Aries, April 2018
Illustration by Nicole Ginelli


This story is over 5 years old.


Aries, April 2018

Happy Birthday, dear ram!

Happy solar return, Aries! April opens with Mercury—which is currently retrograde—meeting with the Sun in your sign. Mercury retrograde is a pain in the ass if you’re trying to push projects forward, and you have a tendency to be overeager and to rush, little ram. This isn’t wise right now: Misunderstandings, delays, and technical difficulties will abound until Mercury goes direct on April 15. Take it slow and take your time. Work on old projects instead of starting new ones. (I know, this is so unlike us—yes, I’m an Aries too, so I promise I’m not picking on us! We usually like to start new projects and then forget about them once they feel old.)


Mercury’s meeting with the Sun on April 1 is a good time for us rams to reflect on the goals, conversations, and agreements we’ve been hinging our egos on. If someone doesn’t want to commit to doing a project with you, or if you’re having a hard time gathering information about an event you want to put together, really sit with yourself and figure out whether you have to take it personally. Sure, some things might be personal, but other things are just circumstance, and this is a great time to remember that not everything is about you—which, honestly, is kind of a relief, and you know it!

The Delphic maxim Know thyself is great advice… sometimes. We’re all always changing and growing, especially when Mercury is retrograde in our sign, encouraging us to review what we’re all about. Maybe you don’t know what you want right now. That’s OK. It’s time to rest; soon, you’ll be able to begin gathering information again and getting to know yourself as the updated April 2018 Aries—very different from April 2017’s Aries, or 2008’s for the matter, wouldn’t you say?

On April 2, your planetary ruler Mars meets with Saturn, requiring you to be on your best behavior. Saturn is not here for your shit. You’re already feeling like time is moving at a snail’s pace thanks to Mercury retrograde, and Mars and Saturn will create an even heavier and more sluggish vibe. It seems like your only option, dear ram, is to stay still. This is a great time to practice meditation. (Try not to spend this whole time that you’re being “still” staring at a screen, mindlessly clicking between apps!) Saturn is the planet of reality, and Saturn wants you to experience it. While things may feel stuck at this time, this is actually a fantastic opportunity to show off how grown-up and wise you are. You’re starting a new cycle around discipline and responsibility.


Mercury squares off with Mars on April 4, so watch out for arguments. A detail you thought you’d already worked out will need your attention again. The plus side? At least the pace will pick up a little bit more now—even if the vibe is agitated. Another day to watch out for arguments is April 11: The Sun will square off with Pluto, stirring up power struggles. This is definitely not the best day to pick a fight—especially at work or on social media—since Mars is currently in hardworking Capricorn, igniting the fame and fortune sector of your chart and helping you tackle your professional goals.

Fortunately, sweet Venus will make an easy connection with Mars on the same day, so that will bode well for you, at least financially. A flirtatious vibe will be in the air; so long as the Sun and Pluto’s clash doesn’t make people too jealous or obsessive, this could actually be a very exciting day!

Lucky planet Jupiter makes a harmonious connection with Pluto on April 14, which could find you gaining access to some very valuable resources, like cash or perhaps a favor from someone who can help you get ahead. On the same day, Mars connects with Neptune, boosting your creative and psychic abilities.

The weekend of April 15 will bring some breakthroughs arrives and the chance for a fresh start: On the 15th, Mercury ends its retrograde in your sign, and there’s a new moon in your sign, too. New moons mark the start of a new cycle, making this a powerful time for you to reconnect with yourself and your goals. You might not have known what you wanted at the start of Mercury retrograde, but once it draws to a close you’ll likely have a much better idea. This new moon is a fantastic time for manifestation.


How does one “manifest?” There are many ways, dear ram. What I like to recommend to Aries people, since we are so good at convincing ourselves of things, is to visualize yourself achieving your goals. While you meditate, picture yourself confidently talking to your boss about a raise, flirting with your crush, or whatever it is you’re nervous but eager to do. The more you practice this, the sooner you may find yourself ready to do these things. A little candle magick is never a bad idea for fire signs, either (so long as you don’t impatiently leave your home while a fire is still burning!).

The Sun meets Uranus, in your sign, on April 18, and it’s full speed ahead from here on out. You’re also going to be acting a little stranger than usual, since Uranus has the ability to bring out the eccentric sides of us all. It’s time to own your weirdness! Superficially, this is a great occasion to wear your most batty weird aunt/uncle/elder outfit; emotionally, this is a time to break free from old chains and to claim your independence from any situation that’s holding you back.

Uranus has been in your sign since 2011, and each year since then, around your birthday, it’s met the Sun to discuss the ways in which you’re going to rebel, what you will reinvent, or how you’ll show society a new way to work over the next year.

This is the last time the Sun and Uranus will meet in your sign for about another 80 years, in order to ask you these questions… but it’s far from your final opportunity to be yourself, change the world, or claim your independence. As Uranus and the Sun meet in your sign one last time, take this opportunity to reflect on what it means to be uniquely you. Uranus wants us all to stand proud in our own special, eccentric ways, and to share our genius with the world. How will you share yours?


Uranus is known to deliver flashes of brilliant and unexpected insight, so watch out for some eureka moments, as well as some big surprises. Change is always in the air when Uranus is around… but don’t worry. If you’re afraid of change, Taurus season will begin on April 19, helping you hunker down on the couch!

Mars connects with Jupiter on April 24, bringing you a boost in luck. This is going to be a hugely passionate day, so watch out for what happens in your intimate relationships. Excitement about cash is also likely. That said, big endings may be taking place now, too—but you’ll likely bounce back quickly like you usually do.

Also on this day, Venus enters Gemini, which will certainly create a chatty, flirtatious vibe! It’s a wonderful time for communication. Some particularly deep conversations will take place when Mars meets Pluto on April 26—and, again, some major endings could be going down, too. A major transformation will take place, especially concerning your work or reputation. Relationships that are no longer serving you or projects that aren’t worth your time will need to be put aside.

There will be a full moo in Scorpio on April 29, bringing a big climax to your intimate relationships (pun always intended). It may also find you settling up financial matters, especially those that involve another party, like taxes, debts, or inheritances. Taurus season is a chill, sensual, easygoing time. And while the Moon in Scorpio may be sensual, it’s not at all chill or easygoing—it’s intense as hell. Expect this full moon to be tiring and emotional, but also packed with important discoveries and opportunities to go deeper. Also on this day, the Sun connects with commitment-conscious Saturn, encouraging people to talk about what they need for the long haul.

Good luck this month, Aries, and see you in May!