Monthly Horoscope: Leo, August 2018


This story is over 5 years old.


Monthly Horoscope: Leo, August 2018

Happy solar return!
illustrated by Nicole Ginelli

Happy solar return, Leo! It’s eclipse season, which means life is hard as hell right now, so I hope you’re unwinding, celebrating, and making time to have fun—even though the energy is so tense, tired, and emotional.

August begins with high drama as warrior planet Mars—which is currently retrograde in Aquarius and completely messing with your relationships—clashes with Uranus, the rebellious wild card of the zodiac, finding you in the middle of some unexpected confrontations and changes. Things are moving very quickly right now, so it’s important that you stay firm on your boundaries and not push yourself to make decisions you’re not ready to make. You can’t control the outside world, but you can control your actions.


Sweet, sexy Venus enters lovely Libra on August 6, which will bring some love letters your way. The Moon is kind and cooperative around communication, and luck is in the air as the Sun squares off with Jupiter on August 6! But be smart and watch out for exaggerations—just because there's a lucky vibe in the air, doesn’t mean that if you act stupidly everything will work out anyway.

Shifts take place around your career on August 7, when the planet of innovation, Uranus, begins its retrograde. Also on this day, Venus and Mars make a harmonious connection, creating a gentle, flowing energy around communication and connecting with partners—a topic you’ve already worked out with someone might come back up again for you two (or for your group) to check in on. Just watch out for a know-it-all energy when the Sun, your ruling planet, meets Mercury on August 8 (but do get some writing done today, as your communication skills will be heightened).

You usually get what you want, Leo, but perhaps not on August 9, when Venus squares off with Saturn. People are in a shitty mood on this day—it’s a bad time to plan a date or ask for favors. Plus, emotions are running especially high with the solar eclipse in Leo on August 11. If you’re feeling unloved or in the dark, remember that you have a choice about who you invest your time in—if you’re under-appreciated and having a hard time leaving the situation you’re in, reach out for help from your friends and family.


As for feeling in the dark—yes, many changes are taking place this summer due to the eclipses and retrogrades, and no, you’re not going to be able to "plan" everything. The darkness is here—use it as a place to get some space and rest.

This August 11 eclipse in your sign, Leo, is major for reinventing yourself, and more importantly, for reconnecting with your heart. Lots of talk will take place during this eclipse thanks to Mercury—which is currently retrograde in your sign—squaring off with Jupiter on August 11. But don’t believe everything you hear, as people are speaking from a hyper-emotional place. The same topics of conversation that take place during this eclipse will come up again on August 28, when Mercury meets with Jupiter again after ending its retrograde.

Mars reenters Capricorn as it wraps up its retrograde journey on August 12, finding you reorganizing and reconsidering how you get your chores and work done. Issues in your day job may flare up now as tempers rise and endings take place. Capricorn is a no-bullshit sign, and your daily schedule needs to be one that helps you stay productive and physically healthy, too.

Lucky Jupiter makes a harmonious connection with dreamy Neptune on August 19, inspiring a beautifully creative and imaginative energy—this is a wonderful opportunity for you to express yourself. Deep emotions come up for you to examine and heal. It’s a powerful time to connect with lovers, friends, and family on a deep and intimate level. Your attention turns to your finances as the Sun enters earth sign Virgo on August 23, and some unexpected help comes your way when the Sun connects with Uranus on August 25. The Sun also connects with taskmaster Saturn on August 25, making this a fantastic time for you to be productive and get work done. You’re being recognized for your hard work and talents!

An emotional full moon in Pisces takes place on August 26, finding you releasing deep emotions. If you’re in the process of grieving or mourning, this full moon in Pisces—the last sign of the zodiac—will encourage you to fully dive into your feelings and accept the change and transformation that can take place after opening up. Issues around sex, trust, and intimacy also come to the fore. A tense energy is in the air as sweet Venus and power planet Pluto square off, which could mean kinky sex for you—however, it could also mean you need to watch out for manipulation or shady behavior in relationships. Either way, a serious talk needs to take place, and secrets are explored at this time.

This full moon also proves to be critical around issues concerning money—especially debts, taxes, and inheritances. Pisces is a sign that’s all about limitlessness… but, surely, your credit card has a limit. August wraps up with Mars ending its retrograde on August 27, finishing our summer of heavy retrograde energy and finding you moving forward with lessons you've learned about what you need to be productive at work and what you need to keep partnerships strong. Good luck this month, Leo, and see you in September!