Gemini, March 2016
Illustration by Shawna X


This story is over 5 years old.


Gemini, March 2016

So many changes are happening in your life, and a lot of it is stuff that everyone will know about since the energy is manifesting in a very public sector of your chart.

In our monthly horoscopes, we provide a more in depth look at what's happening in the sky. You can read the rest of our monthly horoscopes here.

March opens with the Sun in Pisces, highlighting the fame and fortune sector of your chart— this is going to be a huge month for you around popularity and success! Not only is the Sun in this sector of your chart for the first bit of March, but even more planets will roll through later, as well as an eclipse. Let's take a look at how your March will go down:


You'll go to bed feeling annoyed over bitchy behavior, scheduling difficulties, or some other nuisance on the evening of March 4 (or early morning on March 5 depending on your time zone), but the next day has a totally different vibe. Mercury enters empathetic Water sign Pisces on March 5! Mercury is your ruling planet, so whenever it does something, we know you Geminis are going to feel it. With Mercury in Pisces (joining the Sun in that special, success oriented part of your chart), your mind will be super focused on your goals, your popularity, and accomplishment in general.

Mercury is a very detail oriented planet, so being in a super spacey, spiritual, and emotional Water sign like Pisces isn't easy for Mercury. Because Mercury is your ruling planet, you might feel a little less on as usual as a result of this transit; however, your intuition will be very sharp, especially concerning your image or your career goals. This is the time to trust your gut concerning anything having to do with your climb to the top.

Mercury isn't the only planet changing signs on March 5. Mars also says goodbye to Scorpio and enters your opposite sign on the zodiac wheel, Sagittarius, where it will bring some serious heat to your relationships. Mars is a passionate planet—it rules war and action, so expect your partners to be extra heated and rowdy.

On March 5, expect your partners to be extra heated and rowdy.


Back to your climb to the top, Gemini: March 8 brings the new moon solar eclipse in Pisces, which will definitely be one of the most intense days of the month for you around your career or your public image! Eclipses change the way we see or think about the world, Gemini, so it's likely you'll have a deep change of heart around your goals—or perhaps you will want to be known for something new. You might even say goodbye to a boss or mentor now!

Like your ruling planet Mercury, you're all about the fine print and details, and, again, Pisces just isn't, which could make this eclipse super stressful around figuring out the "rules" or boundaries concerning a situation you're working with. Strive for balance during this intense time period— fame and fortune are totally great, but you need a safe space you can call home when things get overwhelming at work or with the public.

March 11 is one of the dreamiest (and more confusing) days of the month: Your ruling planet Mercury meets hazy, psychic Neptune, both of which will be in sensitive Water sign Pisces. In addition to March being super focused on success, with all these groovy Piscean vibes, you'll also be dealing with lots of murky situations. This wouldn't be a day I would pick to do a job interview or to engage with the public; however, Neptune is an extremely creative and artistic energy, so if there's something you can't reschedule, tap into your inner poet to make the best of this nebulous energy.


Neptune is a super indirect energy, so watch out for miscommunications or straight up deception, but do enjoy the fantasy that Neptune brings. Also, keep in mind that Neptune is a super intuitive energy, so trust your gut today, Gemini, especially around anything that concerns your reputation or career!

Towards the end of the month, you'll finally get to hang out with your friends and stop thinking so much about your career.

On March 12 even more attention comes to your career or reputation when Venus enters Pisces. Venus is the sexiest, most seductive planet, so this no doubt will help your status. If things got rough around the eclipse on March 8, Venus may be able to help you smooth things over today.

Your focus shifts to your social life towards the end of the month, with two planets entering fun Fire sign Aries: The Sun enters Aries on March 20 (marking the beginning of spring, yay!) and Mercury enters Aries on March 21. Finally, you'll get to hang out with your friends and stop thinking so much about your career— you love success, Gemini, but you love talking and spending time with your friends even more. On the spring equinox, on March 20, you'll find yourself daydreaming about future plans and goals; when Mercury enters Aries on March 21, that's when communication and connection with cool people will really ramp up.

