Aquarius, April 2016
Illustration by Shawna X


This story is over 5 years old.


Aquarius, April 2016

As a sign that's always looking to the future, how will you deal with the Mars, Pluto, and Mercury retrogrades that are coming up at the end of the month?

As a sign that's always looking to the future, how will you deal with the Mars, Pluto, and Mercury retrogrades that are coming up at the end of the month? Well… you'll probably handle them pretty well. You're not phased by much, Aquarius! Even with the change in direction of these three planets, April will be a way chiller month than eclipse-heavy March was. Let's see how this month will go for you:


April 5 is an excellent day for connections, both social and professional. The Sun in fun Fire sign Aries meets with serious Saturn in Sagittarius on this day, which will create mega mature and grounded energy around any commitments and agreements or conversations and connections you're hoping to make.

Even with the change in direction of three planets, April will be a way chiller month than eclipse-heavy March was.

Also on April 5, we have two planets changing signs: Venus enters Aries and Mercury enters Taurus. Aries occupies the sector of your chart that rules the mind and information, so sweet, lovely Venus entering this area of your chart is going to be fab for sending (and receiving) love letters, writing poetry, and thinking about beautiful, decadent Venusian things in general.

Venus symbolizes harmony; with this energy hanging out in a very communicative part of your chart, you'll be more likely than usual to step in and help mediate conflict. You're also in the mood for weekend trips and connecting with friends—I mean, you're kind of always into this kind of stuff, Aquarius, but you'll be extra cheerful about it now!

April 7 will bring a new moon in Aries, which will light up this same, busy part of your chart— expect a fresh start around these themes during the new moon! Unexpected news and breakthroughs will arrive on April 9 when the Sun meets wild Uranus (both in impulsive Aries). Toward the end of the month, on April 22, sexy Venus will also meet with Uranus in Aries, bringing even more surprises! All this cosmic commotion in the communication sector of your chart will lead to some very interesting news or conversation.


Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters solid, sturdy, lazy Earth sign Taurus on April 5. Does this mean your mind will slow down? Probably not—actually, your ability to focus will probably be awesome! Because Taurus occupies a domestic area of your chart, issues around your home will likely come up for examination. You'll also feel most nostalgic than usual, and reconnecting with your roots or family will be a priority.

The retrogrades start rolling in on April 17!

The retrogrades start rolling in on April 17! Mars is the first to pause and change direction, starting in fun Fire sign Sagittarius and eventually dipping back into Scorpio in May. Mars is the warrior planet; in Sagittarius, the sign of the centaur and archer, the arrows fly rapidly—but even a centaur needs to rest its arms every once in a while, and that's the purpose Mars retrograde serves. Think of it as a chance to retreat and reflect on your mission.

Sagittarius occupies a very social, friendly sector of your chart, so any battles you've been fighting for (or against) your clique or community will either pause or intensify in some way. Sagittarius energy is all about the vision—what's the centaur aiming its arrow toward? What are you, Aquarius, aiming for in your social life? And, in general, what hopes and dreams do you wish to achieve? Now's the time to revise all that.

Next month, when Mars reenters Scorpio, you'll begin reviewing issues around popularity and professional matters. We'll discuss these issues next month! For now, reflect on your social connection, your community involvement, and your dreams for the future.


On April 18, Pluto begins its retrograde in Capricorn. Pluto is the lord of the underworld, ruling hidden things, mysteries, and secrets as well as intimacy and transformation. Your psychic abilities will intensify during this time, and your dreams will certainly be worth paying attention to. You might notice you have trouble sleeping—but please take good care of yourself and your health. Pluto is all about power, so take control of your health by being proactive. Also, watch closely for hidden power dynamics. Honor Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, by purging belongings you no longer need… perhaps donate your things to someone who could use the help?

What are you, Aquarius, aiming for in your social life?

On April 19, the Sun enters Taurus, illuminating the home and family sector of your chart. Mercury is hanging out over here, so you've already been thinking about these topics for a while, but now you'll be in full-blown domestic-deity mode. Venus also enters Taurus on April 29, at which time beautifying your home will be a top priority. Having a beautiful place to be—both in terms of decor and around having a harmonious, kind vibe between roommates or family members—will be super important to you.

Taurus is a luxurious, sensual Earth sign. Its energy is peaceful and decadent, and you'll want this vibe in your home. You can amplify this energy by picking up some rose quartz, a Taurus-ruled crystal, to decorate your space with. Taurus occupies not only the sector of your chart that rules home, but also your roots and family. If there's a spring-cleaning ritual your parents or grandparents did every year, doing it for yourself is a wonderful way to work with the energy.


Themes around safety and security are also likely to come up for examination now, but these issues aren't all that you'll be working with at the end of the month. On April 22, we have the full moon in Scorpio, one of the most intense and mysterious signs in the zodiac—and also one of the sexiest!

Full moons are all about finding balance; this time around, in the sensitive and psychic Water sign Scorpio, the balance you'll need to maintain is between your public life and your personal life. Your personal and home life is definitely getting a lot of attention late this month, but big news is brewing professionally or around your public persona, too, thanks to the full moon!

On April 28, Mercury begins its retrograde in Taurus, starting a three-week-long, annoying period of everyone on social media reminding you to back up your files, warning you about delays, and begging you not to sign contracts. Due to its terrible reputation, Mercury retrograde is more annoying in theory than in practice. Mercury rules the mind—and, just like your mind needs rest and can't always keep thinking, talking, and collecting information, Mercury also needs to take a step back and review to continue working effectively.

Conversations around your home, again, will come up for you to reconsider. You've already been feeling pretty nostalgic, but now it will be to an even greater degree. Family members and people from your long-ago past may cross your path. Heirlooms, family albums, and memories you thought were long gone may resurface.

Mercury retrograde isn't a time for making new decisions, signing contracts, buying electronics, or planning travel— astrologers love to say that anything that could go wrong will go wrong during Mercury retrograde, but, Aquarius, you're a rebel. Plus, you're always looking toward the future. I don't think a little Mercury retrograde can keep you off your forward-facing path. However, maybe in honor of the current cosmic vibes, try making Mercury happy by turning around briefly and remembering where you came from.