Aries, January 2016
Illustration by Shawna X


This story is over 5 years old.


Aries, January 2016

Time moves freakily fast, doesn't it? The heavens are inspiring you to work hard and connect, but Mercury retrograde could be just what you need to slow down—not to mention Aquarius's stabilizing influence which will be highlighted for your throughout...

In our monthly horoscopes, we provide a more in depth look at what's happening in the sky. You can read the rest of our monthly horoscopes here.

The first day of the month begins with the planet of communication, Mercury, entering cool and logical Aquarius. For you, this will mean good vibes in you social life and making awesome connections with people who could help you achieve your dreams. Aquarius is a really interesting sign: While it's all about being forward-thinking and innovative, it's also a "fixed" sign, falling in the middle of the winter season. Fixed signs are stable (or stubborn, depending on you POV). They're also about maintenance—while you, Aries, tend to speed through things and are more of an initiator than a stabilizing force. Mercury is the planet of the mind; in Aquarius, it will help you gain the ability to stand still and really visualize what your dreams for 2016 are.


Your ruling planet, Mars, finally leaves Libra and enters Scorpio on January 3. Mars is a fighter and hates being in dainty, cooperative, nice Libra. Mars wants to fight and fuck, not talk about art, so its journey through Libra was long and weary. In penetrating Water sign Scorpio, however, Mars feels way more at home. When Mars feels comfy and at home, so do you! Scorpio rules sex and intimacy, so expect a boost in energy on that front. You'll also find yourself tackling issues around debts and taxes, and you'll notice an increase in your psychic ability. Aries, you like to tackle things head on. You're very straightforward and sincere, but Scorpio's vibe is way sneakier, even manipulative at times— you might notice yourself being a little quieter about your plans, but that could be a good thing!

January 5 is one of the craziest days of the month for you, Aries! If you're one of those rams who love fighting, today will be a dream. If you've been feeling a little more sensitive, today is definitely a day to be careful. People will be argumentative and insensitive due to the planet of communication, Mercury, squaring your ruling planet, Mars. This is a tense energy, and it's not a great time for planning a heart-to-heart with someone or for negotiating a deal. The vibe is hectic, and, considering you're the worst when it comes to taking things slowly, you'll have to be careful not to explode. Drown yourself in lavender, carry some rose quartz, have a shot of whisky in your coffee— whatever you need to keep you chill, go for it!


January 5 is one of the craziest days of the month for you, Aries!

But this isn't the only reason why January 5 will be annoying: Mercury also goes retrograde! Personally, I think the most annoying part about Mercury retrograde is how annoying people are about Mercury retrograde, but if you're one of those people who really does tend to get caught up in traffic jams or plagued by dead cell phones, be extra careful from January 5 to January 25. Try to avoid signing contracts or starting new projects—now's not the time. What it is time for is rewinding. Did you get to see everyone you love over the holidays? Do it now! Is there a project that you had to put on the back burner? Tackle it this month! As most astrologers agree, Mercury retrograde is good for all the "re-" things: reconsideration (do I want to date this freak?), reorganizing (missing objects often return during a Mercury retrograde—who knows what you'll find if you reorganize your closet!) and even relaxing. Mercury rules the mind, and the mind needs a break sometimes. Mercury goes direct on January 25, so it'll be over before you know it!

This Mercury retrograde begins in Aquarius, the sign of friendship, so you'll notice some friends from the past coming back around. Mercury then dips back into business savvy Earth sign Capricorn on January 8, so you can expect that any career-related issues you had put to the side will rear their heads again.


Wait: There's one more reason January 5 will be a total pain. Love planet Venus squares Neptune, the planet of delusion, on this date. Have you been fooling yourself when it comes to love (or one of the other Venus-rules topics, like money or possibility beauty)? It's super important that you don't make any decisions today that aren't based on cold, hard facts: Don't do anything for love, because, sadly, love can fade.

