Libra, February 2017


This story is over 5 years old.


Libra, February 2017

Whatever happens this month is meant to be, Libra—and what happens will most likely involve a lot of drama and theatrics.

Your ruling planet, Venus, enters Aries, the sign opposite you on the zodiac wheel, on February 3. Exciting! Venus is the planet of love, money, style, and beauty, and it also rules concepts like worth and justice. Lovely Venus is a little awkward in Fire sign Aries, which is the impulsive baby ram of the zodiac; however, this transit will still bode well for your relationships (both your romantic relationships and the nonromantic ones, too).


Venus in Aries will illuminate the partnership sector of your chart, creating a fresh, fun, and open atmosphere in your love life and friendships. Even your frenemies and people who are jealous of you will chill out a bit—or they'll become even more envious, and you'll watch them implode. You're just bitchy enough to enjoy this.

Pay close attention to what goes down around love and money—and all those other wonderful Venusian themes—this month. Venus will go retrograde from March 4 to April 15, and everything related to Venus will intensify and be up for review during this time. Venus retrogrades are intense for everyone, but especially for you, Libra, since Venus is your ruling planet. You'll be reconsidering what you want from your relationships, and a new journey will begin. Retrogrades can feel like a drag, but they can bring important, healthy and happy changes. We'll talk more about this in March's horoscope.

Communication planet Mercury enters fellow Air sign Aquarius on February 7, activating the sector of your chart that rules fun, creativity, and romance. Expect to receive more invitations to parties and more love notes, as well as a boost in mental acuity, which will help you focus on your artistic and creative pursuits.

Expect to receive more invitations to parties and more love notes, as well as a boost in mental acuity.

Does all this sound totally wonderful? Don't get too comfortable, Libra—there will be two eclipses this month, both of which will turn your world upside down. The first eclipse of the year arrives on February 10: a lunar eclipse is Leo, the sign of the drama queen. The second is on February 26, in Pisces, the most emo of all signs. So, basically, the vibe will be theatrical as hell this month, with lots of tears, tantrums, changes, and breakthroughs.


The lunar eclipse in Leo on February 10 will activate the friendship sector of your chart, revealing previously hidden dynamics or information about your friend group that you didn't see before. Secrets or information about a society, group, or organization you're a part of could also be revealed. Eclipses show us things in a new light—which usually means secrets will be revealed. Reconsider with whom you're sharing gossip or personal information. Not only will you learn who your real friends are, but you're also likely to face a climax around an issue you've been dealing with in your love life. A creative project you've been pouring your heart and soul into will also reach an important culmination.

Luckily, some supportive vibes will be in the air, thanks to Mercury making a harmonious connection with Venus on the same day as the eclipse. Even though all this heavy stuff will be going down in your social life, the atmosphere will still be communicative, and people will be getting along and helpful.

Basically, the vibe will be theatrical as hell this month, with lots of tears, tantrums, changes, and breakthroughs.

The Sun enters Pisces on February 18, soon followed by Mercury on February 25, and the solar eclipse in Pisces arrives on February 26. This will be an even crazier eclipse than usual, thanks to Mars and Uranus meeting on the same day!

All of this action in Pisces means that plenty of focus (and changes) will come to your everyday life. If things aren't working in your day job, the solar eclipse in Pisces will definitely create change. Are you happy with your schedule? Are you given too much to do with not enough pay? Or, conversely, are you completely slacking off? All of this will be called into question, and a major transformation will take place. If you're not having trouble at work, the change may affect your daily routine or health habits. But whatever the case, this definitely isn't an awesome time get wasted—the hangover will be brutal, and it could bring consequences beyond the usual morning headache.


Eclipses are emotional and draining, so don't pack your schedule with activities this month, Libra. You will want a lot of wiggle room for rescheduling plans and having time to yourself to rest and recuperate.

This definitely isn't an awesome time get wasted—the hangover will be brutal, and it could bring consequences beyond the usual morning headache.

In addition to eclipses being times that secrets are revealed, they also bring endings and place us on new paths—and this can happen suddenly or uncomfortably. However, eclipses have a fated vibe to them, so if you believe in destiny, Libra, you can comfort yourself by thinking that everything that's happening this month is happening for a reason.

To make things even more complicated, things will unexpectedly heat up (or explode) in your relationships during this eclipse, thanks to warrior Mars meeting electric Uranus on the same date. Watch out for impulsive behavior and confrontations. Both Mars and Uranus are energies that are all about independence and freedom, and neither enjoys being tied down. Use the vibe positively by applauding people's unique features and encouraging them to go off and do their own thing.

The energy is going to be moody as hell this month. The Leo eclipse will bring out people's pride, while the Pisces eclipse will make people weepy as hell. The energy could even feel paranoid at times! Eclipses are ultra emotional, and people's fear of being alone will come to the forefront. At the same time, however, everyone will want to feel independent and like they're doing their own thing. That's a lot to juggle. As you can see, February will be nuts. But you'll find a way to make it work! You like a little bit of drama, anyway. See you in March!