This story is over 5 years old.


'Fear of Muslims Is Nothing but Ignorance and Prejudice'

This is why I oppose Trump's immigration restrictions.
Photo by Alice Zoo

This interview is part of Broadly's Voices Against the Ban series. You can read more of these voices here.

Broadly: Why do you oppose Trump's immigration restrictions?

Usman, 30, London: I'm just appalled that in the 21st century that we now live in that it's come to this stage where we thought we got past this fear and scapegoating of whole countries and I'm just shocked essentially. And I'm coming here today to stand in solidarity with all my Muslim brothers and sisters around the world to show that ignorance and prejudice is just not acceptable in the world that we live in today. I've come here to speak out.

"If I could say anything to Trump about the immigration restrictions, I would say.."

I'd say fear of Muslims is nothing but ignorance and prejudice. Immigrants have contributed so much to the Western world, to America, to Britain, to the whole of Europe. You only have to look at the statue of liberty and think about what that signifies. It's ironic. Lady Liberty would be shaking in her grave if she saw what was happening today. So I just ask Trump to show compassions, some understanding, and listen to what people have to say.

This interview has been edited and condensed.