Fortunately, you won't be totally powerless on January 5. The Sun meets with the planet of dominance and transformation, Pluto, and together they will be highlighting the part of your chart that rules fame and fortune. Today might be annoying, but at least you'll feel famous and important!

Fresh vibes will come around your career with the New Moon in Capricorn on January 9. Expect some new projects to roll in around then.

The Sun is in Capricorn during the first half of the month, where it's asking you to work on your goals around career and your reputation. On January 7, it squares the planet of surprise and innovation, Uranus, which happens to be in your sign, Aries! This square will push you express yourself in new ways, especially around your public persona— it might feel a little weird or uncomfortable at first, but you're the sign of bravery, so you'll manage!

Fresh vibes will come around your career with the New Moon in Capricorn on January 9. Expect some new projects to roll in around then. Because the Sun is in hardworking Capricorn, lots of this month will revolve around your professional goals, your reputation, and your general climb to the top. Expect a bucket of good luck to be dumped on you on January 13 when the Sun in Capricorn trines the planet of good fortune and growth, Jupiter. Communication around your goals will also be awesome on January 14, when Mercury meets with the Sun and trines Jupiter. Yes, it's Mercury retrograde and signing contracts and all that good stuff is generally not advised; however, the vibes on the 14th are so good that if an opportunity comes your way, don't pass it up—especially if the agreement concerns something that was discussed or conceived of prior to the start of the retrograde, January 5.


But it's not all work and no play for you, Aries—you do have some passionate vibes coming this January! Love goddess Venus trines electric Uranus (again, in your sign) on January 12. Venus is currently in fellow Fire sign Sagittarius, which on its own is a lucky thing for you. With Venus connecting to wild Uranus, you can expect some huge, happy surprises. Expect a boost in confidence. You'll likely take a fashion or beauty risk you usually wouldn't go for. Unexpected adventures with crushes are also on the menu.

Emotionally speaking, you'll be ready to make some changes when Venus squares Jupiter on January 18—especially if school, schedules, or distance is keeping you apart from someone you love. But take things slowly. You're super generous, Aries, but this is an important day to be mature about what you can offer. If you exaggerate now—even if it's accidental and out of excitement—it could bite you in the butt later. Also today, your ruling planet, Mars, trines dreamy Neptune, which will create a lovely, connected vibe around you. It's a great day to get lost in a book or some art, take a bath, or indulge in a long, lazy nap. Mars is a belligerent energy, but under sweet and psychic Neptune's lovely influence today, you won't feel the least bit harsh. You're going to be super soft, sensitive, and nice to everyone today!

The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20; with that, your focus will turn to your friendships and social life.

The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20; with that, your focus will turn to your friendships and social life. This is the time of year for you to be networking. You'll also feel inspired to make plans for the future— you accomplished so much while the Sun was in Capricorn, so you're ready to dream up new goals!

Your words will be mega powerful when Mercury conjuncts Pluto on January 22. Pay attention to the conversations you have on this day. You don't realize how much influence you have over people—now's a good time to let everyone know how you think things should be because you will be heard. Mercury will meet with Pluto again on January 30 after it goes direct, so if the retrograde fogs up the conversation on the 22nd, you'll have another opportunity to work with the energy.

Venus enters Capricorn, and there's a Full Moon in Leo on January 23. I have no doubts that you'll be showing your best self at the end of the month, Aries— Venus is all about attraction and desire, and in Capricorn the vibe is polished and regal. So much of this month is about you "getting out there," meeting new people, and pushing yourself closer to your goals (which Venus in Capricorn will certainly help you achieve), but the Full Moon in fun and creative fellow Fire sign Leo will help you find some balance between business and pleasure. Business has been very pleasurable lately, but you just can't party with clients or mentors like you can with your besties.

Time moves freakily fast, doesn't it? The heavens are inspiring you to work hard and connect, but Mercury retrograde could be just what you need to slow down—not to mention Aquarius's stabilizing influence which will be highlighted for your throughout the month. Happy New Year, Aries!