Capricorn, June 2017
Illustration by Nicole Ginelli


This story is over 5 years old.


Capricorn, June 2017

June will be busy, so make time to do nothing!

Welcome to Gemini season, Capricorn! June is off to a pleasant start, with love-and-money planet Venus, in Aries, making a harmonious connection with your ruling planet, Saturn, in Sagittarius, on June 1, creating a supportive atmosphere for your personal life.

Venus is in Aries, bringing blessings at home and to your family. On June 3, it meets with Uranus, which means you can expect some shakeups on the domestic front. But change can be good, right? This is a great time to break out of old patterns in your family dynamic, reimagine your living situation, or simply reflect on your boundaries and recommit to enforcing them.


Focus shifts to your relationships on June 4 when action planet Mars enters Water sign Cancer, the sign opposite you on the zodiac wheel, igniting the relationship sector of your chart. Mars is the warrior planet—so fights are totally a possibility!

But Cancer is an empathetic, nurturing Water sign, so even though conflicts are likely, people will focus on resolution. It's better to address something and resolve it than ignore it altogether, right?

I feel sorry for anyone—anyone you're not emotionally invested in—who picks a fight with you. Your schedule is too packed to make time to resolve issues with people you hardly care about! The weather might be getting warmer, but nothing can melt your ice-cold heart!

Your schedule is too packed to make time to resolve issues with people you hardly care about!

Good vibes flow this month, too: Venus enters sensual Earth sign Taurus on June 6. Love-and-money planet Venus loves to be in luxurious Taurus! This will be awesome for your love life; the energy will be affectionate and relaxed. If you're not looking for love, expect to have more fun, and anticipate a boost in inspiration and creativity.

Also on June 6, communication planet Mercury enters Gemini, which will help you get organized, boost your mental acuity at work, and make your everyday tasks run smoother. Mercury loves to be in intellectual Air sign Gemini—and you love getting your work done!


Drama arrives on June 9 with the full moon in Sagittarius, which will push you to face issues you've been unwilling—or too busy—to focus on. The atmosphere is emotional, and you will be exhausted; fortunately, the best way to work the energy is to catch up on rest!

That's right, Capricorn—take a nap! You need to catch up on sleep. You need downtime; you need to do nothing. It's important to reconnect with your inner voice, so spend time in quiet meditation.

Full moons bring up sensitive feelings, so have yourself a big cry. Let it all out! Gemini season is busy as hell—you're running around town, getting shit done, hardly having time to take a break. This full moon in Sagittarius will be your time to escape.

Drama arrives on June 9 with the full moon, which will push you to face issues you've been unwilling—or too busy—to focus on.

Full moons are all about release, and this one wants you to release your tension, responsibilities, and concerns. This is a magical full moon under which to escape to nature. Also, expect your psychic ability to heighten. Secrets will be revealed; anything that was hidden will feel the light of the moon shining on it.

The Sun, in Gemini, opposes Saturn, in Sagittarius, on June 15, soon followed by Mercury, also opposing Saturn, on June 18. Oppositions between two planets are always difficult—even more so when Saturn, the planet of fears and obstacles, is involved! Take care of your health—don't push your mind, body, or soul to do things they can't do. Instead, show them some love. Finally hit up the dentist, get a massage, or take a relaxing bath.


Pressure at work will also come down hard. Remember: You can't do everything. I know that's your goal, Capricorn. You're driven as hell, but your mind and body have limits! If a higher-up at work is pressuring you to do more, set a meeting with them (later this month, when the tension has cooled down) to discuss exactly what your responsibilities are. Have you been slacking off at work? Well, then this part of the month will really suck!

The atmosphere during these oppositions will be a downer—rejection is in the air, and people are feeling crappy about themselves, like nothing will ever improve. Don't plan celebrations, important meetings, or romantic outings.

Remember: You can't do everything. You're driven as hell, but your mind and body have limits!

The energy shifts when the Sun enters Cancer—the summer solstice—on June 20, or 21, depending on your time zone. Mercury enters Cancer on June 21, meeting with the Sun, which will highlight the relationship sector of your chart. Expect lots of talk about partnerships.

The new moon in Cancer arrives June 23, bringing a fresh start to your relationships. This is a wonderful time to cast a spell for a new partner! And, of course, to meet someone new. Already in a partnership? This new moon will help you two reconnect. Cancer is an empathetic, emotional sign, so expect the vibe to be caring and understanding. Focus on tuning in to what your partner needs.

Sweet Venus makes a lovely connection with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, in your sign, Capricorn, on June 24. This is an ultra-passionate day, so plan a hot date, you lusty goat! If you're not in the mood for romance, make time for art, because you'll produce incredible work.

On June 29, Mercury, in Cancer, opposes Pluto, bringing intense conversations between you and your partners. Notice the power dynamic between you and others—Pluto is the planet of power, which, as you know, Cap, is something people are hungry for. Note whether you feel like anyone is trying to control you, or working a little too hard to convince you of something. That said, Pluto is in your sign, so notice if you are playing tricks, too!

Though at times shady as hell, Pluto is also the planet of transformation, so life-changing conversations, ideas, or realizations could be made.

June is a busy month—so make time to do nothing, Capricorn! See you in July!