March 23 is another wild day. Jupiter squares Saturn, which will be super intense. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, luck, and consumption, while Saturn is a grumpy, mean planet that wants to confine and conserve. When these two planets challenge each other, we'll find ourselves needing to deal with whatever issues we've caused by being irresponsible, clueless, or immature. Your ability to be responsible in relationships and around domestic issues will come up for examination when Jupiter squares Saturn on this day.


Please keep your ego in check today. Yeah, you're totally one of the smartest signs in the zodiac, but that doesn't mean you always know everything. Today, with the planet of ego, the Sun, meeting with your ruling planet, Mercury, you won't be very flexible with your thinking, but please try to be. Acting arrogant on day when Jupiter and Saturn clash is not a good idea.

Please keep your ego in check on March 23. Yeah, you're totally one of the smartest signs in the zodiac, but that doesn't mean you always know everything.

To top it off, there's also a full moon lunar eclipse in Libra on March 23! Libra is an Air sign—just like you—and it highlights a super creative and romantic sector of your chart. Whatever happens to you today I'm sure will be amazing material for you book, album, or date night conversation. Again, eclipses cause super intense energies to arise, ones that change the way we feel and think about the world. Your relationships (both romantic and social) will undergo an evolution, thanks to this eclipse in the sign of balance and relationships, Libra.

March 24 is an energetic and bright day: Mercury in Pisces interacts favorably with Mars in Scorpio, bringing some exciting conversations. Things will just click (a welcome change after such an intense month), especially in the realm of work and even regarding your health.

The next day, March 25, is super busy! Saturn, the taskmaster of the zodiac, stations retrograde—meaning it's stopping in its tracks and will start moving backward through Sagittarius, the sign it's currently in. Between now and August 13, you'll be reflecting on the growth you've made around your relationships since last August. Reflect is the keyword here: Don't try to make any changes, because today is nuts.


Also on March 25, Venus opposes Jupiter and squares Saturn. Venus hates to fight, but whatever: In opposition to Jupiter, Venus is asking you to confront issues in your home environment. You also could be giving someone too much credit at this time, and it's time to put that tendency in check. Jupiter likes to overdo everything, and Venus loves its indulgences, so watch out for exaggerations today.

Your relationships (both romantic and social) will undergo an evolution, thanks to the March 23 eclipse in the sign of balance and relationships, Libra.

Venus also tussles with Saturn this day, which will find you learning more about the boundaries in your relationships and the limitations you and your partners have in terms of what you both can offer. Affectionate, loving, luxurious Venus square grumpy Saturn is not a fun, flirtatious vibe. While Jupiter wants more, more, more, Saturn loves to say no. You'll be managing both of these concepts today. This is definitely not a day to propose to your lover. You or a partner could also feel very needy or unsure about where they stand today— be sensitive to these insecurities, Gemini!

The Mercury/Saturn trine on March 29 will find you communicating well with someone you respect, perhaps an authority figure or a role model. This is a great day to have any discussions about commitments or contracts, and people will be able to level with you on a super mature level (Saturn is all about maturity)!

The next day brings more of a challenge, when Mercury squares Pluto, the planet of power. Pluto can have a manipulative or sneaky side; with a square aspect to Pluto, shady behavior is always something to be extra careful of. Don't hesitate to bring in a non-biased third party to assist in any important conversations. Big changes are coming, and it's important that you work out the details in a way that's clear and honest.

The month closes with Mercury meeting Uranus, the planet of electricity and eccentricity. Expect to feel totally energized and inspired at the close of the month. Uranus is the planet of genius and innovation— with your ruling planet hanging out with this one, your mind is going to be totally elevated. As an Air sign, you're already much more intellectually gifted than everyone else, and the spring season begins with you thinking even more clearly than usual!

The first part of the month was totally confusing, but definitely exciting, too! So many changes are happening in your life, and a lot of it is stuff that everyone will know about since the energy is manifesting in a very public sector of your chart. So, Gemini, don't forget to tend to your home this month—and don't worry, things will feel clearer (and more fun) by the end!