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'My Message to Trump: Look After Human Beings'

This interview is part of Broadly's Voices Against the Ban series. You can read more of these voices here.
Photo by Alice Zoo

This interview is part of Broadly's Voices Against the Ban series. You can read more of these voices here.

Broadly: Why do you oppose Trump's immigration restrictions?

Tahir, 52, Kashmir, Pakistan/London: One thing I feel very, very badly which is I came over here and see other humans [treated] like this. [People of all] religions, they come. It's not a religious matter. It's a matter of human rights.


I want this message to go to every single Muslim. They should feel it in their hearts. They [should] feel very, very seriously about this thing. This is not a joke. This is an attack on human rights. I've lived in the UK more than 35 years. I've never ever seen something happen like this. In the UK, I've lived a good life. I have no problems, but this is a very serious thing, which everyone can see, and we're doing our part. All Muslims should feel this very, very bad pain in their own hearts. They should feel.

This is for every single human being who has right to come over here. Live free, live… That's the message. Every single human being must in any place in the UK or abroad protest…

If you could say one thing to Donald Trump what would you say?

My message to Trump, don't do this thing. Look after human beings, human rights. God gave you a chance: serve human beings nicely. [I hope] they bless you like Obama, other presidents, UK presidents who have done a good job. In the UK, they look after all human rights. They give food; they give everything. I [have lived] in this country for 35 years, and I have no problem. I have a good life. My children have a good life. That's the message to Trump.

This interview has been edited and condensed.