Aquarius, January 2016
Illustration by Shawna X


This story is over 5 years old.


Aquarius, January 2016

Things that were happening right under your Aquarian nose will make themselves known this month.

In our monthly horoscopes, we provide a more in depth look at what's happening in the sky. You can read the rest of our monthly horoscopes here.

Mercury enters your sign on January 1! What a fantastic way to start the New Year, feeling cool and confident in your mind and words (Mercury rules logic and communication). Your sign is easily the most inventive and genius in the zodiac, so you'll be extra sharp with problem-solving Mercury rolling through; however, I do have some bummer news: Mercury retrograde begins on January 5, and Mercury will dip back into down to Earth sign Capricorn on January 8, where it will retrograde until January 25. Mercury won't be in your sign again until February 14! But that's really not that long a wait and that's a pretty neat Valentine's Day gift to you from the universe… in the meantime, let's see how your January will play out:


Warrior Mars enters passionate and intense Water sign Scorpio on January 3, which will do wonders for your career and reputation, Aquarius! Over the last few weeks, Mars was in fellow Air sign Libra, where there was a lot of talk going on but not a lot of action. Mars is all about action; however, in sweet and diplomatic Air sign Libra, not much could happen other than talk (you intellectual Air signs love nothing more than talking). Scorpio, the scorpion, has its very own weapon (a stinger, duh), and this makes Mars, the fighter, super happy—in short, you'll be getting shit done!

Since this transit will be activating the part of your chart that rules fame and fortune, you'll definitely feel energized around issues concerning career, popularity, and success. Intense Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, and it stops at nothing to get what it wants. You'll have this same powerful energy brewing in your public and/or professional life. If you've been unhappy in your career or around your goals, no worries Aquarius: The power and strength you need in order to make some changes is on the way.

January 5 is one of the more difficult days of the month. People will be in an argumentative mood, thanks to a conflict between Mercury and Mars: Mars wants to fight, and Mercury can't keep its mouth closed. Try your best to balance these two energies today. People will also feel very vulnerable and confused with sweet Venus square hazy, foggy Neptune. People might be quick to fight today, but with this sensitive AF cosmic combo, everyone will be able to dish it out, but not to take it. People don't know what they want today, and they will be quick to find vices to help them quell their pain— so much for New Year's resolutions around kicking bad habits!


January 5 is one of the more difficult days of the month. People will be in an argumentative mood.

Speaking of bad habits, Aquarius, you might have some you weren't even aware of. Today, you might finally get some understanding of what they are, thanks to the Sun, the planet of illumination and of self, meeting with the lord of the underworld, Pluto. You're very self aware, but even the best of us do things without realizing they might be undoing our efforts. You could also realize things about other people today that you may have been ignoring, avoiding, or genuinely unable to see.

January 5 is also the start of Mercury retrograde, everyone's favorite astrological scapegoat. True, Mercury retrograde isn't the best time to start new projects, sign contracts, plan a trip, or expect your train to come on time, but it is good for some things—like reconnecting with your past, saying hello to old friends, or going inward and reflecting on your plans and goals. Issues around communication will be highlighted during this time. If things aren't working out, you'll really notice it now.

This Mercury retrograde starts in your sign, Aquarius, but it quickly goes right back into Capricorn, which highlights a very sensitive, psychic, and private part of your chart. Reconnecting with your spirit and intuition is a great way to use this Mercury retrograde, as is catching up on rest and alone time (and by the way, the New Moon on January 9 in grounded and stable Capricorn will also be fab for these themes).


Secrets could also be unveiled during retrograde: Things that were happening right under your Aquarian nose will make themselves known. Ways you've been shooting yourself in the foot will also be revealed to you. While Mercury retrograde creates plenty of delays and nuisances, you'll have lots of good information about yourself to work with by the time it is over.

January 7 is a great day, in general, to commit to some big, wacky, or weird dreams.

On January 7, the Sun squares your modern planetary ruler, Uranus, bringing some unexpected news— but no worries, Aquarius, not everything will be up in the air or unreliable this month. The next day, lovely Venus meets with your traditional planetary ruler, Saturn, creating a sense of stability and bringing some commitment around your social life or around a community or group you've been working with. This is also a great day, in general, to commit to some big, wacky, or weird dreams— seductive, charming Venus and no-nonsense Saturn will get you where you want to be.

So what's this about a modern and traditional planetary ruler? Prior to Uranus's discovery, Saturn was the sign that was associated with Aquarius. Astrologers today still look to Saturn to give us insight on what's up with Aquarius, but Uranus's added insight adds extra information. Symbolically, Saturn and Uranus couldn't be more different. Saturn is traditional and rigid, while Uranus is rebellious and electric— but, being that you're the weirdo of the zodiac (sorry, it's true), it's actually very appropriate that we have such contrasting energies representing you!


On January 12, sweet Venus trines Uranus, bringing some unexpected love and good vibes. This is a great day to connect with friends and to meet new people. Surprise love letters or messages of appreciation will arrive in your inbox. Take risks today.

The Sun enters your sign on January 20! This is a bright and happy cosmic occurrence, Aquarius. While your opposite sign, Leo, is more famous for loving the spotlight, this is your time to take center stage and demand attention. You'll be feeling a bit private about your life toward the end of the month—especially when Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and cash enters Capricorn—but famous people (except for Kardashians) don't share everything, do they? Don't confuse your desire for privacy for a need to hide yourself away. Now is the time for you to show off, but keep the personal stuff a mystery like a true star.

There's a Full Moon in warm and loving Leo on January 23, which will highlight the partnership sector of your chart.

We haven't spoken very much about your relationships this month, Aquarius, but I promise there is exciting news. There's a Full Moon in warm and loving Leo on January 23, which will highlight the partnership sector of your chart. This will activate both romantic and nonromantic partnerships, so expect everyone you're working with to have some news for you.

The month wraps up with chatty Mercury, direct as of January 25, square wild Uranus on January 31. It's a hectic, random day filled with unexpected news, but a little drama never hurt an Aquarius. By the end of the month, you'll be used to surprises: You have a lot of them coming this January! Happy New Year, Aquarius!