Pisces, June 2017
Illustration by Nicole Ginelli


This story is over 5 years old.


Pisces, June 2017

June is a busy month, Pisces, but good times are on the way.

June opens with the Sun in Gemini, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your home and family. Emotionally (everything is emotional for you, Pisces, let's be real), Gemini season is all about reconnecting with your past, so expect to feel nostalgic.

This is a major time to check in on your boundaries. What does privacy mean to you? Security? Safety? The planet of the mind, Mercury, enters Air sign Gemini on June 6, helping you examine these themes logically. Expect a conversation about them—the clearer you are about your feelings, the more productive this conversation will be.


The Sun connects with lucky planet Jupiter, in Libra, on June 3, bringing opportunities your way! Unfortunately, the next day, June 4, the Sun clashes with hazy, dreamy Neptune (which happens to be in your sign). Trust your intuition, don't get swept up by paranoia, and do your best not to be lazy.

The energy is emotional during these few days, and if you can't handle your feelings, you could miss out on opportunities to deepen your connection with a partner, or heal some emotional wounds you have around intimacy or trust.

Gemini season is all about reconnecting with your past, so expect to feel nostalgic.

Warrior planet Mars enters fellow Water sign Cancer on June 4, revving up the sector of your chart that rules creativity, fun, and romance! Gemini season is focused on domestic life, Pisces, but as more energy shifts into Cancer, you'll have way more fun with your friends and lovers. Action planet Mars will find you pursuing a crush or creative project—go for it, little fish!

Love-and-money planet Venus enters Earth sign Taurus on June 6—you won't have any problems flirting, Pisces. Venus in Taurus will activate the communication sector of your chart, which means your mind will be sharp, and you'll think of exactly the right thing to say to charm anyone. Even if you're not flirting, this talent will come in handy; you'll use your wit to appeal to anyone—Venus rules money in addition to love!


Venus in Taurus will also be a fun time to take a weekend trip, so plan one to the beach, lake, or wherever the closest body of water is. Reconnect with your inner mermaid, Pisces.

The full moon in Fire sign Sagittarius arrives June 9, shedding light on your career and reputation—which you haven't had much time to think about. Gemini season focused on your domestic life, and you've been flirting up a storm with Mars in Cancer and Venus in Taurus.

What does success mean to you? How do you want to be seen in the world? These are all big questions. (Sagittarius always asks big questions, and you, Pisces, are always game to work with them, being the philosopher that you are.)

The full moon in Fire sign Sagittarius arrives June 9, shedding light on your career and reputation.

Tiring and emotional, full moons are times for release. What do you have to let go of? You'll likely reach a climax with a project, goal, or dream you had concerning your career, or your life in public. A full moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs of the zodiac, and oppositions are about balance. How can you create a better balance between your private and public life? As a Pisces, it can be hard for you to keep parts of your life separate; things tend to blur together. Does this need to change?

Your ruling planet, Jupiter, also turns direct, in Air sign Libra, on the day of the full moon, June 9, so reflect on how you've grown in your intimate relationships. I'm sure, Pisces, if you're into astrology, you've heard that you're called the martyr of the zodiac. Do you agree with this statement? Reflect on this as Jupiter ends its retrograde.


You actually have two ruling planets, Pisces: The ancients assigned Jupiter to you, but since Neptune's discovery, modern astrologers have assigned this ice giant (the class of planet Neptune belongs to, astronomically) to be your ruler.

Neptune begins its retrograde in your sign on June 16. Use this time to honor your psychic intuition by meditating and listening to your inner voice. Reflect on the ways you escape the real world: Is it healthy, through things like art and music, or destructive, through drugs? We all need to check out from reality from time to time—sleep provides a way for our minds and bodies to rest and recharge. In what ways do you check out?

Communication planet Mercury makes a harmonious connection with Jupiter on June 13, bringing good news and big emotions (everything's big when it comes to Jupiter); however, be aware of confusion. Mercury will challenge Neptune as well. The less complicated things are made, the better.

Reflect on the ways you escape the real world: Is it healthy, through things like art and music, or destructive, through drugs?

Sweet and sexy Venus makes a harmonious connection with Neptune on June 20, creating a romantic, dreamy vibe. This is a wonderful time for a heart-to-heart with someone you care about. Venus is in grounded, sensual Earth sign Taurus, and fairy-tale planet Neptune is in your sign, Pisces, so the atmosphere will be whimsical.


A shift in energy arrives during the summer solstice, which marks the end of Gemini season, and finds the Sun entering fellow Water sign Cancer. This occurs on June 20, or 21, if you're on the East Coast. Mercury enters Cancer and meets the Sun on June 21, sharpening focus on the sector of your chart that rules your love life, fun and parties, fertility, and creativity!

A new moon in Cancer arrives June 23, which is a brilliant time to establish new intentions for those themes and invite more fun into your life. If you're feeling witchy, work a love or creativity spell. Expect to meet new people. Crushes are forming, creative projects are arriving, and good times are here!

Your ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune, are super busy at the end of the month. On June 24, or 25, depending on your time zone, Mars squares (a stressful astrological aspect) Jupiter before making an easy connection to Neptune on June 25 (or 26, again, depending on your time zone). The energy is explosive—but people could be too lazy to care. This is a weird energy! There's excitement—and disinterest. Expect it to manifest in your finances and in your sex life.

On June 27, Mercury squares off with Jupiter but connects sweetly with Neptune—people are optimistic, but watch for exaggerations about what people can provide. Do your best not to promise too much to someone.

June is a busy month, Pisces, but good times are on the way. Just watch for some bumps in the road at the end of the month. See you in July!