Monthly Horoscope: Sagittarius, October 2018
Illustration by Nicole Ginelli


This story is over 5 years old.


Monthly Horoscope: Sagittarius, October 2018

How will you do during Venus retrograde?

Welcome to Libra season, Sagittarius! You’re one of the busiest people you know, and the sun in Libra is going to find you even busier with so many social invitations coming your way—but it’s important that you make time to slow down. Venus retrograde begins in Scorpio this month on October 5 until November 15, reconfiguring quite a few things for you, and it’s very important that you value rest and relaxation during this transformative period—a lot of internal work is taking place! Venus retrograde entered its shadow period on September 3, so think back on the last month—issues that came up, especially concerning love, money, beauty, self-worth, and value, will be revisited.


Like Mercury retrograde, you would be wise to watch out for running into people from your past…and because Venus will be slinking backward through mysterious Scorpio, it could be people you had secret affairs with who step out from the shadows to say hello. Venus, like I mentioned, is all about love, money, and beauty…things we normally like to show off, right? Well, maybe not. While we often do want to share news about our relationships and our successes, or Instagram our cutest outfits and amazing home redesigns, there are plenty of situations we just want to keep to ourselves. What do you want to keep to yourself, Sag?

A new moon in Libra arrives on October 8, finding you connecting with some new visions you have for your own future, and that of the world. This is a fantastic time to plant seeds around community building or activism you’re inspired to take part in. A fresh start in your social life arrives, too. It’s important that you trust your intuition—you feel in the dark about a lot of what’s taking place, but dear centaur, you know that your inner light burns brightly and that your gut never leads you astray! Your intuitive abilities are especially heightened as communication planet Mercury enters psychic Scorpio on October 9, the day after the new moon in Libra—the sign of balance and partnership.

Surprising news arrives on October 10, when Mercury opposes wild card Uranus, likely concerning your day job, your schedule, or your daily routine in some way. Also on this day, Venus retrograde will square off with passion planet Mars, bringing exciting news—but, it may not be totally new to you. Remember, Venus was in its shadow period last month, so much of what happens this October isn’t new territory—think back to September 8!


The sun enters Scorpio and opposes Uranus on October 23, and you’re craving privacy and down time, but unexpected scheduling shifts will find it hard for you to hide from your duties. Creating a better balance between your work and personal life is certainly something for you to work out this Scorpio season, especially during the full moon in Taurus, which arrives on October 24. You’re not someone who is resistant to change, Sagittarius, but you can be surprisingly stubborn when it comes to your work and schedule. It’s time for some flexibility! Thankfully, though, a task that’s been on your to-do list may finally get checked off during this full moon.

Scorpio season is all about transformation. Letting go of the past can be scary, but as you know in your heart, not moving forward is even scarier. The sun meets Venus on October 26, during which time you will realize what changes are truly important to you. You may feel confused about things that are taking place, but again, you have your intuition—so use it! Have you ever said something like, if only I knew how they felt about me, I would know what to do? That’s not the way to go about things, Sag! You don’t need to know how someone else feels, or what someone else wants, in order to know what you want and how you feel. That’s part of the lesson this Venus retrograde in Scorpio will teach you, and that the sun will illuminate as it moves through Scorpio.

Mercury meets your ruling planet Jupiter on October 29, opening up your intuitive abilities in a big way. This is a splendid time for dream work…and for sharing secrets! The mood shifts as communication planet Mercury enters your sign, Sagittarius, on October 31, finding you being your usual loud mouth self! You’re still in a private mood, but much more eager to get things off your chest. A conversation that’s been brewing may finally come up.

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Halloween brings plenty of surprises, thanks to Venus’s opposition to Uranus. You might find that the people you thought you wanted to spend time with are actually not who you want to be with at all! Or, you might realize that you’re having so much more fun than you expected. Money issues are likely to pop up unexpectedly as well, so don’t spend too much on your costume—we both know you already have plenty of weird shit you can wear in your closet anyway! Unexpected shifts in your plans could come up, too. Whatever happens, embrace change, because whenever wild card Uranus is activated, surprises are guaranteed!

Also on Halloween, Venus reenters Libra during its retrograde journey—the end of the month brings a massive change in atmosphere. Gone is the spooky sense of Venus in Scorpio’s spying eyes; instead, lovely Libra’s charming energy has taken over—renegotiations are taking place, compromises revisited. Old friends enter the scene. When you have your heart set on something, dear centaur, you point your bow and arrow toward it and shoot—but do you really know what you want right now? Venus retrograde will show you…just be patient, watch, and learn! See you in November, and good luck this month!