy vibe around communication, socializing, and people getting along.

Mars reenters Capricorn while on its retrograde journey on August 12, stirring up your home and family life. Issues from the past will come up again, some of which might be stuff you haven’t thought about in decades. Mars is an angry planet—warlike and passionate—but it’s retrograde and not feeling like itself. It’s pissed off, but it doesn’t know what to do with the energy. If you find yourself (or someone you’re close to) "taking out" your issues on those closest to you, make time to sit and think through why this is happening. Having a bad day at work doesn’t mean ruining everyone else’s day once you get home. Your home needs to be a safe space where you feel protected and able to recharge from all the world's drama. Mars retrograde won’t last forever: it ends on August 27, and when it does, the energy will start moving forward around these themes concerning home and security. Eventually, you’ll also find that things begin moving forward in your love life and creative life, too.

Good vibes flow around work and money as lucky Jupiter makes an easy connection with creative Neptune on August 19—if you need help paying for something or completing a project, definitely reach out for help on this day. If you’ve had a creative block, things will start flowing again now.

You’re in a quieter mood when Virgo season starts on August 23, so make time to recharge after this summer’s emotionally draining eclipse season! Catch up on rest, be lazy—it’s the most productive thing you can do right now! Shifts in your emotional world are taking place, with August 25 being an especially intriguing day. On this day, the Sun and Uranus connect, finding you exploring exciting and unexpected intimate relationships, and the Sun also connects with Saturn, creating a very supportive and grounding energy. This will also benefit your home life, inspiring a sense of responsibility and maturity.

A full moon in Pisces arrives on August 26, bringing an issue concerning your daily routines or your day job to a climax. If you’ve been slacking on something—whether it’s brushing your teeth twice a day or clocking in correctly at work, a wake-up call will arrive. This full moon will be emotional, so expect some tears to come to the surface—let them out, Libra! Your ruling planet Venus will square off with Pluto on this day, making this an especially crucial time for you to check in with yourself about the relationships you’re in: Are they healthy? Happy? Are there power struggles, manipulations, or shady behavior? You don’t need any of that! Especially not during a sensitive-as-hell full moon in weepy Pisces, so flush whatever’s not working for you out of your life, Libra! Good luck this month, and see you in September!