Capricorn, February 2017


This story is over 5 years old.


Capricorn, February 2017

February is exciting and exhausting, Capricorn. It's also a big month for healing and communication.

February opens with communication planet Mercury in your sign, helping you express yourself and encouraging you to be the straightforward sea goat that you are! It's been hard these last few weeks to say what you need to say, due to Mercury retrograde in your sign, but lately you've started to get the hang of things again.

On February 2, Mercury will clash with Jupiter, which will lead to some pressure, especially around your career, public life, or reputation. Jupiter is the planet of luck and growth, and it's currently in Libra, where it's activating the sector of your chart that rules worldly success and popularity—awesome!


This means the next few months will lead to some amazing developments in your public life— but, of course, there will be road bumps on the way. February 2 will be one of them. If something sounds too good to be true, run. People will be prone to exaggerating today, and they will miss details. ("People" includes you, Capricorn. Don't think you're above it all!) The atmosphere will be busy and optimistic, so enjoy yourself, but don't make any bets or promises.

Venus enters Fire Aries on February 3, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules home and family: cozy! Venus is the planet of love, money, harmony, style, and beauty. This is a wonderful time to redecorate your home or invite friends over to enjoy your space. Good vibes will flow between you, your family, and whomever you're living with. This is a wonderful time to reflect on closeness—and boundaries.

Good vibes will flow between you, your family, and whomever you're living with.

There is a Venus retrograde coming up: It starts on March 4 and ends on April 15. Venusian issues will intensify during this time period, so pay attention to what you experience this month around cash, romance, style, and beauty, as well as around concepts like fairness and harmony. You'll begin to wonder what all of this means to you when Venus is on its retrograde journey.

Communication planet Mercury enters intellectual Air sign Aquarius on February 7, activating the financial sector of your chart. This is exciting: Expect lots of talk to go down concerning money. If you have paperwork to deal with involving cash, quick-thinking Mercury in Aquarius will definitely help you out. Discussions about worth and value are on the menu.


The lunar eclipse in Leo arrives on February 10—the first of two eclipses this month that will shake up your life. This eclipse will activate the sector of your chart that rules sex, death and taxes, and it's a Leo eclipse, so of course it will be super dramatic! Eclipses are always emotional, but the two this month will be especially sensitive—again, this first one is in Leo, a sign not afraid to though a temper tantrum. Leo is proud, loyal, and loving. It rules the heart, and when Leo's heart breaks, shit gets scary.

This eclipse will activate the sector of your chart that rules sex, death and taxes, and it's a Leo eclipse, so of course it will be super dramatic!

Has your heart been broken, Capricorn? This eclipse in Leo will stir up deep emotional pain, but it will also open the door for deep healing and transformation. Debts will be paid, both financial and emotional, and issues concerning sex and intimacy will be up for you to work with.

The Leo eclipse is a powerful time for any Capricorns who are mourning, whether you're healing from a relationship or coming to terms with the death of someone in your life. Eclipses show us the world in a way we couldn't see before, so expect to learn something new—perhaps a few secrets? This eclipse will also highlight tricky money issues: Subjects like taxes and inheritances will be on the table. You could also get a glimpse in to a partner's financial situation. An issue concerning your own wallet is also likely to come to a climax.


Fortunately, Mercury will connect with Venus on the same day as the lunar eclipse. This transit will create a helpful atmosphere despite all of the heavy, emotional stuff that's in the air. You might be dealing with some difficult situations, but there is support around you!

The Sun enters dreamy Waters sign Pisces on February 18, and Mercury enters Pisces soon after, on February 25. The next day, February 26, brings the solar eclipse in Pisces. The lunar eclipse brings its own brand of emotional sensitivity, but the solar eclipse in Pisces will be emo as hell and even more chaotic than the typical eclipse thanks to Mars and Uranus meeting on the same day.

When sad vibes are in the air, life can feel like an endless abyss of darkness under the Piscean influence. Don't fall down that abyss, Capricorn!

Weepy Water sign Pisces is know for its imagination and for causing paranoia, as well as for its empathy—and the ability to ghost in a flash. Pisces is the sign of limitlessness, which is fantastic when things are going well, but when sad vibes are in the air, life can feel like an endless abyss of darkness under the Piscean influence. Don't fall down that abyss, Capricorn!

Remember the trick for dealing with Pisces energy: Pisces is magic, and it rules the imagination. You just need to imagine you're free from infinite darkness and you'll get there—you can do this through art, music, dancing, laughing, or getting lost in a good book. There are ways to escape! I know what you're thinking, you responsible old goat: Escaping doesn't get anything done. But guess what—wallowing in sadness doesn't get anything done, either. Escape so you can be productive. Escape so you can show yourself that you do have the tools to deal with your pain, and that it doesn't need to consume you.

Pisces is a Water sign, and Water symbolizes emotion. In the tarot, the Water element is assigned the Cups suit, which makes a lot of sense—emotions (Water) do well when they're contained. No, you can't contain the ocean, but you can contain the fears, pain, and longing that crop up in your life from time to time. Contain them by listening to an amazing album, having tea with your most hilarious friend, or even by meditating and imagining yourself giving your pain a big hug.

This eclipse in Pisces will certainly bring new information to light, and it will bring some very intense conversations your way. This eclipse will activate the sector of your chart that rules your mind, so be careful not to overthink things. This sector of your chart also rules your neighborhood and your siblings, so watch out for things to get interesting in those areas, too.

All eclipses are exhausting, so don't be surprised if you feel totally drained at the end of the month. Don't fill up your schedule—you will want to have the freedom to move plans around or straight-up cancel them so that you can get some rest. See you in March, Capricorn!