This story is over 5 years old.


'It's Just Completely Unfair, and It's Discriminatory'

This is why I oppose Trump's immigration restrictions.
Photo by Melanie Metz

This interview is part of Broadly's Voices Against the Ban series. You can read more of these voices here.

Broadly: Why do you oppose Trump's immigration restrictions?

Liliana, 42, Miami: I think it's just completely unfair and it's discriminatory. There is no rhyme or reason to the countries he picked and it just doesn't make any sense. The way he executed it was very poorly done. I think he's an illegitimate president.


How do these new restrictions impact you or your loved ones?

My parents immigrated from Cuba, so like my sign says, this nation was built by immigrants.

"If I could say anything to Trump about the immigration restrictions, I would say…"

Take it back.

This interview has been edited and condensed.