Cancer, January 2016
Illustration by Shawna X


This story is over 5 years old.


Cancer, January 2016

This month is all about you figuring out who matters to you, what they want, and what they can give. Deep relationships are forming early in 2016!

In our monthly horoscopes, we provide a more in depth look at what's happening in the sky. You can read the rest of our monthly horoscopes here.

You're no stranger to deep feelings, Cancer, but sometimes articulating yourself can be a little tough. To help you out with that, Mercury, the planet of communication, enters clear and logical Air sign Aquarius on January 1. Aquarius is like the scientist of the zodiac, so under this influence you'll really be able to consider and organize your feelings clearly. Issues around sex and intimacy will be up for examination, as will financial stuff like debts, taxes, inheritances, and money you share with other people. Your psychic abilities will also be heightened, and your interest in spiritual things could also increase. Intimate, emotional issues and psychic impressions are not linear, neat things, and oftentimes things can get very messy and when it comes to shares finances, but with Mercury in analytical, scientific Aquarius, you'll be communicating your feelings like the total pro you are!


That said, sadly, it won't last long. Mercury will go retrograde from January 5 until January 25. During this time, Mercury will dip back into Capricorn (on January 8). It won't reenter Aquarius again until Valentine's Day (I guess we know what you'll be talking about on your date!), so use these first mentally sharp days of the year to get as much emotional communicating, thinking, and decision making done as possible! And remember: Whatever you don't get to tackle, you have a chance to sleep on until next month!

So, how will the Mercury retrograde treat you? It should be interesting, Cancer, as it will be in Capricorn, where it will be highlighting the part of your chart that rules relationships, both romantic and otherwise. You will be bumping into old lovers, past colleagues, and forgotten enemies. Any loose ends that need to be tied up will come to your attention. Any commitments that aren't working for you will unravel, and partnerships that have been waiting to form will come to the fore.

So, how will the Mercury retrograde treat you? You will be bumping into old lovers, past colleagues, and forgotten enemies.

Mercury, in addition to being the planet of communication and transportation, is also the planet of excuses, tricks, and lies, so watch out for that kind of behavior in your life— Mercury retrograde gives our lives a bit of a rewind, so if there's BS you've missed before, you'll see it again now. Don't ignore it! Mercury's showing it to you during this retrograde so that when it reenters Aquarius in February, you can be super clear about who you want to get intimate with—you don't wanna have sex, share money, and share psychic moments with assholes, do you? No way, Cancer!


Passionate, energetic Mars enters fellow Water sign Scorpio on January 3, which will be fab for your sex life and for creative inspiration in general. Mars is the get shit done planet, and whether it's painting or flirting, you will be an unstoppable force. You're not always very straightforward, Cancer, but both Mars and Scorpio are penetrating, fearless energies. Danger will be your middle name over the next few weeks, my lovely crab!

January 5 is one of the more stressful days of the month, and not just because of Mercury retrograde. You are great at shutting people out and hiding away for days, Cancer, so if you're planning ahead, today is a good day to hole up in your crab shell. People are going to be really bitchy and argumentative when communicator Mercury squares the planet of war, Mars. If you do need to interact with people today, encourage those around you to slow down. Enjoy some tea or some snacks. Crack some jokes. Keeping the vibe light and fun and deciding not to get involved in arguments will save your and the people around you's day. Love planet Venus also squares sensitive Neptune today, so people will be feeling vulnerable and confused— Neptune always brings a fog of confusion.

Lastly, the Sun in driven and dry Earth sign Capricorn will meet with the planet of power, Pluto— people will be feeling super powerful, and you might watch your partners achieve some amazing things, but watch out for overblown egos and manipulators. Great change is possible under this cosmic combination, but so is great assholeness. Thankfully, there is a New Moon shortly after all this on January 9 in down-to-earth Capricorn, which will bring a fresh start to your relationships, so if anything goes sour, you will have a shot for sure around starting anew.


Some unexpected good vibes in your career and concerning your popularity come your way on January 12. Perhaps you will be discovered?

Venus is currently in adventurous and optimistic Fire sign Sagittarius. On January 8, it will be meeting the planet of structure, Saturn, which will bring some interesting commitments to your life. This is actually a really fab cosmic combo for you to enact your New Years resolution on, as Venus in Sag feels confident doing just about anything, and sturdy Saturn will give you the foundation you need to achieve your goals. Some health and wellness issues will also be addressed today, and it's a great time assess your work/life balance. Being healthy and happy in your day-to-day will be what today's all about, and some news around your day job could also role through. Some unexpected good vibes in your career and concerning your popularity come your way on January 12 when Venus trines the planet of surprises, Uranus. Perhaps you will be discovered? Even the wildest of you crabs tend be shy, but happily, Mars is in Scorpio inspiring you to show off and take risks.

January 13 and 14 are interesting days for your relationships this month. The Sun in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Virgo on January 13, sending you loads of good luck and growth to your relationships and bringing a dose of clarity and a chance at communication. The next day, January 14, the Sun meets with Mercury, which can be a bit of a stubborn vibe; but whatever, it should also reveal quite a bit about your partner's true desires. Mercury also trines (yay) Jupiter on this day, which should lead to lots of fun conversations about big dreams, but do be careful for exaggerations.

On January 18, when Venus squares Jupiter (the planet of exaggerations!) whatever was over estimated will be revealed and removed from the plan. Don't worry—there won't be any majorly hard feelings about it. Also on January 18, Mars trines dreamy Neptune, and people will be too zen (or high, distracted or in love, or whatever) to pick fights.

The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20 and illuminates a super sensitive and psychic part of the sky for you, Cancer. Things are getting really deep in your relationships, especially on January 22 and 30, when communicator Mercury meets with power planet Pluto—your partners are going to demand being heard. On January 23, the Full Moon in Leo (a confident Fire sign that reminds us to be the star of the show whenever we can) will inspire you to check in with your needs and wants. You're super empathetic, Cancer, and you're always happy to hear anyone out, but you need to be heard, too. Also, don't feel forced to share everything—either emotionally or materially. It's only to hold on to your favorite sweater or your last stick of gum, and the Full Moon in Leo is here to remind you of that. Full Moons are all about balance: Find you balance between giving and taking. Don't just give, give, give! Venus also enters your opposite sign, Capricorn, today so expect some blessings from lovely, cooperative Venus in your relationships over the next few weeks.

The month ends on a frazzled note with Mercury (now direct, as of January 25) square wild Uranus on January 31, but no worries, Cancer. This month was all about you figuring out who matters to you, what they want, and what they can give. Deep relationships are forming early in 2016, and you'll have the info to act wisely!