Capricorn, December 2015
Illustration by Shawna X


This story is over 5 years old.


Capricorn, December 2015

December is exciting and productive— sure, it has its drama, but your social life will be so inspiring, and you'll be feeling so confident and in charge. 2015 wraps up nicely, Capricorn.

In our monthly horoscopes, we provide a more in depth look at what's happening in the sky. You can read the rest of our monthly horoscopes here.

December won't be boring, Capricorn, and neither will you— ever! My least favorite stereotype about you is that you're a stuffy, serious sign that's always carrying around a briefcase filled with, like, office supplies or something. Yes, you're the sign of success, but you're not boring by any means. I mean, your tarot card is the Devil— in what universe is that boring?


I asked Jessica Lanyadoo (an astrologer and triple threat Capricorn— we're talking Sun, Moon and rising!) what she thought about this stereotype: "Lots of fools think that Capricorn is a boring boss-lady sign, but that's only half right. We are the Mary Poppins of the zodiac, fixing lives one self-created rule at a time. The Capricorn lady is not to be trifled with and always has a bigger plan in mind, but boring she is not. Capricorns are downright magical. This sign isn't meant to follow rules, we're here to make them." I so agree with Lanyadoo— you Capricorns are rule makers, not rule followers, and with the Sun entering your sign this month (yay!), December will be great in terms of reinventing yourself, reconnecting to your goals, and straight up self-love.

With the Sun entering your sign this month (yay!), December will be great in terms of reinventing yourself, reconnecting to your goals, and straight up self-love.

Venus enters sexy Water sign Scorpio on December 4, which will be fab for your social life. This is a great time to meet new people and make connections; everyone will be excited by you. Scorpio has an intriguing, mysterious vibe, and the energy of Venus in this sign will infuse your life with magic. Venus is a very sweet and charming planet, but in seductive and intense Scorpio, the feeling is extremely sexy—even dangerous! Venus in Scorpio doesn't write love letters, it leaves anonymous notes made out of newspaper clippings. But a little mystery is fun, right, Capricorn? And being the devilish sign you are, I know you're not afraid of danger.


Mercury enters your sign on December 9! Your brain has been a bit foggy over the last few weeks, but now you're feeling sharp. Mercury is the planet of the mind, information, and conversation, so the fact that it's in your sign is a super lucky omen that you'll be expressing yourself effectively and feeling confident around communication. This is a great time for you to plan any important conversations. Your sign is very practical and realistic, so the information you're getting (and giving) will be super clear-cut and to the point.

One of the tenser days for you this month will fall on December 10, when Mars opposes Uranus. You'll feel pressure on all sides—especially around your work and reputation—not to mention around your personal, private life and your home. People will be prone to arguing and making hasty decisions today, so take it slow and avoid conflict.

Mars is currently in Libra, a sign it doesn't really like to be in. Mars wants to fight wars, not sit around deliberating which color of lipstick is cuter (a serious issue to Libra, a sign ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty). Fiery Mars feels out of place in a cool and logical (and diplomatic and fair) sign like Libra. And an opposition from unpredictable Uranus, like the one we will have on December 10, is extra stressful. You'll feel the unarmed, awkward vibe of Mars in Libra play out at your work or in your career — you're usually so in charge! Meanwhile, Uranus will wreak havoc in your home life. Expect mom or dad, your roomies, or your landlord to have a childish hissy fit (à la Aries, the baby of the zodiac, the sign in which Uranus is currently spending time).


One of the tenser days for you this month will fall on December 10. Expect someone to have a childish hissy fit.

It's pressure from all sides—your work life or reputation demands attention, while your home isn't feeling so much like a safe space. How will you deal? First, I'd like you to think back to Spring 2014— that was the last time Mars limped around in Libra. Think of the lessons you learned around then. They will serve you well now!

Finding balance and embracing compromise is the key to working with any opposition. Let's consider what both sides of this stressful transit want: Rebel Uranus wants change, and, in fast-paced Fire sign Aries, it wants it now, while Mars in Libra wants justice. Assure everyone at work and in your public life that things will play out fairly, that you will hear all sides and be willing to talk things out. React kindly to bitchy, whiny behavior—responding any other way won't serve you in the long run. Being rude to rude people just extends the drama. (Ask any Libra, they'll tell you.) In your home, embrace change and respect that people are feeling impatient. It might be really annoying to balance both issues and split your attention all in one day, but if anyone can handle it, you can, Capricorn.

The New Moon on December 11 in Fire sign Sagittarius is a great time for you to rest up— hit the snooze button over and over. New Moons bring fresh starts, and Sagittarius is the sign of the adventurer. However, this also rules a very sensitive and private part of your chart. Use this New Moon to go within and hide away from the world. Adventure is coming for you, Cap, but you'll be useless if you're falling asleep and grumpy from not having enough alone time!


One of the most powerful days of the month for you occurs on December 19. I feel sorry for anyone who tries to shut you up today!

One of the most powerful days of the month for you occurs when Mercury conjuncts the planet of power, Pluto, in your sign on December 19. This is going to be a massively transformative day concerning how you express yourself. I feel sorry for anyone who tries to shut you up. Pluto is the lord of the underworld, and Mercury is the planet of communication— you'll be speaking some deep, intense truths! People might find you intimidating today, but whatever. If they can't handle your power and strength, then what do you need them for?

The Sun enters Capricorn, bringing the Winter Solstice and a new season in your life, on December 21— with the Sun shining its spotlight on you, the world is yours! The beginning of Capricorn season is full of bright and helpful energy. Venus in Scorpio sextiles Jupiter in fellow Earth sign Virgo on December 24— this will be fantastic for travel and having fun, which is really the best way to spend the holidays. Friends, old and new, from places far and wide, will enter your life at this time.

December 25 is going to be one of the busiest days this month, and I want you to keep your schedule wide, wide open! It's going to be exciting but tiring and awesome all at once. The Full Moon in Cancer goes down on December 25, which will be crazy illuminating around your relationships. The Sun is in your sign, Cap, and this is your time of year to check in with yourself—it's your birth season, after all, and Full Moons ask that we find balance. The Moon is currently in psychic and nurturing Water sign Cancer, a tender and caring vibe that asks you to consider the emotional temperature of your relationships—romantic, friendly, professional, whatever. Full Moons also often bring things to light, so you'll likely hear some news or make some discovery about your partnerships.

Uranus ends its retrograde on December 25—and it's Uranus' job to shake things up and change things around.

Communication should flow well: Mercury is in your sign, helping you express yourself effectively, and it will trine Jupiter in fellow Earth sign Virgo on this busy day. Mercury rules communication, and Jupiter is a very philosophical planet, so when they get along (a trine aspect means the planets are on the same page), problems are easily solved, feelings are shared, and whatever needs to be expressed is heard loud and clear.

Uranus stations direct also on December 25, ending its retrograde— I told you it was going to be a busy day, Capricorn! Uranus will be shaking things up in Aries, which rules a very private and sensitive part of your birth chart. Expect some forward motion around themes concerning family, home, and your roots. Changes are going down around those sensitive themes, and things may also feel a little unstable—but that's OK, Capricorn, it's Uranus's job to shake things up and change things around. Embracing an unconventional vibe around the house is a positive way to work with this energy: Redecorate your home with inspiring, futuristic images, in honor of Uranus, the planet of electricity and invention. On a more mundane level, you'll notice that projects you put on the back burner in late July could return to focus.

December is exciting and productive— sure, it has its drama, but your social life will be so inspiring, and you'll be feeling so confident and in charge. 2015 wraps up nicely, Capricorn. See you in 2016!