Illustration by Amanda Lanzone


This story is over 5 years old.


Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius, April 2019

Welcome to Aries season, Aquarius!

Aries season is here, and the sun is shining brightly in the communication sector of your chart, Aquarius! However, things are feeling unclear, especially when it comes to cash (and on a more emotional level, your self-esteem and sense of security) as messenger planet Mercury meets hazy Neptune on April 2, getting lots in its fog. Don't pressure yourself to make important decisions on this day, and give yourself space to sort out your emotions about things you might be putting pressure on yourself to not get in your feelings about.


Mercury is finally moving direct and retracing its retrograde path. As it does this, Mercury will connect with the planets it contacted during last month's retrograde, which will find you thinking back on conversations, ideas, and plans that had to be reworked during that time. Mercury and Neptune's connection finds you thinking back to February 19 and March 24—similar themes and threads are coming up now. As Mercury meets with Neptune, the planet of illusions, it's important to let your intuition guide you—don't get swept up by paranoias.

Things are unclear right now, and it's uncomfortable not having answers, but you're being asked to sit quietly a little longer. The answers will come soon, and until then, you have to be gentle and nonjudgemental with yourself. In fact, this might be a brilliant new beginning for trusting your intuition and your powers of manifestation!

The energy begins to shift with the new moon in Aries, which lands on April 5—the slate is wiped clean around communication and a new beginning is here! In true Aries fashion, news that will spark excitement is coming your way. On a more mundane level, this new moon asks that you observe what's taking place in your neighborhood or even in transportation—you might find yourself switching up your commute, your daily coffee spot, who knows! Things are changing, and you're taking some chances that will affect the everyday environment of your life. Plans are also running more smoothly as Mercury connects with Saturn, the planet of structure, on April 7. Your focus is sharp, and important conversations are taking place. Again, you're being asked to think back to February 19 and March 20. Noticing any similar themes? If so, remember the lessons you learned at those times, and apply them now.


Venus meets Neptune on April 10, and a lovely gift comes your way. You're in a nostalgic mood…and you feel like going shopping! Venus and Neptune are finding you coming across the most beautiful things, but you need to be smart about your spending, and you also need to be conscious of the messages you're communicating to people despite the whimsical, daydreamy vibe in the air. The sun clashes with Saturn on April 10, demanding responsibility. Jupiter retrograde begins on April 10, finding you reflecting on the friendships you have gained in the last few months, and also on April 10, communication planet Mercury connects with Pluto, asking you to think back to February 23 and March 16 and finding you discussing sensitive issues and even some secrets.

Watch out for exaggerations on April 12 as Mercury squares off with Jupiter, and reflect back to February 22 and March 15—themes from these dates are coming back up, and you need to be smart about your choices, especially concerning money. Venus connects with Saturn on April 12, finding you craving security. It's been difficult to discuss firm plans due to the retrograde, but as April unfolds, things are becoming more clear, and Venus and Saturn ask you to tune in to what you need in order to feel valued and secure. Only you have the answer, so don't be tempted to go outside of yourself to find it.

The sun clashes with Pluto on April 13 and connects with Jupiter on April 14—watch out for massive egos, but also keep your ears open for some very exciting news! Venus connects with Pluto on April 14 and clashes with Jupiter on April 15. Venus and Pluto's connection inspires deep, intimate bonding, and Venus's clash with Jupiter could spell a massive amount of fun! However, you might also spend a massive amount of money—don't get carried away!

Mercury enters Aries on April 17 and the full moon (also a blue moon!) in Libra lands on April 19, making this a busy period of communication for you. Mercury in Aries creates a straightforward energy for communication, and with the full moon in fellow air sign Libra, a conversation that's been brewing will reach its boiling point and bubble over. Watch out for drama. Your expectations and ideas are being tested, but you're also sending an important message to the world right now. If you're publishing something, this is certainly an exciting time to do so, and a lot of conversation will take place around your ideas.

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Taurus season begins and Venus enters Aries on April 20, finding you focusing on your home and bringing romantic messages of love your way. Sweet Venus in fiery Aries is certainly an upbeat mood, and sure to make a very flirtatious time for you, Aquarius! But massive changes are taking place in your home and family life as the sun meets Uranus on April 22, bringing an unexpected twist. Uranus is your ruling planet, so its meeting with the sun is sure to hit you in a personal way. You've always endeavored to be your own person, independent, and unafraid to stand out in the crowd, but at this time, you're feeling even more pushed to assert your own identity outside of the expectations of your family. You won't let your past define you—only you can define you. On a more mundane note, you might find that you suddenly want to move or that there's surprising news about your home life.

Pluto begins its retrograde on April 24, which may find you having some intense dreams—it's an excellent time to start a dream journal. Pluto's change in direction may find you seeing things in a new light; Pluto's showing you some very interesting things about your shadow, and this is a potent time for psychological therapy. Just watch out for tricky energy as Mars clashes with Neptune on April 27—there's a laziness in the air that could spell something more upsetting like deceit or shady behavior, especially when it comes to money. The planet of responsibility, Saturn, begins its retrograde on April 29, asking you to reconsider the groups and social circles you move in—do they really hold the same values as you? Think it over, Aquarius! Good luck this month, and see you in May!