Aries, February 2017


This story is over 5 years old.


Aries, February 2017

Major transformations will take place in your life this month, Aries. Are you tough enough for eclipse season?

This month opens on a lovely note: with Venus entering your sign on February 3! Venus is the planet of love, money, beauty, and harmony, so having it in your sign is pretty chill. People will be even more attracted to you than they usually are, and you will feel charming and in the mood to socialize and have fun.

To be totally honest, sweet Venus isn't totally comfortable in your sign, considering how fiery, impulsive, and confrontational you can be, but whatever. Venus will just need to slip out of its princess dress and throw on its wresting uniform (I'm sure it's cute; Venus is always cute) while it's in your sign.


Pay close attention to whatever Venus-ruled issues (love, money, and even beauty and style) you work with this month: Venus will be retrograde from March 4 to April 15 of this year, so you'll certainly be rethinking these subjects—but more on that in next month's horoscope!

Mercury also changes signs early in the month, entering Aquarius on February 7. Again, this will put you in a social, outgoing mood. You'll be excited to meet people, and even join a group or organization. This is a marvelous time to get involved with activism or engage with your community. Mercury is the planet of the mind, and while it spends time in intellectual Air sign Aquarius, it will be illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your hopes and dreams for the future. This is a marvelous time to brainstorm, set goals, and dream big.

Venus is the planet of love, money, beauty, and harmony, so having it in your sign is pretty chill.

Our first eclipse of the year arrives on February 10: the lunar eclipse in Leo! Like you, Leo is a passionate, fun Fire sign, but expect tense vibes—eclipses are always emotional and exhausting. Massive changes are about to take place around how you have fun: who you date, your creative outlets, and where you like to party. This will also be an important eclipse if there are children in your life, or if you're working on an artistic project or performance.

If things have been stifled in your love life, the lunar eclipse in Leo will end the monotony and boredom for sure—but expect drama. You've been playing it cool lately (which is actually really hard for you to do, as you love the chase), but you can't pretend to be aloof any longer when this eclipse rolls through. A situation will reach a climax. Doors will close—but they'll open, too. Eclipses bring endings, but they always push us toward a new journey, too. You're at a crossroads now, but trust that wherever this eclipse takes you is where you're meant to be!


Mercury will sextile (a helpful astrological aspect) sweet Venus during the February 10 eclipse, which will create a communicative and social atmosphere, so it's likely that you'll have support as you navigate whatever drama pops up!

On February 18, Mercury will sextile (again, a helpful astrological aspect) your ruling planet, Mars, which will be phenomenal for pushing projects forward, having important conversations, and getting the fire burning around whatever issues or goals you're currently passionate about.

Massive changes are about to take place around how you have fun: who you date, your creative outlets, and where you like to party.

Also on February 18, the Sun enters emotional Water sign Pisces. Soon after, Mercury will enter Pisces as well, on February 25. This will put you in a quieter mood than you've been in over the last few weeks—you'll feel like you're done with socializing, and you'll be ready to spend some quiet time alone.

The second eclipse of the year comes on February 26: the solar eclipse in Pisces. This eclipse is especially nuts, thanks to your ruling planet, Mars, meeting with Uranus, the planet of surprise and chaos, in your sign! What does this mean? You're already very impulsive and independent, little ram, but you'll be even itchier to break free from commitments now, and you'll do it in a way that totally surprises people.

Again, eclipses are exhausting, and because this eclipse in Pisces is activating such a sleepy and psychic sector of your chart, please don't overschedule yourself around this date. Head home early and let yourself sleep in. You desperately need to recharge. You can also expect your psychic abilities to act up—keep a dream journal by your bed.


Eclipses usually reveal shocking or hidden information, and this eclipse in Pisces will be especially potent in terms of unveiling the truth.

Eclipses usually reveal shocking or hidden information, and this eclipse in Pisces will be especially potent in terms of unveiling the truth. If something big has been going on behind your back, you'll likely hear about it. An eclipse in Pisces can stir up paranoia, but don't let yourself get swept away by fear of the unknown or conspiracy theories. Find ways to get grounded—whether that's meeting with a counselor or turning your phone off and reading a good book.

Ask a trusted friend if they think there is something happening in your life that you've been ignoring or pretending isn't a problem, and take them seriously when they respond. You might not realize how miserable you are with your lover, your job, or your roommates, but perhaps having someone tell you that you complain about it all day will make you wake up!

On February 27, Mars in Aries opposes Jupiter in Libra. Let's break down these two energies before we discuss how this combination will affect you: Mars is your ruling planet, so it loves being in your sign—you'll feel especially strong, but possibly more confrontational than usual. Mars in Aries doesn't take shit and is ready to fight (or flee) when shit hits the fan. Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion, and while it's in harmony-loving Libra, it encourages all of us to be kinder to each other; in your case, specifically, it's shining a strong spotlight on your relationships (both romantic and nonromantic) and encouraging you to partner with others.

Jupiter in Libra will actually be lucky for your relationships this year (Jupiter is in Libra until October 10, 2017!). But, as you develop partnerships this year, you're also going to have to cut some people out and say some goodbyes. It won't be easy, but Mars has your back. See you in March, Aries!