Capricorn, November 2016


This story is over 5 years old.


Capricorn, November 2016

Sexy, seductive Venus enters your sign this month, Capricorn! You might be the workaholic of the zodiac, but this November, you will certainly make time to socialize.

November opens with the Sun in Scorpio lighting up the friendship and community sector of your chart—fun! You might be the workaholic of the zodiac, Capricorn, but this November you will certainly make time to socialize. This is an important time to surround yourself with people who believe in you. You're coming up with a lot of exciting plans for the future, and the only person who is allowed to be a party pooper in your friend circle is you (you are the grump of the zodiac, after all).


On November 9, Mars enters Aquarius and lights up the financial sector of you chart. You love money, so you'll be very happy with this, I'm sure. Mars is the planet of strength, so this transit will really get you focused on building more wealth and security in your life. But be carefully about spending money as soon as you get it—Mars wants to "go, go, go," and that includes spending as much as earning!

It's not going to get any easier to keep yourself from buying shit, thanks to Venus—the planet of love, money, fashion, and beauty—entering your sign on November 11. This is a wonderful time for a makeover or to revamp your style. You're going to feel sexy as Venus goes through your sign, which will be fun because you have been feeling sort of shy over the last few weeks.

Don't get me wrong: You'll still enjoy your privacy, especially since Mercury will enter Sagittarius on November 12, followed by the Sun on November 21, and these planets will light up a very hidden sector of your chart. There's going to be a lot of talk around you. Seriously. Sagittarius has the biggest mouth in the zodiac, and Mercury can't shut up, so you'll receive a lot of information, but your lips will probably be sealed. Also, you can expect a huge boost in your intuition at this time. Keep a dream journal by your bed—some interesting visions will come your way as you sleep.

You're going to feel sexy as Venus goes through your sign, which will be fun because you have been feeling sort of shy over the last few weeks.


November 23 will be an especially interesting day for communication. Mercury meets serious Saturn, your ruling planet, on this day. Figuring out the right words to say at this time will be difficult, but that's fine—your excellent listening skills will take you far, and using them will be a good way to work this energy. Saturn is the planet of maturity and wisdom, and the best way to look smart is to keep your mouth shut. Observe and take notes today!

November 14 brings a full moon in fellow Earth sign Taurus! Taurus is one of the most sensual signs in the zodiac, and this full moon will be lighting up the sector of your chart that rules fun, creativity, and romance. Full moons are intense and emotional, but feeling good will be the main theme of this one for you. Are you restricting yourself from having a good time? If you are, please try to let go and enjoy yourself.

Full moons bring things to light, so watch out for news in your love life, as well as around your artistic projects. The moon will be in Taurus, which is a very peaceful, grounded energy; however, the Sun will be in Scorpio. There's nothing chill about Scorpio! This will definitely be a revealing, exciting full moon.

November 24 is one of the most exciting and terrifying days of the month: Lucky planet Jupiter in lovely Libra will clash with power planet Pluto in Capricorn. I say terrifying because Pluto is the lord of the underworld, and whenever Pluto is around, we can expect the shadowy side of people and situations to be revealed. Jovial Jupiter is one of our favorite planets, especially when it's in cooperative, smart Air sign Libra; however, Jupiter does love to exaggerate and overdo things. When it's in a stressful combination with dark Pluto, shit gets interesting.


Are you restricting yourself from having a good time? If you are, please try to let go and enjoy yourself.

What will Jupiter and Pluto's clash mean for you? Capricorn, this is an exciting but scary time for you in your career and around your reputation. You've undergone so many transformations, but the rest of the world may not have caught up to the fact that there is a new you—and now that they have, things will get interesting.

This is an important time to kiss up to authority figures—they'll help you get to the right places. This is also a terrible time to pick fights; thanks to Jupiter, things will be blown totally out of proportion. Resources you didn't realize you had access to will make themselves available, which is sweet. However, be careful about who you're making deals with. (Pluto lives in the underworld, you know.)

Sweet Venus gives the underworld a visit when it meets with Pluto on November 25 in your sign, Capricorn. You're claiming your power, and the vibe is ultra passionate! Venus's meeting with Pluto will strongly highlight your partnerships. People will see a very sexy, possibly overwhelming side to you—one that they aren't used to. But watch out for obsessive and possessive feelings. Use this energy positively by embracing transformation and engaging with your dark side.

The month wraps up with a new moon in Sagittarius on November 29. New moons are all about fresh starts, and this is an important time for you to reboot. Spend time alone, meditate, or get lost in a good book. Any way you can let off steam and check out of your own head is highly recommended. The Sun will enter your sign soon, and during that time you'll need to be "on"—so use this time to be "off!" See you in December!