Leo, November 2016


This story is over 5 years old.


Leo, November 2016

What's a sunny Leo like you supposed to do during Scorpio season?

November opens with the Sun in Scorpio connecting with hazy, dreamy Neptune in Pisces: You'll be feeling super sensitive, psychic, and emotional! You're a warm, bright Fire sign, Leo, and your season is mid-summer. But here we are: It's mid-autumn, the leaves are falling, and the days are getting shorter and darker—what's a sunny Leo like you to do?

The Sun in mysterious Scorpio is lighting up the home and family sector of your chart, encouraging you to get domestic as the weather becomes less agreeable. Even if you don't live somewhere that gets chilly at this time of year, privacy will suddenly be mega important to you!


You're in nesting mode, and as the Sun connects with Neptune in Pisces (one of the most emo signs in the zodiac), you'll feel the need to hide away and do some crying (happy crying and baggage-clearing crying alike) and reflecting. You have a lot of emotions to process, so find someone you trust with whom you can talk about your feelings.

This isn't to say that the beginning of November will be sad—it's just that you're letting go of a lot. During this time, your intuition will be super sharp, so pay attention to the messages that arrive in your dreams. Mysterious, occult stuff will turn you on now, so break out your Ouija board or tarot cards!

You have a lot of emotions to process, so find someone you trust with whom you can talk about your feelings.

November 7 is a productive day. The Sun in Scorpio will connect with power planet Pluto in Capricorn, helping you get shit done! This is a fantastic time to get organized or to purge all the crap you have in your closet. The first few days of November were spent in a haze, but you'll be sharp, confident, and imbued with a sense of power when the Sun connects with Pluto.

An energizing shift will take place on November 9: Mars enters Aquarius, the sign opposite you on the zodiac wheel, activating the relationship sector of your chart! Mars is the warrior of the zodiac, and even though Aquarius is all about working things out with words instead of swords, you might have to deal with a few confrontations during this time. That's okay! Mars is aggressive, but at least you'll be able to clear the air.


Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and style, will enter Capricorn on November 11! Capricorn is an Earth sign, which means it's concerned with the physical—how's your health, Leo? Are you drinking enough water? Do you need to slap on a face mask? Perhaps quit smoking or some other bad habit? Venus is also the planet of love, and while it's in responsible, stable Capricorn, you'll get a chance to learn whether the people with whom you've been fooling around can get more serious. If room in a drawer could open up for you, now's the time.

Venus in Capricorn is also a bonus for money— after all, Venus is the planet of cash in addition to being all about love and beauty, and Earth sign Capricorn is super driven! Expect good vibes to flow around finances, especially concerning debts, taxes, or even inheritances. If a friend you have a crush on owes you a drink, definitely call them now—Venus in Capricorn will not only make them pay up, but it will also help you get closer!

We have a full moon in Taurus on November 14, which will be exciting (and exhausting) for your career.

We have a full moon in Taurus on November 14, which will be exciting (and exhausting) for your career. You've been super focused on home and family while the Sun's been slinking around in Scorpio, but during the full moon in hardworking Earth sign Taurus, you will be called to find a better work/home balance. A lot will be revealed to you at this time concerning your goals and reputation.


Full moons are always emotional, and this one will be especially draining because the conflicts it brings up will concern your home life (so you can't hide in your home) and your public life (so you can't hide out at the office either). I guess you can't hide, Leo! Use the potent full moon energy to face these issues head-on. You hate hiding anyway—you're the exhibitionist of the zodiac.

You'll start having more fun when Mercury and the Sun enter Sagittarius later this month! Mercury enters Sag on November 12, followed by the Sun on November 21. Sagittarius is a free spirited, open-minded, up-for-anything Fire sign (like you, Leo!), and you'll enjoy a huge burst in creative inspiration during this time, as well as in your romantic life. A new moon in Sagittarius arrives on November 29, which will also bring you a fresh start around your creative projects and your love life. Plenty of party invitations will be coming your way. Finally, something to focus on other than home or work!

One of the most intense days this month is November 24, when Jupiter in Libra squares (a stressful astrological aspect) Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter is the planet of good luck and growth—but it also exaggerates and blows things out of proportion. Do you know who loves blowing things out of proportion? Pluto is the lord of the underworld, the planet of obsession, manipulation, and all-around shadiness. Pluto loves extremes; Jupiter loves extremes. This is going to be nuts.


Invaluable information is coming your way. However, you might also need to watch out for liars and scammers.

But the most important question is: What does this mean for you, Leo? This is a huge time for communication. Invaluable information is coming your way. However, you might also need to watch out for liars and scammers—if you're naive, expect Jupiter and Pluto to kick your butt. Watch out to see who contacts you at this time. It could be someone who has an inside scoop or some information that will change your world.

The month wraps up with the Sun challenging Neptune on November 30. This isn't the easy, hazy vibe you started the month with. This time, the energy is foggy and fraught with paranoia. Neptune is the planet of fantasy—but also of delusions! The Sun symbolizes our vitality, so when these two planets clash, we can feel very uneasy about pretty much everything. Reality won't feel so real, you won't know what you can trust, and making decisions won't be easy.

This will be an especially confusing time for you around intimacy: Do they love you, or do they love you not? Did you dream that they said they love you last night, or did they really say it? You could feel insecure that you're not doing enough, Leo; while that might be true, this isn't the right time to figure all that stuff out. Instead, focus on self-care, give yourself a break, and avoid having important conversations. Don't book important meetings today—actually, don't do anything where you need to be confident. I'm not going to sugarcoat this, Leo: You're going to feel like crap. Neptune brings a fog wherever it goes, and how can any Leo be happy if they can't clearly see themselves in the mirror? It's super hard!

Put Neptune's vibe to good use by making art. If you have a spiritual practice, this is a great time to engage with it. Most of all, try to have a sense of humor. The more seriously you take stuff at this time, they more sensitive you will be about it. Instead, call a friend who loves to crack jokes with you. You need to laugh! The Sun in bright and bubbly Sagittarius will come out soon to entertain and delight you, so don't worry, Leo. See you in December!