Aquarius, September 2015
Image by Shawna X


This story is over 5 years old.


Aquarius, September 2015

This month, communicating effectively and productively will be major. Taking time to yourself is super important, too. It's a lot to balance, but you are the genius of the zodiac, Aquarius, so you'll do just fine.

In our monthly horoscopes, we provide a more in depth look at what's happening in the sky. If you are not an Aquarius and/or don't care about Aquarii, you can read the rest of our monthly horoscopes here.

The lower legs are a pretty weird body part for a sign to rule, but you've always liked being different. From a young age, you felt that standing out in a crowd was infinity times better and cooler than fitting in. Fitting in is a much more a Leo thing (and Leo is, of course, your opposite sign). But, things do get tricky… While you love to stand out and be different, friendship, community, and equality are such majorly important things to you.


I don't know what this all means, Aquarius, but you're the genius of the zodiac, so I'm going to leave it to you to figure out. What I do know is this: Leo rules the heart, but you rule the lower legs, where the soleus muscle is hidden. The soleus muscle is also known as the second heart, due to its ability to pump blood into the lower leg. Without it, our circulatory system is fucked. Both you and Leo keep the energy pumping, but in totally different ways—your way is totally unexpected, hidden down in the lower leg, not often spoken about, while Leo's way is a little more… Leo.

September 1 begins with Mars and Venus conjunct in glamorous Leo. Mars, the warrior god, zips around the zodiac chasing wants and desires; when Mars finally meets with Venus, it's quite the scene—especially in Leo, the sign of drama and spectacle. This Mars/Venus conjunction will have a wistful feel to it. Sure, the self-satisfaction level will be insane in proud Leo, but Venus is still retrograde, not quite ready to move forward with life, and this wistful energy will manifest in your relationships.

Warm, passionate Leo, ruler of the heart, wants to love and be loved, but when Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, isn't feeling too good, that heart can feel a little wounded. You might need to lend others your (quirky) heart for a bit. Your ability to problem-solve and innovate—to remain calm, cool, and logical about problems—is a quality your partners will greatly benefit from during this conjunction. It's possible there will be some separation around this time: The union of Mars and Venus in the sky may translate to a feeling of hmm, perhaps now I can go it alone? in your relationships. I know it sounds funny to think that two planets with such a strong history with love and sex in our society would meet, only to result in a separation; but, Aquarius, how often have you got something you wanted, only to realize that you don't want it anymore? It's heartbreaking, but luckily, we have two hearts.


This combination doesn't need to mean that you are your significant other will break up, although it could. Watch for endings in other kinds of partnerships, whether it's between you and a friend, a gig, or even a car. Mars and Venus will meet again very soon in the sign of innocence and service, Virgo, on November 3—so this isn't the last of their cosmic influence over your life this year.

The second week of August should be active and exciting. Venus goes direct on the 6, so you will feel some forward motion around all that love and relationship stuff you've been working on and thinking about since the Venus retrograde began on July 25. More specifically, your partners will begin moving forward with things, which will be a relief, because watching them mope around may have been bringing you down, Aquarius.

Energetic Mars trines Uranus on September 8, which should be invigorating. In traditional astrology, Saturn rules Aquarius, but nowadays, many astrologers believe that Uranus, the planet of revolution and rebellion, holds sway over the water bearer. September 8 will be especially active in terms of positive conversations about your romantic and non-romantic relationships. You can also expect some breakthroughs around commitments or negotiations.

There's a New Moon solar eclipse in Earth sign Virgo on September 13, which will be magical and terrifying all at once. Expect mega major new beginnings in your life around sex and intimacy. Virgo is introspective, a deep sign that's related to the Hermit in the tarot. This eclipse will thrust some intense, transformative situations into your life that will require you take a time out, like a Hermit in a mountain. It's interesting that a new beginning around intimacy will take place around the same time that you have some deep, solo transformation to do; however, Aquarius, you do have a reputation for being cool and not so snuggly— perhaps this clash of intimacy versus self-discovery will propel you forward in some awesome way.


