Monthly Horoscope: Virgo, July 2018


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Monthly Horoscope: Virgo, July 2018

Your ruling planet will retrograde this month—are you ready?
illustrated by Nicole Ginelli

Welcome to Cancer season, Virgo! You’re in a social mood for the first part of the month; however, July is going to be intense as hell thanks to two eclipses, plus your ruling planet Mercury will retrograde this month. Leo season will also find you needing to catch up on rest and alone time—you know, embracing your tarot card, The Hermit!

July 5 will be social thanks to the Sun connecting with lucky planet Jupiter, making this a fantastic day for networking, but things are complicated. Typically, this would be a great day for communication, but also on this day, your ruling planet Mercury will oppose retrograde, which means people are feeling extra irritable.


When chatty Mercury challenges Mars, an argumentative energy is in the air, and trust: This argument won’t go anywhere due to Mars’ retrograde. But you can take advantage of this lucky day to meet people… perhaps the tension between Mercury and Mars will manifest as people bonding over how much they hate something! Just be mindful of arguments, since they won’t lead anywhere productive.

Easier energy flows around communication when the Sun connects with dreamy Neptune on July 8. Despite all of this, you’ll still have to watch out for exaggerations—Neptune is the planet of fantasy, which means it is no stranger to making things up, plus, Mercury will clash with planet of exaggeration, Jupiter the next day, July 9. While this may make for an exciting energy, people are full of shit. Fortunately, on July 9, sweet planet Venus enters your sign, finding you feeling sexy and seductive! You’re in a charming and flirtatious mood, and people are finally on your level, understanding why you’re so picky about lovers, fashion, and spending—Venus in Virgo has standards!

Jupiter ends its retrograde on July 10, activating the communication sector of your chart. Jupiter, the planet of growth, is currently in Scorpio, encouraging us all to look beneath the surface—Scorpio is a deep and emotional sign! For you, Virgo, this means understanding communication as more than a device to get you from A to B, but also a vehicle for emotional connection and personal growth.


Sweet Venus makes a harmonious connection with electric Uranus on July 11—and while this is my favorite planetary combination for buying sex toys (Uranus rules electronics and Venus loves to feel good)—this will also be a fantastic time for you to try new things. An adventurous energy is in the air, and the same old just won’t do.

"For you, Virgo, this means understanding communication as more than a device to get you from A to B, but also a vehicle for emotional connection and personal growth."

There are other days this month to circle in your calendar for Venus’s influence: On July 14, it will connect with Saturn, helping you hammer out agreements and contracts, and on July 25, it will oppose Neptune. As Venus and Neptune oppose, people crave love and reach out for affection—they're also swimming against a strong current of fear, helplessness, and insecurity, seeking any way to escape including sex or drugs. Of course, there are healthier routes: meditation, spiritual practices, and connecting deeply with the body through movement like dance. Consciously bring these higher forms of Neptune into your relationships, Virgo! Confusion and insecurity are felt in your relationships at this time; however, the fog of Neptune’s influence will pass, and the best you can do right now is to be present in whatever difficult emotions come up and not get swept away by paranoia.

The solar eclipse in Cancer arrives on July 12, which is going to be major for your social life—drama in your friend group arrives! However, you'll also be forging new connections and opening new doors. The thing about eclipses is that they are tiring and emotional as hell, so whether the drama is good or bad, we'll all feel wiped. The groups you associate with will be a major theme for you during this time, and as the Sun and power planet Pluto oppose each other, you'll sort out your values and find that you need to end some relationships that involved manipulation or shady behavior. If you find that someone is trying to drag you into drama, this is the eclipse to cut them out of your life, Virgo!

Spending time alone isn’t a bad idea as Leo season kicks off on July 22, when the Sun illuminates a very private sector of your chart. This is a great moment to connect with a counselor you can share all your deepest secrets with—it’s time to purge the past. And to get more rest! As Leo season begins, a gentle vibe lingers in the atmosphere and helps you with communication, thanks to Venus making a harmonious connection with lucky Jupiter.

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Speaking of communication, messenger planet Mercury begins its retrograde on July 25 if you’re on the west coast, and July 26 if you’re on the east. Avoid signing contracts, traveling, or buying expensive or electronic equipment, due to the increased likelihood of miscommunications, delays, and technical difficulties. Pay close attention to the messages that arrive in your dreams. Most importantly, Virgo, give your mind a break! Secrets from your past may reemerge, so again, invest in that counselor you can share deep stuff with.

July 27 brings another intense eclipse, this time in Aquarius. The Sun will oppose retrograde Mars, so we are again finding that we need to cut people out of our lives. For you, Virgo, it's someone you've been deeply emotionally and even financially entangled with—but you must cut the cord for it's been going on too long! This is an especially emotionally draining eclipse for you, so make extra time to nourish yourself. Endings are taking place, but remember, every ending also brings a new beginning. Venus and Pluto make a harmonious connection in the sky during this time, so while you might feel like you're losing some deep connections, the universe is presenting opportunities for you to forge new intimate relationships, and not just on a deep and profound level—in fact, Venus and Pluto getting along is kinky as heck, so enjoy the sexy energy! Even if you’re not dating, this bodes well for creative inspiration. Don’t be afraid of the unknown during this eclipse, Virgo—embrace it and see where the universe leads you. Good luck this month, and see you in August!