Libra, January 2016
Illustration by Shawna X


This story is over 5 years old.


Libra, January 2016

I have no doubt 2016 will be a great year for you Libra— Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, is going to enter your sign this summer, blessing you with boatloads of good fortune.

In our monthly horoscopes, we provide a more in depth look at what's happening in the sky. You can read the rest of our monthly horoscopes here.

Happy New Year, Libra! The Month begins with good vibes coming your way: Mercury enters fellow logical and charming Air sign Aquarius on January 1, activating the part of your chart that rules creativity, fun, and flirtation. But it doesn't stay there for long: There's a Mercury retrograde this month starting on January 5, so Mercury will dip back into Capricorn on January 8, where it will ask you to reevaluate some issues around your home and family. The universe wants you to heal your domestic issues before you focus on writing your book or going on dates. Don't worry—you can get back to having fun on February 14, but until then, you'll have to work things out with your roomie, your momma, or your landlord.


Like many concepts in astrology, Mercury retrograde and Capricorn are often misunderstood. Capricorn is an Earth sign, and it's often thought of as boring and dry since it's associated with hard work and maturity. But the truth is that Capricorn is lusty, devilish, and fun in addition to being hardworking. Capricorn is also all about structure and commitment— themes you, Libra, can totally get down with. Capricorn's also related to themes around family and history, and since the Mercury retrograde will be highlighting the part of your chart that rules these issues, use the retrograde vibe to get in touch with your past. Reconnect with old family members and learn more about your heritage.

Mercury goes retrograde on January 5— take extra time for your commute and triple check who you're sending that text to.

Mercury retrograde is famous for being a horrible time to sign contracts, travel, or do anything relating to communication or technology. While this is true, plenty of wonderful things can also happen during the retrograde and there's not reason to get all twisted up and worried about it. Just take extra time for your commute, triple check who you're sending that text to, and work on projects that you may have put on the back burner instead of focusing on new ones.

Financial issues are also on your mind, with the planet of war, Mars, entering passionate Water sign Scorpio on January 3, where it will highlight the part of your chart that rules your cash and valuables. You'll also find yourself reconsidering your talents: Perhaps there's something awesome you can do that you haven't even realized is profitable? Or maybe you've been doing something at work that you think you should be getting paid extra for? If so, Mars in Scorpio is a fab time to ask for more. Scorpio is an intense and sensitive energy, but the scorpion does come equipped with its own stinger, so warrior Mars loves to be in this sign: You'll be able to get a lot accomplished on the financial front over the next few weeks.


January 5 is one of the tougher days this month, Libra. Watch out for arguments due to communicator Mercury squaring Mars, a planet that loves to fight. It's said that Libra's hate confrontation, but that's not because y'all are cowardly, it's because you can get incredibly real when pushed and most people just can't handle it. You are an Air sign, and Air signs are fantastic with words— not just when it comes to poetry but also when it comes to dissing someone or cutting them down. Tempers will be high today, and people will also be feeling super sensitive due to Venus square hazy Neptune, so be careful what you say— it could hurt someone way more than you expect!

You're not super domestic, Libra, but much of this month has to deal with you reevaluating themes around home, safety, security, and family. You'll definitely notice this when the Sun meets with power planet Pluto on January 5. On this day, despite the bitchiness, bickering, and confusion, you'll find you feel super powerful and energized by your home base. A new beginning around your home is also right around the corner— the New Moon in Capricorn on January 9 will start a new journey for you around these themes.

January 5 is one of the tougher days this month, Libra. Watch out for arguments.

Your ruling planet, lovely Venus, meets with the planet of structure and stability, Saturn, on January 8 in philosophical Fire sign Sagittarius, which will bring you some interesting conversations about commitment. Venus is a super affectionate energy, but Saturn is much cooler and detached— expect the conversation to be very clear and logical, not mushy or sentimental. Sometimes it's hard to communicate clearly about an emotional situation or about something you really, really desire (especially during Mercury retrograde), but under this influence, you'll be one cool cat.


Your ruling planet gets more action this month: Venus trines Uranus in Fire sign Aries on January 12. Trines are one of the easiest aspects in astrology to work with. Uranus is the planet of surprise, so be on the watch for some unexpected good vibes in your relationships, romantic and nonromantic, on this day. A sensitive issue will also get some love when the Sun and Jupiter (the planet of good luck) trine on January 13— this also happens to be a great day to sleep in and relax. Perhaps go to a spa or spend the day in bed reading— whenever rejuvenates you, Libra!

The next day, January 14, brings positive communications your way when the Sun meets with Mercury, granting you confidence around any important talks you need to have. Mercury also trines Jupiter on this day— your psychic abilities will be super expanded, which is good, because some people will be prone to exaggeration today, and you'll be able to sniff out any half-truths very easily.

One of the laziest days this month is January 18. Sometimes being too indulgent can feel stressful, Libra, so watch out for this day. Venus, your ruling planet, will square the planet of abundance and overdoing, Jupiter, so limit consumption today! Mars trines Neptune on this day, which is a super go with the flow, relaxed kind of vibe— this is cool, but don't expect anyone, especially not yourself, to remind you not to spend all your money, eat all your donuts, or overindulge in whatever your go-to feel-good activity is.


The Sun enters fellow Air sign Aquarius on January 20, bringing a flirty vibe to your life for the next month or so.

The Sun enters fellow Air sign Aquarius on January 20, bringing a flirty vibe to your life for the next month or so. But, Libra, you're still working on some issues concerning your home, so don't forget all about your responsibilities. The super powerful days this month for transforming your domestic situation are January 22 and 30, when the planet of the mind, Mercury, meets with the planet of change, Pluto. The good vibes around home and family continue to roll in when your ruling planet, Venus, enters Capricorn, bringing harmony and beauty to all the things you're working on at home.

There's a full moon in Leo on January 23, which will give you a chance to take a break from all these personal and private family issues and to connect with your friends. Some information could also come to light around a wish you have for the future or even concerning a community you want to join.

The month wraps up on a lovely, dreamy note with your ruling planet Venus sextile whimsical Neptune on January 30, injecting some fantasy in your daily life— perhaps a bouquet will arrive at work? Or you'll find a love note in your car? The vibe is also super imaginative today, so if you have a creative project that's been waiting for your attention, this is a great day to work on it.

I have no doubt 2016 will be a great year for you Libra— Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, is going to enter your sign this summer, blessing you with boatloads of good fortune, and Mars will go retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio, prompting you to rethink issues around communication and cash. You can't work on any of that stuff though without having a solid home base, and that's what you'll be building this month!