September also brings another eclipse on the 27: The Full Moon lunar eclipse in Aries will bring major illumination to your life around communication. If you're a writer, or if you do anything that requires you to spend lots of time interacting with the world through your words, this eclipse will be huge for bringing endings, beginnings, news, and drama to your life. Issues concerning your siblings could also pop up, so be gentle (or cautious) if you're not an only child. This eclipse will also trigger a major ache in your heart to explore or skip town. I can't tell you if this is a responsible reaction or not, but I do know this: Eclipses are super fated times, so whatever you do, it's simply what's meant to be. No regrets, Aquarius. When you look back on September in the weeks and months to come, I don't want you wondering what if. Things worked out the way they did because that's just how it was meant to.

Between these two eclipses, we have an insanely cosmically busy day: September 17, when communicator Mercury turns retrograde in fellow Air sign Libra; Jupiter in earthy Virgo opposes Neptune in dreamy Pisces; and Saturn, your ruling planet in traditional astrology, enters Sagittarius, the sign of fun and philosophy.

Communication and relationships are huge for you this month, Aquarius. Mercury, lord of communication, is retrograde in Libra, the sign of harmony and cooperation. This transit will make things interesting, confusing, frustrating, and sometimes even funny. Your inner philosopher is really going to shine this month, Aquarius. My best advice for you, considering all this, is: Don't worry about future endeavors, at least for now. I know that's painful for you to hear, since you cream whenever you fantasize about the future. This month is about being in the here and now… as well as for reflecting on the past. Settle, conclude, and wrap up. The future is on its way, I swear, but September's lessons lie in the present and your ability to compromise and communicate.


Jupiter and Neptune are two very spiritual, very philosophical planets, but they also have one other important thing in common: They have a tendency to overdo. Watch out on September 17—some exaggeration in your life may come to light. Also on the 17, Saturn, the planet of obstacles and restrictions, will enter Sagittarius, a sign that really doesn't care for being pinned down. Saturn will be in Sag until December 17, 2017, and until then, Aquarius, you will be figuring out who your true crew is—Sag loves to party, but do you love who you're partying with? Saturn was briefly in Sag from December 23, 2014 to June 14, 2015, that time period should hold some clues around what's to come over the next two or so years.

Venus, finally moving forward, trines Uranus in fiery Aries on September 22, which will bring some unexpected luck around love or relating. Don't be surprised if you find yourself attracted to someone totally unexpected. Surprising, totally random messages may also appear in your inbox today. If you want to take a risk, today could be a great day for you to give it a go. The next day, September 23, the Sun enters Libra, bringing the fall equinox and the balance of day and night. This will also be the last day that Mars is in Leo. With all the harmonious, peaceful energy in the air, today could be a great day to consider, coolly and logically, what you want out of relationships (or just want you want in general). What are you chasing? On September 24, Mars enters introverted Virgo, inspiring you to tackle deeper issues in your life. In addition, Mercury, the planet of communication, will square Pluto, a planet that's all about power, so expect some struggles around communication. Everyone's going to want to win the conversation. Will you be one of those assholes?

What's in the stars for you this month?
Read the rest of our September horoscopes.

The end of the month is all about you addressing the structures in your life— do you like what's holding you up? Is your foundation strong, or do you think it's time for a life renovation? Maybe it's time to bring in the wrecking ball and build something new? You'll have the energy and the balls to go for it on September 25, when Mars in Virgo challenges Saturn in Sag. Frankly, you don't have any other choice—you know things have to change. Not many people know this about you, Aquarius, but you're actually pretty stubborn. That said, if you can meet the end of the month with the will to be flexible and make change where necessary, you will find success. Specifically, you might want to examine your social life and how it's costing you, financially or emotionally. Socializing you're doing to please your partner, or to get ahead at work, could be particularly problematic for you.

Equality is a strong theme tied to Libra, but you have a little meditation to do on that end. One thing's for sure, though: You do have a lot of heart, even if your reputation, astrologically speaking, is a little chilly. The cosmic weather lately has had you prove how there you can be for your partners. This month, communicating effectively and productively will be major. Taking time to yourself is super important, too, with planets hanging out in Virgo. It's a lot to balance (no Libra pun intended), but you are the genius of the zodiac, Aquarius, so you'll do just fine.